
  • 网络Sustainable Marketing
  1. 21世纪新营销观念&可持续营销

    On the new marketing conception of 21 century : sustainable marketing

  2. 可持续营销价格的定价原则及策略

    A Study on the Price Strategy of Sustainable Marketing

  3. 可持续营销价格是企业实施可持续营销的催化剂。

    Sustainable price is the catalyst that the business enterprises implement sustainable marketing .

  4. 绿色营销作为一种完全崭新的可持续发展的营销策略需大力推广。

    The Green Marketing , as a completely new sustainable marketing strategy , should be promoted at our best .

  5. 其次,本文通过市场营销相关理论具体分析GRL国际货运的海外营销战略和营销组合策略,努力为其找到可持续发展的海外营销模式。

    Second , the theory of this paper , a detailed analysis of marketing GRL international freight overseas marketing strategy and marketing mix strategy , strive to find sustainable development of its overseas marketing .

  6. 基于可持续发展的绿色营销绩效评价研究

    The Green Marketing Performance Evaluation Study Based on the Sustainable Development

  7. 山西省钢铁企业的可持续发展与绿色营销

    Sustainable Development and Green Marketing of Steel Enterprises in Shanxi Province

  8. 试论可持续发展与绿色营销

    On Continuable Development and Green Management and Sale

  9. 面对困境我国企业应实施可持续发展的绿色营销模式。

    To solve the problems , we should carry out the green marketing pattern with sustainable development .

  10. 至于是应当将这些领域的课程设计成独立的选修课,还是将可持续课题融入市场营销和金融等核心课程,决定权在各商学院手中。

    Debates about whether they should structure their offerings in these areas as standalone electives or integrate sustainability into core courses such as marketing and finance will be left up to the individual institution .