
hào jiǎo shēnɡ
  • bugle call
  1. 从收音机里传来号角声,随后传来一个女人温柔缠绵的歌声,她在用德语唱着一支我有生以来听过的最难以忘怀的曲子。

    From the radio came a bugle call , then a tender , come-kiss-me womans voice singing in German the most haunting melody I 'd ever heard .

  2. 在号角声中,他们阔步退下舞台。

    They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets .

  3. 嘹亮的号角声打破了清晨的宁静。

    A clarion call broke the morning stillness .

  4. 可以听到远处传来的号角声

    The blare of horns could be heard in the distance .

  5. 在响亮的号角声中花圈被献在纪念碑前。

    A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets .

  6. n.(使)再响;高声响打猎的号角声响彻森林。

    resound The noise of the hunting horn resounded through the forest .

  7. 可以听到远处传来的号角声。

    The blare of horn can be heard in the distance .

  8. 当我们袖手旁观的时候,自由解放的号角声遭到了嘲弄。

    Clarion calls to liberation had been mocked when we stood by .

  9. 仍能听到号角声飘荡在山顶间。

    Its music can be heard floating among the peaks .

  10. 那一底线太古怪了,我喜欢胜利的号角声。

    That baseline is too funky and I love the triumphant horns .

  11. 几乎在同时大家听到了号角声。

    Almost at the same moment , a blast of trumpets became audible .

  12. 然后传来了号角声,可是十分轻微。

    Then came the horn , very faint .

  13. 号角声穿过森林发出回响。

    The horn resounded through the forest .

  14. 宫殿门前,士兵们正在列队行进,号角声,锣鼓声,震耳欲聋。

    Soldiers were marching outside the gate , blowing trumpets and beating tympani and drums .

  15. 我们听到了号角声。

    We have heard the trumpets .

  16. 对我们大多数人而言,“罗马”是古战车、百人队队长与号角声的世界。

    For most of us ," Rome " is a world of chariots , centurions and trumpet fanfares .

  17. 摘要在文化体制改革的号角声中,中国民营电视产业进入到了一个新的发展时期。

    In the current culture organizational reform , the Chinese private invested television industry entered a new development age .

  18. 倘若你能在宣扬颂赞祂的乐声中加入另一号角声,你愿意为此而死吗?

    Wouldest thou be willing to die if thou couldest but add another trumpet to the strain which proclaims his praise ?

  19. 他们能听到战鼓声、号角声、南方起义者呼叫声,他们能看见脚上打了泡的士兵扛着破碎的旗子在雨中行进。

    They were hearing drums and bugles and the rebel yell , seeing footsore men going by in the rain with torn flags slanting .

  20. 建设信息高速公路的号角声,特别是互联网商用化后的迅猛发展,使传统的电信业受到巨大的震动和冲击。

    The construction of the information superhighway , especially after the current rapid development of Internet commercial applications , the traditional industry by the huge impact and vibration .

  21. 任何涉及戏剧、电影明星、道德及争议等题材,通常都会在媒体喧哗中模糊掉了原本要表达的内涵,就像是宏亮号角声迷思性的呼喊。

    And anything that involves drama , film stars , morality and controversy usually careens deafening-ly around the media echo chamber like the mythic call of the Horn Resounding .

  22. 2008年底,亚特兰蒂斯酒店在嘹亮的号角声中开业了,花费巨大。酒店标榜拥有高档餐厅和公认美丽的水上公园。

    Opened with great fanfare , not to mention eye-wateringly wasteful expense , at the end of 2008 , the hotel boasts some quality restaurants and an admittedly great water park .

  23. 有人将领导视为高调戏剧,而且号角之声已在响起。

    Some see leadership as high drama , and the sound of trumpets calling .

  24. 号角发出呜呜声,提醒过往船只注意那危险的薄雾。

    The horn boomed out to warn the passing ships of the dangerous mist .

  25. 船上的浓雾号角发出呜呜声。

    The ship foghorn boomed out .

  26. 罗宾汉游上岸,吹起号角来。号角声在山谷里回荡。

    Robin Hood swam to the bank , pulled out his horn and blew it so that the valley echoed with the sound .

  27. 纵队的前头有人不时吹响号角,每次号角声传来时,都比上一次远了一点儿。

    Someone at the head of the column winded the horn every now and then , and each time the sound came from a little farther off .