
hào lìng
  • verbal command;order
号令 [hào lìng]
  • (1) [order]∶指挥部队军事行动的命令和指示的统称

  • 以出号令。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

  • 愬军号令。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

  • 传号令以诛奸贼。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • 发布号令

  • (2) [verbal command]∶传呼命令。古代以传叫之法发布命令,故称号令

  • 号令召三老。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 号令明肃。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  • 号令三军

号令[hào lìng]
  1. 下士向士兵们发出号令。

    The corporal shouted an order at the men .

  2. 一项任务以预先号令开始。

    A mission begins with a warning order .

  3. 上月初,TED大会策展人克里斯安德森(ChrisAnderson)在自己的博客上发出了战斗号令。

    Earlier this month , Chris Anderson , curator of the TED conferences , gave a call to arms on his blog .

  4. 他们先以军事方式下达命令,然后指望经济能按照号令运行。

    They issued orders , military-style , and expected the economy obey .

  5. 它是一个战斗的号令,到了做出改变的时候了。

    It 's a call to arms and about making a difference .

  6. 探险者二号,听我的号令准备开火。

    Jumper two , prepare to fire on my mark .

  7. 他向暴风央求;坚强的暴风只服从太空的号令。

    He beseeches the tempest ; the imperturbable tempest obeys only the infinite .

  8. 这个号令一发,她那位顶小的女儿立刻走上前来。

    Upon this signal , the youngest of her daughters put herself forward .

  9. 可是,不听号令者绝不轻饶。

    Dissent , however , was not treated lightly .

  10. 在这里,美国发出的号令显然不管用。

    Here the American writ evidently does not run .

  11. 他的牙齿完全不听号令,挤在一起又咬又扭。

    His teeth were grinding and twisting against each other beyond his control .

  12. 即对确定请求权、减额请求权、消灭请求权制度作出规定。国家食品药品监督管理局第16号令《医疗器械注册管理办法》释义(三)

    Explanation of Regulation for Registration of Medical Device ( SFDA No.16 )( 3 )

  13. 我已经站在起跑线上了,只等你下进军的号令。长官说。

    I am on the starting line now , waiting for your marching order .

  14. 坚强的暴风只服从太空的号令。

    The imperturbable tempest obeys only the infinite .

  15. 不过,玛维还是勉强地认可了这位新的高阶女祭师,听从她的号令。

    Nevertheless , Maiev grudgingly acknowledged the new high priestess and followed her orders .

  16. 吊装作业时必须统一号令,明确指挥,密切配合。

    Uniform command , definite direction and close cooperation are required for hoisting works .

  17. 谁能号令所有的人?

    Who can talk and have everyone listening ?

  18. 外商投资国际海运业管理规定(交通部、商务部2004年第1号令发布)

    Administrative Regulations of International Marine Invested by Foreigners ( OrderofNo . 1,2004 . IssuedbyMinistryofCommunicationsandMinistryofCommerce )

  19. 没有汽车不听她的号令。

    Nor Vehicle she could not command .

  20. 正驾驶:你这个副驾驶怎么这样啊?你从不听我号令。

    Pilot : What kind of co-pilot are you ? You never listen to me .

  21. 可见禹的号令已能指挥如此多的国家。

    Yu can see that the orders have been able to command so many countries .

  22. 比如四对跳舞者面对面排成两行,一个号令者以吟诵或唱的形式指挥。

    Four couples line up and face each other . A caller chants or sings directions .

  23. 劝说不是号令。

    Counsel is no command .

  24. 5号令的震撼力

    Shock of the No.5 Order

  25. 每当他有战斗的号令我们始终如一是第一个。

    Every time he had a call to arms , we were the first ones in uniform .

  26. 从公元前6世纪末到公元1世纪,罗马已由一个共和制的城邦国家发展成为号令意大利半岛、称霸地中海世界的奴隶制大帝国。

    Rome had become the rule of Italy and Mediterranean world by the end of the Republic .

  27. 如果他赢了,其它的小部落将会俯首称臣,任其号令。

    If he defeats them , he ` ll see zero resistance from other , smaller clans .

  28. 港口危险货物管理规定(中华人民共和国交通部2003年第9号令发布)

    Administration Regulation for Dangerous Goods in Harbor ( The 9th Order Issued by the Ministry of Communications P.R.C.in2003 )

  29. 仅仅因为驴并不总不听从主人无休止的号令,人们就给它贴上了顽固和愚蠢的标签。

    They branded donkeys as stubborn and stupid because the animals did not always comply with their masters'unceasing demands .

  30. 不知什么原因,那天晚上生意很好&客人的桌数远远超越我们能号令的数量。

    For some reason , we got a run of business & far more tables than we could handle .