
hào chēng
  • claim to be;be known as;reputed
号称 [hào chēng]
  • (1) [be known as]∶以某名著称

  • 四川号称天府之国

  • (2) [claim to be]∶宣称,扬言

  • 号称五十万大军

号称[hào chēng]
  1. 尽管纽约号称“不夜城”,但是东京商务人士的睡眠时间比他们的纽约同行还要少,也少于巴黎、斯德哥尔摩和上海的同行。

    New York may be known as the city that never sleeps , but Tokyo business people get less time in the sack than their New York peers & and also those in Paris , Stockholm and Shanghai .

  2. 尽管纽约号称“不夜城”,但是东京商务人士的睡眠时间比他们的纽约同行还要少,也少于巴黎、斯德哥尔摩和上海的同行。根据一项面向五个城市的调查,东京人在工作日的睡眠时间平均不足六小时。

    New York may be known as the city that never sleeps , but Tokyo business people get less time in the sackthan their New York peers -- and also those in Paris , Stockholm and Shanghai.According to a survey of five cities , people in Tokyo on week days sleep just under 6 hours on average ,

  3. 他号称是这个国家最好的心脏外科医生。

    He is reputed to be the best heart surgeon in the country .

  4. 这口泉号称从不干涸。

    The fountain is reputed never to dry up .

  5. 该诗集虽然可能号称收录广泛,但并未涵盖所有苏格兰诗歌。

    Varied though the anthology may claim to be , it does not cover the whole gamut of Scottish poetry

  6. 大连号称水果之乡。

    Dalian is known as a land of fruit .

  7. 关东人参号称极品。

    The ginseng of Northeast China is known to be the best .

  8. 四川号称天府之国。

    Sichuan is known as a land of plenty .

  9. 我们邻居号称自己说话算数,但我们意识到他并不是这样的人。

    Our neighbour said he was a man of his word but we realised he wasn 't.

  10. 当政府把农民从他们的土地赶出去的时候,总是号称是为了更大众的利益。

    The government always says it 's for the greater good when they evict farmers from their land .

  11. 蚯蚓如法泡制,一只一只地拔掉蜈蚣的脚,不多时,号称百足之虫的蜈蚣竟然竟然一只脚也没有了。

    The earthworm does the same thing , and breaks the centipede 's legs one by one . Before long , the one-hundred-leg centipede has no legs any more .

  12. 号称要成为无所不能的电子钱包的Applepay,就是一个强劲的开端。

    Apple Pay , its bid to become your all-encompassing cashless wallet , is off to a strong start .

  13. 这是一款iPhoneapp,哭声翻译机(CryTranslator)号称可以辨识婴儿「五种不同的哭声」。

    Cry Translator promises to identify the " five distinct cries " made by infants .

  14. 沙棘营养丰富,号称维生素C之王,并且有很高的食疗价值和药用价值。

    The Hippophae nourishment is abundant , alleging " king of the vitamin C ", and have the very high food value to use the value with the medicine .

  15. 该品牌在Facebook上已经拥有逾66万名粉丝,号称该数量超过了其它任何奢侈品牌。

    The company already has more than 660,000 fans on Facebook more than any other luxury brand , it claims .

  16. Slice表示,迄今该软件已处理了300万笔交易,而Lemon则号称目前已经拥有30万名用户,其中主要是iPhone和安卓手机用户。

    Slice says it has processed 3 million transactions , while lemon boasts 300,000 users , primarily using iPhones and Android phones .

  17. 这件有意思的号称“钢笔礼服”是伦敦中央圣·马丁时尚学校学生StevenTai的毕业作品,据悉,该学生的毕业作品还借助了创意大师JohnNussey之手共同创作而成。

    It was designed and made by creative technologist John Nussey and Central St. Martins Womenswear student Steven Tai for his final degree show 。

  18. 本月,中国电信企业华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologyCo.)推出了号称全球屏幕最大的智能手机,加大了对巨型手机的投入力度。

    Last week , Chinese electronics company Huawei Technology Co. upped the big phone ante by introducing what it says is a smartphone with the largest screen in the world .

