
  • 网络environmental stress;environment stress;abiotic stress
  1. 水稻对百草枯(Paraquat)和一些环境胁迫的交叉抗性

    Cross Resistance between Paraquat and Environmental Stress in Rice Leaves

  2. 当植物受到各种环境胁迫如干旱、高盐和寒冷等时,其体内会合成和积累ABA。

    Plants can synthetize and accumulate ABA when exposed to environmental stress such as draught , high salinity and cold .

  3. 提示利玛原甲藻DSP毒素的产生与细胞分裂、光合作用以及环境胁迫有关。

    These suggested that the DSP synthesis in P. lima was related to the cell division , photosynthesis and environment stress .

  4. 环境胁迫对胚乳PCD发生具有重要的影响。

    Environment stress had an important impact on the PCD of endosperm .

  5. 最短路径法在水稻ABA和环境胁迫条件下基因应答网络研究中的应用

    Transitive Functional Annotation by Shortest-path Analysis of Gene Expression Data Under Abscisic-acid and Environmental Stresses in Rice

  6. H2O2在环境胁迫防御反应中的信号作用也得到证实。

    H_2O_2 has also been proved to play the signal role in defensive response to environmental stresses .

  7. 通过研究在不同环境胁迫下的功能和信号路径,发现植物MAP激酶信号传递系统是复杂且相互交错的。

    Some tools and strategies are used to investigate their functions and signal pathways under different environmental stresses , indicating complexity and crosstalk of plant MAP kinase signaling pathways .

  8. 环境胁迫和激素诱导甘蔗ACC合成酶基因家族三个成员的表达

    Expression of Three Members of ACC Synthase Gene Family in Sugarcane Induced by Hormones and Environmental Stress

  9. 脱落酸(AbscisicAcid,ABA)广泛参与植物生长发育的调控和对多种环境胁迫的适应性反应。

    Abscisic acid ( ABA ) regulates various physiological processes of plant growth and development , besides mediating adaptive responses to diverse environmental stresses .

  10. LTP在植物抗环境胁迫中的作用

    LTP and Its Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants

  11. 脱落酸(ABA)在植物生长和抵御各种环境胁迫的生理过程中具有关键作用。

    The phytohormone abscisic acid ( ABA ) plays critical roles on plant growth and helps to resist various environmental stresses .

  12. 环境胁迫使植物细胞中积累大量的活性氧,从而导致蛋白质、膜脂、DNA及其它细胞组分的严重损伤。

    The imposition of environmental stress leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) in plant cells , Which can damage proteins , membrane lipids , DNA and other cellular components .

  13. 柑橘是我国重要的生产果树,在柑橘应对不同环境胁迫中,ABA都起到了积极的作用。

    In China , Citrus is important in fruit industry . ABA is proved to have an important role under citrus stress conditions .

  14. PAL是植物体受到环境胁迫后产生变化的另一种保护酶,其保护机制与SOD、POD和CAT不同。

    PAL is another regulated protective enzyme when plant suffered environmental stress . Its protective mechanism is different from that of SOD , CAT and POD .

  15. 文中介绍了非编码RNA在植物生长发育、非生物环境胁迫适应性的调控作用以及调节途径的研究进展。

    The paper discussed the updated researches on noncoding RNA regulatory functions in plant growth and development , and adaptation to abiotic surrounding stressors , as well as regulatory pathways .

  16. 植物激素脱落酸(ABA)在种子成熟、休眠以及植物对各种各样环境胁迫的适应都起着重要的作用。

    The plant hormone abscisic acid ( ABA ) plays important roles in seed maturation and dormancy and in adaptation to a variety of environmental stresses .

  17. EM在促进植物生长、提高养分吸收率、生态系统养分循环及保护植物抵御不良环境胁迫中起关键作用。

    It was known that the EM played a key role in nutrient cycle in the ecosystem and promoted plant growth and also protected host plants against environmental stress .

