
  • 网络vbr;variable bit rate;Variable bitrate
  1. 存储应用中AVS编码的可变码率控制

    Variable Bit Rate Control for AVS Coding on Storage Application

  2. 另一种编码技术,可变码率(VariableBitRate,VBR)编码,可以维持编码质量的稳定,可获得稳定的视频图像质量。

    Variable bit rate ( VBR ) coding technique is another encoding strategies . The goal of VBR is to let the quality of encoded video always keep similar .

  3. MPEG-2可变码率编码复用码率控制算法研究

    Research of Algorithm of Rate-Control for MPEG-2 Multiplexing VBR

  4. 提出一种用于可变码率音频编码的正弦+噪声(SN)模型。

    This paper presents a signal model for scalable perceptual audio coding consisting of Sines + Noise ( SN ) representations .

  5. 提出了基于Turbo码的分布式视频编码系统,重新定义了RateCompatiblePuncturedTurbocodes(简称RCPT)打孔算法,实现了自适应可变码率,更好的与视频帧间冗余度吻合。

    Propose a DVC scheme based on Turbo codes , and reconstruct puncturing pattern to get Rate Compatible Punctured Turbo codes ( RCPT ), such pattern makes the code rate match inter-frame redundancy better .

  6. 在这个系统级别视频转码方案中,最核心的内容是将固定码率(CBR)的视频码流转码成为可变码率(VBR)的视频码流,为此,我们提出了两种不同的方法。

    The key point for this system level transcoding scheme is transcoding constant-bit-rate ( CBR ) video bitstream to variable-bit-rate ( VBR ) video bitstream . Two different solutions are addressed .

  7. 为提高实时视频编码的图像质量,提出了一种低复杂度单通道视频编码的可变码率(VBR)控制算法。

    To improve the image quality of real time video encoder , a low complexity variant bit rate ( VBR ) control algorithm for single-pass video encoding was proposed .

  8. 该算法增强了纠错能力,提高了译码精度,加强了通信系统的可靠性和有效性,尤其对DVB中可变码率的删除卷积码的译码具有很好的实用性。

    This algorithm provides strong error correction ability and good practicability especially to the Rate Compatible Punctured Convolutional ( RCPC ) codes in Digital Video Broadcasting , and it can improve the precision of decoding and increase the reliability and validity of communication system .

  9. 单通道视频编码的可变码率控制方法

    Variant bit rate control algorithm for single - pass video encoding

  10. 一种可变码率视频流实时查询方案的实现

    An Implementation of Variable Bit-Rate Video Stream Real-Time Querying Scheme

  11. 可变码率视频编码的缓存控制策略

    Buffer Control Algorithm for Variable Bit Rate Video Coding

  12. 该维特比译码器具有通用性和高速性,它支持可变码率、可变帧长的译码。

    This decoder can decode data with varible code rate and frame length .

  13. 实现一个支持可变码率视频的缓冲区,分析了其内部实现机制。

    A video buffer was implemented which supports variable bit-rate video , the inner mechanism was analyzed .

  14. 然而,在许多网络视频通信中,这些数据需要通过恒定码率的网络通道进行传输,以防止可变码率传输造成网络带宽的波动。

    Unfortunately , in video communications , these compressed data are most likely to be delivered using constant-bit-rate ( CBR ) channels so as to avoid the network fluctuation .

  15. 第一提出了单用户MIMO-OFDM系统可变误码率条件下的资源分配算法。

    The main work of this paper is as follows : First , a novel power allocation algorithm for MIMO-OFDM system with variable BER is proposed .