
  • 【数】reliable digit
  1. 这家公司致力于为美国银行(BankofAmerica)、康卡斯特(Comcast)等客户搜索和处理海量数据,提供宝贵洞见和可靠数字。

    The company searches and processes large amounts of data for clients like Bank of America and Comcast , providing them with valuable insights and hard numbers .

  2. 但身份管理还需要解决提高单点登录安全性,实施多方可靠数字身份以及本身复杂性等问题。

    There are still some problems of ID management to be improved , such as security of single-sign-on , reliable digital identity etc.

  3. 提出了采用卷积码方法设计单输出高可靠数字系统的一般方法。以(3,1,3)卷积码为例设计了一个标准伪码发生器,并对该系统的可靠性进行了理论分析及计算机模拟。

    In this paper , the essential problem with the standard PRBS generator is touched on and the convolutional code ( n , 1 , m ) is introduced into the design of ultrareliable digital system 's design .

  4. 同时系统的数字识别算法具有很好的鲁棒性,对于受噪声和随机污点以及相机显微镜头产生的数字字符变形等干扰,都能够提取可靠数字特征信息进行精确的识别。

    The recognition algorithm of system has good robustness , and can extract reliable figure features information to realize accuracy recognition , even with the interference of random noise , as well as the deformation generated by the camera lens of the microscope .

  5. 通过DSP实现了比以往的模拟控制器更加灵活、可靠的数字控制算法。

    The control method is realized by DSP , so it is more flexible and credible than former controller .

  6. 撰写了调查统计分析报告,为卫生管理部门进行科学决策提供了可靠的数字依据。

    The statistical analysis report provides reliable data basis to health administration departments for decision-making .

  7. 可靠的数字很难搞到。

    Reliable numbers are hard to get .

  8. 研究人员取了两组样本的平均数,以得到一个更可靠的数字,从而把年龄和季节因素考虑进去。

    The researchers averaged the two samples to get a more reliable figure to take into account age and season .

  9. 该装置是建立在新开发的加热半导体气体传感器和微处理器控制提供可靠的数字信号处理。

    The unit is built in newly developed heated semi-conductor gas sensor and microprocessor control to provide reliable digital signal processing .

  10. 区域链是比特币的电脑程序,它可以自动处理交易并且创立一份完善可靠的数字记录。

    Blockchain , Bitcoin 's computer program , is able to automatically process transactions and create a perfect , reliable digital record .

  11. 也就是说,数字信息源的结果并非始终可靠,数字信息在审查过程中是有限的。

    That said , the results of information derived from digital sources arent always reliable . Their information is limited by the review process .

  12. 在介绍软并网控制系统的基础上,针对失速型风电机组的特点提出了一种简单、可靠的数字触发新算法&双余算法。

    Aiming at the defects of the traditional circuit the method for the digital phase-shifted trigger in three-phase circuit is proposed on the basis of CPLD .

  13. 我手上没有全球鼹鼠数量(或者小型哺乳生物的总体生物质量)的可靠的数字,但我们不妨认为小鼠、大鼠、田鼠以及其他小型哺乳动物的数量约为世界总人口的几十倍

    I don 't have any reliable numbers for global mole population ( or small mammal biomass in general ) , but we 'll take a shot in the dark and estimate that there are at least a few dozen mice , rats , voles , and other small mammals for every human .

  14. 关于阵亡人数没有可靠的统计数字。

    There are no reliable statistics for the number of deaths in the battle .

  15. 应用AppleⅡ微型计算机,采用多磁盘连续读写技术,完成了数百万个数据的存贮处理,为交通调查工作的研究、分析与决策提供了可靠的原始数字依据。

    Several millions of data have been stored and processed by using continuous read / write techniques with multi-diskettes in Apple ⅱ microcomputer .

  16. 以简单、可靠的TTL数字逻辑电路实现了汽车底盘测功机系统和尾气采集系统的联机控制。

    The joint control of auto chassis dynamometer system and CFVCVS is accomplished by means of simple and reliable TTL digital logic circuit in the exhaust gas evaluation test .

  17. 利用机载激光雷达测量系统可以直接、高效、全天候的获取高精度地面高程信息,所以机载激光雷达测量正成为一种最有效和最可靠的获取数字高程模型(DEM)的方法。

    Airborne LiDAR is becoming one of the most effective and reliable means for the digital elevation model ( DEM ) generation , because it can get the terrain elevation information directly , effectively and all-daytime with more precision .

  18. 本文利用DSP的中断控制,在单片DSP内发送基带数字信号同时处理来自数字下变频器的基带数字信号,实现了稳定、可靠的全数字中频与基带传输系统。

    The single DSP can transmit baseband signal to digital up converter and receive baseband sample signal from digital down converter through the control of interrupt signal at the same time . The stability and reliability of complete digital transmission system can be realized by this way .

  19. 一种高速可靠的彩票数字识别系统

    A Quick and Reliable Digital Recognition System of Lottery Tickets

  20. 为了保障话音和数据的可靠传输,数字集群系统采用的信道编码方案为CRC+RCPC+交织。

    To ensure the reliable transmission of voice and data , the channel encoding method which the digital trunking communication system uses is CRC ( circle redundant code ) RCPC ( rate-compatible punctured convolution code ) interleave .

  21. 当前,数字控制技术在电力电子设备中得到了广泛的应用,如何根据设备需要设计可靠实用的数字控制是整个电力电子设备设计工作的核心环节之一。

    Nowadays digital control technology has been widely used in power electronic devices , so how to design reliable and practical digital contol system according to the requiements of devices becomes very important throughout the design of power electronic equipements .

  22. 本文中,我们设计了一套数显电子绝对气压计,其分辨率高,测压准确可靠,具有数字显示,模拟电压量输出功能,能为自动检测控制系统提供绝对气压电压信号。

    In this paper , we design a set of electric absolute pressure meter with digital display , which is high in measuring pressure . And it has functions of digital display and analog voltage output , and can provide absolut pressure voltage signals for automatic check and control system .

  23. 它通过建立数字信号处理系统的抽象算法,将抽象算法转化成可靠的硬件实现数字信号处理高层系统设计与XILINXFPGA实现的桥梁。

    Through establishing an abstract algorithm of digital signal processing systems , it achieves a " bridge " between digital signal processing systems designer and Xilinx FPGA by changing the abstract algorithm into reliable high-level hardware implementation .

  24. 该数字图书馆信息综合管理系统能够实现特色资源建设、资源整合、知识服务等关键性数字图书馆应用需求,并可对未来的创新发展提供可靠保障,实现数字图书馆应用从信息服务到知识服务的升级。

    The Information Integrated Management System on Digital library can build characteristic resource , provide resource conformity and knowledge service which are key applications of digital library . It provides assuring guarantee for culture developing .