
  • 网络wearable device;Wearable Tech
  1. 除了平板电脑,英特尔还在努力提高自己在智能手机、网络产品乃至可穿戴设备市场的份额,希望借此抵消PC业务不断衰落的影响。

    Apart from tablets , Intel is also trying to improve its share in smartphones , networking products , and even wearable devices , in hope of balancing out the declining PC business .

  2. 总部位于英国的研究机构IMSResearch本周发表了一份报告,报告估计:去年可穿戴设备的发货量为1400万台,到2016年时,可穿戴技术市场的价值将达到至少60亿美元。

    IMS Research , a UK-based research firm , published a report this week estimating that 14m wearable devices were shipped last year and that by 2016 the market for wearable technology will be worth at least $ 6bn .

  3. 2019年8月,鸿蒙操作系统发布,主要用于可穿戴设备和平板等物联网设备。

    It first launched on Internet-of-Things ( IoT ) devices , including wearables and tablets , in August 2019 .

  4. 九月初的纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)期间,迈克.科尔斯(MichaelKors)首次宣布进军高科技可穿戴设备领域。

    Earlier this monthduring New York Fashion Week Michael Kors announced its first foray intowearable tech.

  5. 弗格森表示,ARM的技术也开始被应用于可穿戴设备,比如头戴式设备以及智能手环等。

    ARM 's technology is also finding its way into wearables such as headgear and smart bands , he noted .

  6. 像谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)这样的可穿戴设备得到了广泛关注——销量可能就是另一回事了——但也受到相当多的质疑。

    And wearable devices like the Google Glass eyewear that got mainstream attention - if not sales - were greeted with considerable skepticism .

  7. 10个游客中有将近四个可以在旅行中发现使用可穿戴设备的好处,大气研究集团(AtmosphereResearchGroup)的分析师亨利·H·哈特韦尔兹(HenryH.Harteveldt)说。

    Nearly four in 10 travelers can see a benefit of using wearables when they are traveling , said Henry H. Harteveldt , a travel industry analyst with Atmosphere Research Group .

  8. 而此前的可穿戴设备,比如三星的GalaxyGear,则从未享受过被山寨厂商仿冒的待遇。

    Previous wearables , like Samsung 's Galaxy Gear , had never been popular enough to make it into China 's counterfeit market .

  9. 在可穿戴设备领域,你们正在同三星(Samsung)竞争吗?他们最近也发布了自己的平台。

    On the wearables side are you competing with Samsung now , since they recently launched their own platform ?

  10. 苹果(Apple)正在开发自己的智能手表产品,预计将于今年投放市场;谷歌(Google)在最近一次开发者大会上,将关注重点放在了可穿戴设备上。

    Apple is developing its own smartwatch , which is expected to be launched this year , while Google focused on wearables in its most recent developer event .

  11. AppleWatch是目前价格最高的智能手表,其也将测试出消费者们在可穿戴设备上到底愿意投入多少。

    Apple 's Watch is the highest priced smartwatch from a major manufacturer currently available , and will test willingness of consumers to pay a premium for wearable technology 。

  12. 就在华为(Huawei)的西班牙产品发布会之前几天,该公司管理人士在微博晒出了即将面世的可穿戴设备。

    Just days before its product launch event in Spain , China 's Huawei is teasing its upcoming wearable device .

  13. 但是,如果苹果将可穿戴设备的主要市场份额拱手让与谷歌(Google)的Android,就像它在智能手机市场所做的那样,即便这样的销量可能仍表示苹果错失了良机。

    But this could still represent a missed opportunity if Apple cedes a dominant market share in wearables to Google 's Android , as it has in smartphones .

  14. 在三星电子(SamsungElectronics)隆重推出其新款Gear2智能手表之际,中国的华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies)上个周末也开始进军可穿戴设备市场。

    While Samsung Electronics unveiled its new Gear 2 smartwatch to much fanfare , China 's Huawei Technologies also made its own foray into the wearable device market this weekend .

  15. 他们设计了巧妙的新方式,对使用谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)、智能手表、虚拟现实耳机和其他可穿戴设备的用户推送定制化的营销信息。

    Advertisers are already pouncing on wearables , devising new , clever ways to deliver personalized marketing messages directly to people who don Google Glass , smartwatches , virtual reality headsets and you name it .

  16. 可穿戴设备公司AtlasWearables创始人彼得o李表示,电池技术和用户的保守是可穿戴市场面临的两大障碍。

    Atlas Wearables founder Peter Li says battery technology and user retention are two more obstacles facing the wearables market .

