
  • 网络hotel product
  1. 体验经济提升酒店产品价值的探讨

    On Experience Economy 's Promoting of Hotel products ' Value

  2. 主题酒店产品的设计原则

    Design Principles of Theme Hotel Products

  3. 基于WEB的酒店产品质量模糊评估系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Fuzzy Evaluation System of Hotel Product Quality Based on WEB

  4. 论温泉度假酒店产品的设计

    A Study on the Design of Hot Spring Resort Hotel Product

  5. 传统的酒店产品只有住房、餐饮、娱乐这三项功能,还有就是购物。

    Traditional hotel only have housing , catering , entertainment functions .

  6. 连锁经济型酒店产品策略探析

    A study of chain economical hotel product strategy

  7. 推广酒店产品酒店,销售人员可能需要出差去重要的国际市场或城市。

    To sell and promote the property , sales people may need to travel to key market countries or cities .

  8. 由于酒店产品和酒店环境的特殊性,为酒店产品开发带来了一定的问题和困难。

    There exits some problems and difficulties in hotel product developing due to the characteristics of hotel environment and hotel product .

  9. 而在游客对于酒店产品进行订购的过程中,在线评论对游客的决策过程起到了重要的作用。

    And to visitors , in the process of online comments in the decision-making process of tourists has played an important role .

  10. 而温泉度假酒店产品与其他类型酒店产品的区别,实际上也源于客人需求的差异。

    The difference between the hot spring resort hotel and the other kinds hotel comes from the difference of the customer 's demand .

  11. 主题酒店产品是体验经济理论在酒店业的运用,是典型的体验产品。

    Themed hotel product ( THP ), which is a representative experience product , is the practice of experience theory in the hospitality industry .

  12. 定期电话拜访了解最新的客户的需求,以便销售完全满足客户需求的酒店产品。

    To make regular sales calls on accounts assigned to and keep up-to-date on the clients'needs and sell the products of the hotel that will satisfy those needs .

  13. 顾客认为主题酒店产品评价体系的4个构成维度重要程度顺序依次为主题环境与氛围、主题概念、主题设施与产品、主题活动与服务;

    Fourthly , from the perspective of customers , the ranks of importance of four THP dimensions are theme environment and atmosphere , theme concept , theme activities and service ;

  14. 为了提高酒店产品和酒店综合利润,抓住每一次对外宣传酒店整体形象和特色的机会。

    Catch every opportunity to publicize the image and characteristics of the hotel in order to improve the sale of commodities in the hotel and comprehensive interests of the hotel .

  15. 因此,可以从温泉文化方面来探讨温泉主题酒店产品设计的原则并提出相关建议。

    In this paper , based on the experiencing theory and hot spring culture , some principles and suggestions are proposed in designing the product of the Hot Spring Themed hotel .

  16. 将综合性预防战略持续地应用于酒店产品中间生产过程和最终服务中降低环境风险,实现清洁生产是发展绿色酒店的需要。

    Cleansing-production and reduced environment risk are important for the development of green hotel , continuous application of the comprehensive prevention strategy during the hotel semiproduction process and the final service process could be available .

  17. 其次是作业的认定和划分,随着酒店产品多样化的发展,服务于最终产品的作业非常多,为了方便找出酒店业中的每一种作业,我们从各个部门来分析。

    Next is activity recognition and division , with the hotel product diversification development , activity in the hotel is more and more , in order to facilitate find hotel activity , we analysis from different departments .

  18. 文章认为,温泉度假酒店产品的设计要牢牢把握两点,一是要符合温泉度假客人的需求特点,二是要体现出与其他类型酒店产品相区别的风格特色。

    This paper suggests that the design must hold two things tightly , the first one is to conform to the market demand , and the second one is to reflect the characteristic of hot spring resort hotel .

  19. 最后,将项目管理引入到酒店产品开发的实际过程中来,给出了酒店产品模块化的基本思路、建立强矩阵制组织结构的方法、里程碑计划法与职责表的具体操作方法等。

    Finally , the thesis combines the project management and actual product developing , and then gives out some results such as basic thought in hotel product modeling , constructing the strong matrix organization structure , the application in mile stone method and responsibility form , etc.

  20. 宾至如归析&关于酒店服务产品与时俱进的认识

    An Analysis of " Home Away From Home " & the innovation of hotel service product in step with the times

  21. 最后本文给出一个关于酒店服务产品的例子来证明提出的服务族方法的可行性及其潜力。

    Finally , this paper gave out a case of hotel service product research to prove the feasibility and potentiality of service product family theory .

  22. 随着市场细分的深入和同质竞争的加剧,上海经济型酒店的产品和服务正面临着巨大挑战。

    Under the deepening of market segmentation and the stimulation of increasing homogeneous competition , the products and services of Shang Hai Economical Hotels are facing with great challenges .

  23. 在市场竞争中,连锁经济型酒店的产品策略是一个关键,本文从产品策略选择、产品设计和品牌创立等方面阐述了连锁经济型酒店应该如何实施自己的产品策略。

    In market competition , its product strategy is a key . This paper elaborates how to select the product strategy , to design the product , and to found the brand .

  24. 由于酒店行业产品的特殊性及服务质量差距等原因,使酒店服务过程中难免会产生失误,因而导致顾客流失及酒店声誉受影响,并会给酒店的长期发展带来严重的后果。

    Because of the reasons including the specialty of hotel products and service quality problem , it is unavoidable to have mistakes in hotels ' service , which causes customers lost and has impact on hotels ' reputations and the development of hotels in a long run .

  25. 公司生产的“CONT”品牌酒店电器系列产品,填补了多项酒店卫浴清洁电器市场的空白,在市场上赢得了广泛的赞誉。

    The hotel electrical products with the brand of " CONT ", filling a number of gaps in the hotel bathroom cleaning market , has won wide praise .

  26. 你不能把酒店的任何产品运输到其他地方去销售。

    You cannot transport hotel any product to other places sell .

  27. 酒店提供的产品区别于一般生产型企业,无形的服务占重要比重。

    The product that hotel offers is different from the general production-oriented enterprises , mainly intangible services .

  28. 提高销售额的其它方法包括:重振手表部门,开发用于酒店浴室的产品等等。

    Other sales improvements include revitalising its watches division and developing products used in hotel bathrooms and the like .

  29. 本公司专业生产菜谱,服务指南、标牌及精装名片盒和礼品盒装等宾馆,酒店系列辅助产品。

    We are in the line of manufacturing series subsidiary products for hotel , inclusive of menu holders , Service Directories , signs , etc.

  30. 主要生产含盖床上用品套件,各种散件被套、床单、枕套、枕芯、被芯、毛毯、蚊帐及家纺周边配套产品,酒店纺织配套产品等。

    We mainly produce first-rate sets , quilt cover , bed sheet , pillow cover , pillow , quilt , blanketry , mosquito net , hotel bedding , and so on .