
  • 网络hotel culture
  1. 酒店文化兴起于酒店行业发展比较发达的西方国家。

    Hotel culture arose in the hotel industry relatively developed western countries .

  2. 艺术品在酒店文化中作用不仅仅是点缀,而是酒店文化和企业形象的具体的体现。

    The artware affects in the hotel culture is not only embellishes , but is the hotel culture and enterprise image concrete manifestation .

  3. 中国主题酒店文化融合的思考

    Reflections on Cultural Integration of China 's Theme Hotels

  4. 酒店文化品位的高下已经成为酒店管理的重要内容。

    The level of hotel cultural taste has been the important aspect of hotel management .

  5. 酒店文化作为生命线和黏合剂,连接着我们的过去、现在和未来。

    Culture is the life-thread and glue that links our past , present and future .

  6. 酒店文化的基本内涵建设

    Basic internal construction of hospitality culture

  7. 法尔胜大酒店文化客房是以五洲十族一家人为特有的文化主题,来体现打造酒店的风格和装饰艺术。

    The theme of the cultural guest room in Fasten Hotel is one big family of five continents and ten races .

  8. 接着在分析国内主题酒店文化氛围营造现状的基础上,指出了我国主题酒店文化氛围营造目前存在的问题及原因。

    According to analysis of the status of domestic hotel culture , the paper also pionted out problems and causes of buiding theme hotel culture in our country .

  9. 实践证明,酒店文化在酒店经营管理中发挥着巨大能动作用,进一步推动了这些国家酒店行业的发展。

    Practice show that the hotel culture in the hotel management plays a great role in the move , further promoting the development of the industry in these countries .

  10. 存在的问题是:专业多能人才的匮乏,特色酒店文化的缺乏,市场定位与营销能力不足,管理方法与经营模式落后,知名品牌少。

    The question is that more professional personnel is Scarce , lack of characteristics of the hotels cultural , inadequate of the market positioning and marketing capacity , management methods and business model behind , less well-known brands .

  11. 除央视大楼和附近一座30层的酒店及文化中心以外,该公司还在帮助建造国家体育场(nationalstadium)、国家游泳中心(nationalaquaticscentre)和一个机场航站楼。

    Along with the CCTV Tower and a neighbouring 30-storey Hotel and cultural centre , the firm is helping to build the National Stadium , the National Aquatics Centre and an airport terminal .

  12. 万豪酒店的文化据说与众不同。

    The culture at your hotels is supposed to be special .

  13. 为塑造优秀的民族酒店企业文化并充分发挥其功能和作用,开展民族酒店企业文化建设研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    In order to create minority hotel culture and exert its functions .

  14. 温泉酒店的文化选址与建设思考

    Some Considerations in Spa Hotel Culture , Location and Construction

  15. 跨国酒店跨文化管理研究

    A Study on Cross-Culture Management of International Hotels

  16. 因此,有必要对酒店礼仪文化做全面而系统的研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to study hotel etiquette culture comprehensively and systematically .

  17. 进一步探索了地域文化主题酒店从文化分析到主题定位再到主题演绎这一完整的过程。

    It further explores the regional culture-themed hotel and analyzes the complete process of locating culture to interpretation theme .

  18. 而室内景观作为酒店的文化载体,其地域性的表达显得尤为重要。

    Meantime , the interior landscape takes the hotel the cultural carrier , whose regional expression appears especially important .

  19. 跨国酒店跨文化管理问题的提出是随着跨国经营活动出现的,其研究的目的是为企业管理而服务。

    With the purpose of serving the enterprise managed in the world , the study on the cross-cultural management are proposed and developed .

  20. 中国的观光客正在促发一种酒店亚文化:酒店提供便宜的房间,为方便游客大巴避开交通高峰,还有在清早就结账退房的服务。

    Chinese sightseers are fueling a subculture of hotels that have cheap rooms and early-morning checkouts to give tour buses a chance to beat the traffic .

  21. 通过大量的文献总结和一定的实证调查,本文对影响主题酒店主题文化选择的影响因素进行了综合分析。

    By means of plentiful literature sum-up and demonstration survey , this article synthetically analyzes the factors which influence the choice of theme culture of theme hotel .

  22. 面对新的竞争和挑战,酒店的文化和服务无疑是花园的一大亮点。

    Confronted with the new competition and challenge , the secret of its success lies in its profound culture and first-class service in the Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai .

  23. 本产品主要适用于景观照明、舞台、建筑物投光、广告牌照明、绿化景观照明、酒店、文化灯专门设施照明;酒吧、舞厅等娱乐场所气氛照明等。

    This product is mainly applicable to : land scape lighting , stage lighting , building lighting , bill board , plant lighting , hotel and other entertainment place .

  24. 同时通过技术理论的指导总结了成都可以作为主题酒店的文化资源,为酒店建设者提供更多参考。

    Same time , through the guidance of technical theory , Chengdu can be summed up as the cultural resources of themed hotel , for the hotel builders to provide more information .

  25. 构成山地度假酒店的地域文化因素有哪些?

    What is the factors which constitute culture in mountain resort ?

  26. 但是由于跨国酒店在多元文化的条件下进行管理,势必遭遇文化冲击。

    However , The international hotels are bound to experience culture shock because they are under multi-cultural situation .

  27. 探路者协会还不定期的开展集体活动。如参观酒店、企业文化游、民俗文化游、等等。

    Pathfinder also carried out ad hoc group activities , such as tour hotel and corporate 's folk culture and so on .

  28. 研究结果对于更加深入地了解中国酒店名称的文化内涵和语用功能有着重要的意义。

    The research results are of enormous significance for us to more profoundly understand the connotation and pragmatic function of Chinese hotel names .

  29. 设置在大岛的专属科纳-科哈拉海岸,这个展品捕捉到夏威夷度假酒店设计,文化和传统的精髓。

    Set on the Big Island 's exclusive Kona-Kohala Coast , this showpiece resort captures the essence of Hawaiian design , culture and tradition .

  30. 本文首先对主题酒店和地域文化的研究进行了回顾,对主题酒店、地域文化等概念进行了界定。

    This paper reviews the studies of the theme hotel first to make clear the definitions of theme hotel , regional culture and so on .