  17. 谷歌(Google)于今年早些时候发布的AndroidWear平台意味着它已经开始严肃看待可穿戴设备——就连新颖的谷歌眼镜项目都不曾享受过这种待遇。

    The announcement of Android Wear earlier this year signaled that Google GOOG - 0.42 % was getting serious about wearable devices - serious in a way that the novel Glass project did not .

  18. 《财富》(Fortune)有幸采访到詹睿妮,挖掘了更多相关信息:关于她的公司对新市场的愿景、公司未来面临的竞争,以及可穿戴设备要想真正蓬勃发展还需要什么。

    Fortune caught up with James to find out more about her company 's vision for the newish market , the competition and what needs to happen for wearables to really take off .

  19. 谷歌(Google)继在年度I/O开发者大会开场时发布新款Android汽车和可穿戴设备后,现在又将注意力转向了人们的客厅。

    After using the start of its annual I / O developer conference to unveil new Android products for the car and the wrist , Google turned its attention to the living room .

  20. 耳机厂商Monster公司创始人兼CEO、Beats公司首席音响师李美圣称:耳机是第一款大范围被人们接受的可穿戴设备。

    Headphones were the first mass-accepted wearables , says Noel Lee , founder and CEO of headphone maker Monster and the lead sound engineer for the original Beats headphones .

  21. 华为已试水可穿戴设备领域,华为Watch2搭载安卓(Android)操作系统,可以连网,还能当做健身监测器,该设备于本周在巴塞罗马世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发布。

    Huawei has experimented with wearables . Its Huawei Watch 2 , which uses the Android operating system , has online connectivity and acts as a fitness monitor , was launched at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week .

  22. 伯恩斯坦(BernsteinResearch)分析师马克•纽曼(MarkNewman)表示,该公司“在技术上走在前面”。他认为,这家集团“面向未来10年可穿戴设备业务的增长处于有利地位”。

    The company " is ahead on technology , " said Mark Newman , analyst at Bernstein , arguing that the group has " positioned itself well for the next decade of growth " in wearable electronics .

  23. 另一些报告成功预测了谷歌发布AndroidWear进军可穿戴设备市场、推出GoogleFit平台聚焦健康和健身跟踪的动向。

    Other reports successfully predicted Google 's entry into the wearable devices market with the release of its Android Wear technology , as well as the search giant 's commitment to health and fitness tracking through its Google Fit platform .

  24. Kronos英国业务主管布伦达•莫里斯(BrendaMorris)表示,该公司看到在蓝领和白领职员身上应用可穿戴设备很有效。

    Brenda Morris , who runs Kronos 's UK business , says the company sees applications for wearables in blue and white collar work .

  25. 对于Profusion公司的迈克•韦斯顿来说,员工对可穿戴设备试验的反应和试验产生的数据一样有趣。

    For Mike Weston of Profusion , the reaction of his staff to their wearables experiment was as interesting as the data it produced .

  26. MoverKit本月早些时候在kickstarter.com网站上亮相,这是一款拆解方便的可穿戴设备,允许孩子们通过他们自己编写的集成应用使用MoverKit上的加速度传感器、磁力仪和LED灯。

    Launched on Kickstarter earlier this month , Mover Kit is an unassembled wearable that allows kids to create their own integrated apps , accessing the device 's accelerometer , magnetometer , and LEDs .

  27. IDC可穿戴设备研究主管拉蒙·拉马斯表示,随着新的应用以及手机连接性能的发布,智能手表的需求将在下一年回暖。

    Ramon Llamas , IDC 's research manager for wearables , forecasts the smartwatch market will return to growth next year as firms introduce new applications and cellphone-connected features .

  28. 台湾研究公司Gartner的分析师AmyTeng警告称,从长远来看,低端产品可能会损害人们对于可穿戴设备的兴趣。

    Amy Teng , a Taiwan-based analyst with research company Gartner Inc , warned low-end products may damage people 's interests in wearable devices in the long run 。

  29. 目前,苹果公司正努力结束这一令人尴尬的风波,以便迎接下周二的产品推介活动。在下周二的活动中,苹果预计会推出新款iPhone和一款新的可穿戴设备。

    Apple is scrambling to bring to a close an embarrassing episode for the company ahead of next Tuesday 's press event at which it is expected to launch new iPhones and a new wearable device .

  30. 难怪有传言称,苹果(Apple)和微软(Microsoft)等公司也在开发可穿戴设备:据高德纳公司(GartnerResearch)预测,截至2015年,可穿戴设备市场规模可能将达到100亿美元。

    No wonder other companies like apple ( AAPL ) and Microsoft ( MSFT ) are rumored to be working on wearable devices of their own : Gartner research projects the market could balloon into a $ 10 billion industry by 2015 .