
  • 网络Poor Things
  1. 但是这个可怜的东西并没有吃出毛病来。

    And yet this wretched dog is none the worse .

  2. 让自己直立,人是多么可怜的东西!

    Erect himself , how poor a thing is man !

  3. 你叫这可怜的东西猪吗?

    You call that miserable thing a pig ?

  4. 看那条狗&可怜的东西只有3条腿。

    Look at that dog & the poor thing has only got three legs .

  5. 看那条狗,那可怜的东西真是皮包骨头了。

    Look at that dog ; the poor thing is only a bag of bones .

  6. 我把她带大的,可怜的东西!

    I nursed her , poor thing !

  7. 我们人类真是可怜的东西。

    We men are wretched things .

  8. 这可怜的东西身在何处。

    Where this poor creature is .

  9. 一旦发现一只半死的新生羊羔,他就把那可怜的东西带到屋里。

    Whenever he discovered a half-dead new lamb , he brought the creature into the hut .

  10. 她像一根芦苇似地哆嗦着,可怜的东西,完全惊慌失措地靠在桌边。

    She trembled like a reed , poor thing , and leant against the table perfectly bewildered .

  11. 对于我,要是没有朋友,我现在会变成怎样可怜的东西,我自己也不知道。

    Without friends , I would have been reduced to I don 't know what a miserable creature .

  12. 这可怜的东西马上发现了她的损失,就尖声大叫:啊,他死啦,希刺克厉夫!

    The poor thing discovered her loss directly she screamed out ` Oh , he 's dead , Heathcliff !

  13. 一名学徒说,可怜的东西。另一个人感慨道,太残忍了,一边捂着嘴傻笑。

    ' Poor thing , 'a student says . 'So cruel , 'laments another , covering her mouth and giggling .

  14. 但丁:啊,可怜的东西。难道你的母亲没有教会你怎么使用门吗?

    Dante : Aww , you poor thing . Didn 't your mother ever teach you how to use a door ?

  15. 可怜的东西!老看护说着,急忙将一个绿色的小玻璃瓶揣回长裙子的兜里。

    ' Poor dear !' said the nurse , hurriedly putting a green glass bottle back in the pocket of her long skirt .

  16. 从一清早起,她就忙着吩咐她自己的琐细事情;现在又穿上她新的黑衣服&可怜的东西!

    Since early morning , she had been busy ordering her own small affairs ; and now , attired in her new black frock & poor thing !

  17. 他把他所有的以及曾经是她的动产全遗赠给他父亲:这可怜的东西是在他舅舅去世,凯瑟琳离开一个星期的那段时期受到威胁,或是诱骗,写成那份遗嘱的。

    He had bequeathed the whole of his , and what had been her , movable property to his father : the poor creature was threatened , or coaxed , into that act during her week 's absence , when his uncle died .

  18. 我从不提我家的银色树,每年我们都得把它拆开安装用完以后再重新装起来,树下只有几件可怜的东西:一些书,袜子或一双我正需要的鞋。

    I didn 't mention our silver tree that we unpacked and repacked every year , or that there were only a couple of items for me under the tree : some books , socks , maybe a pair of shoes that I needed .

  19. 可怜的小东西们我们在下面又累又怕还好Portia把我拉出来了然后

    Poor little things.It took yawn and treats but eventually Portia cokes me out , and then

  20. 咱们得救救那可怜的小东西。

    " We must save that poor creature ," said Maria .

  21. 我看见这株可怜的小东西弯倒在地。

    I found the slender young thing bent to the earth .

  22. 别这么说他,可怜的小东西。

    Don 't say that of him , poor thing .

  23. “可怜的小东西,施了,也死了。”爱伦回答说。

    " Yes , and dead , poor thing ," said Ellen .

  24. 那可怜的小东西就死在我怀里。

    The poor little perisher died in my arms .

  25. 可怜的小东西,你一定饿坏了!

    Poor little thing , you must be starving !

  26. 我仍是一个可怜的小东西,毫无个性。

    I remained a poor thing , and characterless .

  27. 可怜的小东西,官的爪子受伤了。

    Poor thing , it 's hurt its paw .

  28. 这可怜的小东西显得如此惊吓。

    The poor little thing looked so afraid .

  29. 谁来帮一把这可怜的小东西呢?

    Who could help this poor little thing ?

  30. 那个可怜的小东西会遭受怎样的痛苦。

    About how that poor creature would suffer .