
kě xī le
  • 熟语it's a pity
  1. 如果我们不能在这点上达成一致,那太可惜了。

    It 's a pity if we can 't reach an agreement on that .

  2. 你要是把它丢了就太可惜了。

    It would be a shame if you lost it .

  3. 你要是现在放弃,那就太可惜了。

    It would be a great pity if you gave up now .

  4. 快点儿!要是错过这出戏的开场就太可惜了。

    Hurry up ! It would be a shame to miss the beginning of the play .

  5. 让这一切白白浪费掉,真是可惜了。

    It seemed a pity to let it all go to waste .

  6. 他把聪明都用在了犯罪上,太可惜了。

    Too bad he used his intelligence for criminal purposes .

  7. “我从没去过巴黎。”——“可惜了,你什么时候应该去一次。”

    ' I 've never been to Paris . ' — ' That 's a pity . You should go one day . '

  8. 这样珍贵的资料竟被废置,真是太可惜了。

    It 's a great pity such precious documents should be cast aside as useless .

  9. 这样浪费太可惜了。

    It is a shame to be so wasteful .

  10. 庄子听了,十分惋惜地说:“您这样轻易地把这么好的葫芦打碎了,实在是太可惜了。”

    When Zhuang Zi heard this , he felt very sorry and said : " It 's really a pity that you smashed such a good gourd so rashly . "

  11. 对Chris来说那太可惜了

    Well , that 's too bad for Chris .

  12. 他没法再玩“Asteroids小行星”真是可惜了

    Too bad he won 't be playing Asteroids .

  13. 太可惜了,因为我也住在船夫。

    That 's too bad because I 'm at the boatman .

  14. 要是赶不上看这部电影的正片就太可惜了。

    It would be a pity to miss the main film .

  15. 如果把这些树砍掉,那太可惜了。

    It would be a pity to cut down these trees .

  16. 我认为那样浪费时间真是太可惜了。

    I think it a pity to waste time like that .

  17. 太可惜了,我们那天也有个聚会。

    What a pity ! We have another party that day .

  18. 没有找到她的车子真是太可惜了。

    It 's too bad we don 't have her truck .

  19. 浪费又太可惜了

    Seemed like it 'd be a shame to waste it .

  20. 不想可惜了那两张票

    I didn 't want the tickets to go to waste .

  21. 太可惜了!我本来计划要送她花束。

    What a shame ! I was planning to send a bouquet .

  22. 我们不能去参观罗浮宫真是太可惜了。

    It was a great pity we couldn 't visit the louvre .

  23. 丹尼尔:太可惜了,但还是谢谢您。

    Daniel : That 's a shame , thanks anyway .

  24. 我再也看不到你太可惜了。

    Too bad I 'll never get to see it .

  25. 他觉得失去这个大好机会太可惜了。

    He felt that this was too good a chance to miss .

  26. 把这食物全都浪费掉,真是太可惜了。

    To waste all this food is a great shame .

  27. 这雪太可惜了,不是吗?

    It 's too bad about the snow , isn 't it ?

  28. 不过要是有什么不测就太可惜了。

    It would be a shame if anything bad happened to him .

  29. 如果丢了太可惜了。

    It would be too bad if it were lost .

  30. 你的才华得不到发挥的机会实在是太可惜了。

    It would be a pity not to let your mind flower .