  18. 酿酒酵母SOD1基因在抗环境胁迫中的作用

    Functions of SOD1 Gene in Stress Resistance in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

  19. 目的有效地提取铁皮石斛高质量的RNA,为研究环境胁迫对铁皮石斛生长与代谢影响的分子表达机制奠定基础。

    Objective The high quality RNA from the plantlet of Dendrobium candidum was isolated efficiently . It laid a foundation to study the mechanism of molecular expression on its growth and metabolism under environmental stress .

  20. 植物激素脱落酸(AbscisicAcid,ABA)不仅在植物的生长发育过程中而且还在植物对各种环境胁迫的反应中起重要作用。

    Although the phytohormone abscisic acid ( ABA ) regulates many important aspects of plant growth and development , its main function is to regulate plant adaptive responses to various adverse environmental conditions .

  21. DD-PCR及其在作物环境胁迫研究中的进展

    Progress on DD-PCR and its application in crops environment stress

  22. 植物叶绿体是ROS产生的主要部位之一,环境胁迫下叶绿体内产生的ROS的快速清除有助于保护光合机构,维持植物光合功能。

    The chloroplast is one of the major sites for formation of ROS in higher plant . The fast remove of ROS under environmental stress is essential for protecting photosynthetic apparatus and maintaining photosynthesis .

  23. 酸性红壤在我国南方广泛分布,其酸性是限制大多数作物生长的一个主要环境胁迫因子,主要原因是低pH条件下土壤中Al的溶解所导致的毒性。

    Acidic soils are widely distributed in South China , and their acidity is the major environmental stress factor limiting the growth of most crops . It is well known that soil Al solubilized at low pH is a main toxic factor for plant growth .

  24. 因此,M基因的大量表达是由于ABA等环境胁迫诱导了内源乙烯的大量合成,是导致植物黄化和衰老的主要原因之一。

    Thus , overexpression of the Nr gene was caused by environmental stress related to ABA . This stress induced the biosynthesis of inner ethylene , which is the main reason of leaf chlorosis and plants senescence .

  25. 表明外源NO处理一方面提高了光能转换效率和PSⅡ的潜在活性,另一方面增强了过剩光能的非化学耗散,有利于保护光合机构免受环境胁迫的伤害。

    All the above showed that the light energy conversion efficiency , potential activity of photosynthetic reaction center and the non-photochemical dissipation of excess light energy , which resisted the damage on photosynthetic apparatus of environmental stress , were improved .

  26. 钙处理增加缺铁条件下豌豆根系中可溶性钙离子的含量和CaM含量,增强钙信使对铁吸收的调控,并且通过各信号通路之间的配合,共同应对外界的环境胁迫。

    Calcium treatment increased the content of Ca2 + and CaM in peas root when lack of iron , strengthening the regulation of calcium messenger to iron absorption . And through the coordination of various signal pathway , calcium messenger can cope with the outside environment intimidation .

  27. H2O2是植物细胞的可移动的信号分子,是植物细胞代谢的正常产物,各种生物和非生物胁迫能促使植物细胞产生过量H2O2,并通过H2O2信号转导响应环境胁迫。

    Hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) is a moveable signaling molecule in plants . H2O2 is continually generated from various sources during normal metabolism . It is also produced in plants in response to a wide variety of abiotic and biotic stresses .

  28. 介绍了植物响应外界环境胁迫过程中,不同机制和因子对MAPKs级联途径的调控。

    In this paper , different mechanisms and factors are also summarized , which involved in the regulation of MAPK cascades signal transduction during the process of plant response to environmental stress .

  29. 与其他环境胁迫因子相似,病毒侵染导致寄主植物症状的产生是由许多基因表达调控因子和信号通路交互作用的结果,而miRNAs在此过程中的机理尚未完全清楚。

    Similar to other environmental stress factors , disease symptoms caused by virus infection are the results of many gene expression regulation factors and signaling pathways interaction , and the mechanism of miRNAs in this process is not clear .

  30. 本文通过对植物PCD的一般特征、环境胁迫因子及诱导PCD信号传递途径、生物学意义和存在问题等进行了综述,为在逆境条件下深入研究植物细胞程序性死亡提供参考。

    The paper summarized the general characteristics , environment stress factors and its transduction pathway in inducting PCD signal , biological significance and existing problems of PCD of plant , it could provide references to further study PCD of plant in adversity conditions .