
  • 网络hotel marketing
  1. 本文的研究对PY酒店营销水平的提高与竞争力的提升具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。

    Based on the study , improve hotel marketing competitiveness of hotel has certain reference value and significance .

  2. 21世纪酒店营销主流&绿色营销

    The 21st Century Hotel Marketing Mainstream & Green Marketing

  3. 第五部分将体验经济和酒店营销相结合,分析了酒店体验营销的涵义及意义,依据4C营销理论和体验营销七要素提出了酒店营销策略。

    It analyses the meaning and significance of hotel experience marketing . According to 4C marketing mix and the seven elements of the experience marketing , it proposes the hotel marketing strategy .

  4. 大庆油田酒店营销策略选择(案例)

    The Marketing Strategic Choice for Daqing Oil Hotel ( Case )

  5. 我们能得出结论:酒店营销是非常重要的。

    We can draw the conclusion : The hotel marketing is count for much .

  6. 论酒店营销中的内部关系营销

    On Inner Relationship Mangement in Hotel

  7. 本文是一篇酒店营销方面的案例与案例分析。

    Focused on Hotel Marketing , this paper includes two parts : case and case study .

  8. 第三,利用对友好酒店营销联盟案例的分析,进一步验证本文的观点。

    After the analysis , it takes the Friendly Hotel Marketing Alliance as the case to prove its viewpoints .

  9. 琼斯小姐,你能告诉我更多关于你的第一份工作,酒店营销理念的事吗?好的,没问题。

    Miss Jones , could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concepts ? Yes , certainly .

  10. 本文从分析酒店营销的基本内容入手,继而对奥运营销的历史、种类及意义做了陈述。

    The article begin from analyses the basis of hotel-marketing , and represents the history , kinds and significance of Olympic-marketing .

  11. 借助网络的信息化平台开展酒店营销,已成为酒店竞争的新内容。

    Developing the hotel marketing by virtue of the internet information platform has already become the new content of the hotel industry 's competition .

  12. 在现实的酒店营销里也要跟据不同的情况用不同的方式去对待,并不是所以的酒店用一种管理方法。

    In reality , the hotel also keep in marketing , according to different situations in different ways to deal with , not so with a hotel management .

  13. 三亚万豪酒店市场营销主管EdmundKo说,“人人”都向往那里。

    ' Everyone'wants to be there , says Edmund Ko , director of marketing for the Sanya Marriott .

  14. 本文根据酒店行业营销的特点,通过对营销理论文献的研究,形成了以服务营销策略的4P组合为体系来设计营销策略的思路。

    Based on the characteristics of the hotel industry marketing , 4P System is utilized to design marketing strategy .

  15. 酒店的营销策略研究是一个长盛不衰的研究命题。

    Marketing Strategies of Hotel is a flourishing research issue .

  16. 独立型酒店的营销之道

    Sales and Marketing Method for Independent Hotel

  17. 论酒店商场营销形象

    On the Marketing Image of Hotel Shops

  18. 为了深入分析酒店内部营销,有必要对其进行系统研究。

    For deep research into the hotel internal marketing , system perspective is in great need .

  19. 本课程将帮助您建立一个理解的原则,旅游和酒店市场营销管理。

    The course will help you to establish an understanding of the principles of tourism and hospitality marketing management .

  20. 第三部分是对万泰酒店的营销管理系统进行具体设计。

    And in the last part , great attention is paid on the design of the hotel marketing management system .

  21. 主要结果如下:第一、网络环境下的酒店关系营销策略选择范畴为沟通策略和关系投资策略。

    The prime results are as follows : Firstly , communication and relationship investment are the classification variable strategies of the relationship marketing .

  22. 随着时代的发展,市场环境的变化以及消费者行为出现分异,不同酒店在营销面临的困境、问题诊断以及策略上既存在共性,也存在差异。

    With development of times , the market environment and customers ' behavior appears differently . The predicament and problems in different hotel marketing exists both commonness and difference .

  23. 在多数情况下,此想法肇始于酒店的营销部门,它们认为相比男性,女性更喜欢不同的装饰风格与设施,但在沙特,女性入住酒店则有更多实实在在的好处。

    In most cases the idea has come from marketing departments who believe women appreciate different decor and amenities than men , but in Saudi Arabia there are more concrete advantages for female guests .

  24. 并通过对BY酒店微博营销的营销案例分析,进一步阐述了酒店如何运用微博进行网络营销的具体操作实例。

    Meanwhile , according to the analysis on the case of micro blog marketing performed by BY Hotel , the paper has further expounded the specific operating instance that hotel performed network marketing through micro blog .

  25. 酒店内部营销系统由四个子系统组成,分别为理念子系统、执行子系统、控制子系统和支持子系统。

    Hotel Internal Marketing System is constructed from the following four aspects : concept , execution , control and support and accordingly consists of four subsystems : concept subsystem , execution subsystem , control subsystem and support subsystem .

  26. 浅谈酒店全员服务营销

    On the Whole Staff Service Marketing of Hotel

  27. 三是对于中低端产品给予了酒店餐饮渠道营销的设计。

    The third , for the low and mid products in hotel or restaurant about the marketing channel design .

  28. 本文通过绿色营销和旅游酒店实施绿色营销必要性的概述,从培养员工树立绿色营销观念;

    In this paper , green marketing and tourism hotels need to implement green marketing overview , from the train staff to establish the concept of green marketing ;

  29. 网络营销也成为酒店集团整合营销资源、进行全面营销管理的重要方式。

    Moreover , companies routinely realize profitable growth by network marketing ; Hotel groups also use it as an important tool to integrate marketing resources , and implement comprehensive marketing management .

  30. 然而,从我国酒店业的网络营销现状来看,还存在许多问题。

    However , with the internet marketing actuality of our country 's hotel industry , there are many problems .