  19. 这部BBC新剧号称拥有超豪华演员阵容,包括曾出演《哈利波特》的吉姆·布劳德本特以及《堕落》女主角吉莲·安德森等。

    The BBC drama boasts an impressive cast including Harry Potter 's Jim Broadbent and The Fall 's Gillian Anderson .

  20. 时下,大多数Java™开发人员都很看好mashup,所以您可能会困惑:Seam与号称Web2.0的技术,尤其是Ajax,如何能集成。

    Most Java ™ developers these days appreciate a good mashup , so you might be wondering how well Seam integrates with the technologies dubbed Web2.0 , especially Ajax .

  21. 但在号称已解决问题的新手机起火的报道出现后,美国和澳大利亚的电信公司表示将停售盖乐世Note7,三星随即将其停产。

    But production was halted after telecommunications companies in the United States and Australia said they would not offer the Galaxy Note 7 following reports of fires involving new phones in which the problem was supposedly fixed .

  22. Prosper号称过去三年投资者的平均回报率为10%,而拉普朗什告诉我,目前LendingClub的投资者平均回报率为9%。

    Prosper boasts that investors have seen an average 10 % return over the past three years while Laplanche tells me lending Club investors currently see an average 9 % return .

  23. 总部位于纽约的洛克菲勒基金会拥有102年历史,号称是美国第一家全球基金会。该基金会推出了评选“100座最具弹性城市”(100ResilientCities)的项目,并让应变力成为该项目的主题。

    Headquartered in New York , the 102-year old Rockefeller Foundation , which claims to be America 's first global foundation , has made resilience a central theme with its 100 Resilient Cities project .

  24. 它号称大幅减少了炫光和反光,但只有当我把它放在灯下的一台iPadMini3边上时,才能感受到这种效果。

    It cuts down on glare and reflections , but I only appreciated the effect when I placed the tablet alongside the iPad Mini 3 under a lamp .

  25. 而对一家没有医疗经验的人工智能公司来说颇为奇怪的是,DeepMindHealth的首个项目号称与人工智能没有任何关系。

    Strangely for an AI company with no healthcare experience , DeepMind Health 's inaugural project claimed it had nothing to do with AI .

  26. 此外,作为一个生活在自称为圣经腰带(BibleBelt)带扣上的这座城市中的犹太人(孟菲斯号称教堂多于加油站),我一向很清楚我的局外人身份。

    Moreover , as a Jew living in a town that declared itself the buckle of the Bible Belt ( Memphis boasted more churches than gas stations ), I was always aware of my outsider status .

  27. SPiN号称拥有自诩为乒乓球宣传大使的女演员苏珊萨兰登(SusanSarandon)等好莱坞投资者,在纽约、洛杉矶和多伦多开设了俱乐部。

    Boasting Hollywood investors such as the actress Susan Sarandon , a self-described ping pong propagandist , SPiN has clubs in New York , Los Angeles and Toronto .

  28. 价格追踪数据还显示,“网购星期一”(CyberMonday)的优惠也缺乏诚意。那是“黑色星期五”后的周一,号称有大量的网购折扣。

    Price tracking data also illustrate that the lack of real deals holds true for Cyber Monday , the Monday after Black Friday that is billed as an online shopper 's heaven with numerous digital discounts .

  29. 这对那些号称“分娩用力不时髦”的孕妇们是个不小的打击。据称,剖腹产每年会浪费掉NHS上百万英镑的资金。

    They have launched the crackdown on women who are'too posh to push ' – saying it wastes millions of pounds of NHS money every year .

  30. 首席执行官杨•库姆上月早些时候透露,WhatsApp的用户数已赶超Twitter,而后者早在去年12月就号称用户数已经突破了2亿。

    The app is so popular , WhatsApp CEO Jan koum revealed earlier this month it has more users than twitter , which reported 200 million-plus members last December .