
sī lìng
  • commander;commanding officer
司令 [sī lìng]
  • [commander; commanding officer] 负责指挥所属军队的长官

  • 总司令

  • 空军司令

司令[sī lìng]
  1. 在侵略巴拿马的战役中他是总司令。

    He was commander in chief during the invasion of Panama .

  2. 蒙博托出身行伍,通过一级级晋升,最终成为了陆军司令。

    Mobutu ascended through the ranks , eventually becoming commander of the army

  3. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The admiral visited the ships under his command .

  4. 他被派往开罗总司令部。

    He was posted to GHQ Cairo .

  5. 他个人已收到莱曼司令要求凿沉轮船的命令。

    He personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship .

  6. 军队司令已经被免职了。

    The military commander has been dismissed .

  7. 他只是名义上的总司令。

    He is commander-in-chief in name only .

  8. 陆军最高司令部说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。

    The army 's supreme command has said the army will withdraw , provided the other side does so also .

  9. 如果电台司令乐队的每首歌都像这首这么棒的话,那它很快便会家喻户晓了。

    If every tune from Radiohead is as good as this one is , it can 't be long before they are household names .

  10. 到达之后,他被带到了司令部。

    On arrival , he was conducted to the headquarters .

  11. 司令明天会前来督阵。

    The commander will come to the front to supervise the battle .

  12. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The Admiral visited the ships under his command .

  13. 所有的指挥官都集合在司令部。

    All the commanders gathered at the head-quarters .

  14. 司令集合了他的参谋人员。

    The commander congregated his staffs .

  15. 舰队司令按作战计划进行舰队演习

    The admiral maneuvered his ships in the battle plan .

  16. 他被任命为舰队司令。

    He was placed in command of the fleet .

  17. 将军说:“我是你们单位的总司令。”

    The general said , " I 'm the General , Commander in Chief of your unit . "

  18. 2009年玛尔玛酒庄(MarimarEstate)产黑皮诺,26欧元雷司令

    and 2009 Marimar Estate Pinot Noir , EUR26

  19. 过去五年里,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)得到了不情愿的总司令这个名声。

    Over the past five years , President Barack Obama has gained a reputation as a reluctant commander-in-chief .

  20. 雷司令二次果的酒中富含必需氨基酸和Zn,但酒中苹果酸过高。

    Wine from lateral berry contains richer essential amino acid and Zn , but excessive malic acid in White Riesling .

  21. 这种领导力模式与已退休的杰克•查恩将军的想法不谋而合。他曾在多家公司董事会任职,并曾担任美国空军战略司令部(StrategicAirCommand)领导人。

    This leadership model resonates with retired General Jack Chain , who sat on a number of corporate boards and , at one time , headed the Strategic Air Command .

  22. 驻伊指挥官约翰?凯西(JohnCasey)将军更上层楼,成为驻伊美军总司令。

    General John Casey , the commander in Iraq , has been booted upstairs to become the army chief of staff .

  23. 大家品尝的下一种酒是2010年的Smith-Madrone纳帕谷雷司令(Smith-MadroneNapaValleyRiesling),它成了所有人的最爱。

    The next wine , the 2010 Smith-Madrone Napa Valley Riesling , was a universal favorite .

  24. 过去16年间,这家公司帮助客户节省的资金不计其数&比如美军第20支援司令部(Army20thSupportCommand)就在五年时间内共节省了6000万美元卫星通信带宽开支。

    Over the past 16 years , Binary has helped its clients save piles of money & like the Army 20th Support Command , which cut $ 60 million over five years for its satellite communication bandwidth requirements .

  25. 如果参议院批准这项提名,美国驻阿富汗的最高司令戴维·彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)将接任中央情报局局长一职。

    The CIA job would go to David Petraeus , currently the top American general in Afghanistan , if the Senate approves the nominations .

  26. 南卡罗来纳州的黑尔(DavidHale)很快就升为宪兵的头目,并得到了很吃香的美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(ArmyCriminalInvestigationCommand)测谎员的职位。

    David Hale of Columbia , S.C. , quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation Command 。 '

  27. 雷司令也生长在阿尔萨斯(Alsace)、澳大利亚、俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚州。

    Riesling is also grown in Alsace , Australia , Oregon and California .

  28. 我们在那里有一个小型酒窖,今年我非常开心地欣赏了一下定期从莫泽尔地区(themosel)运来的风格清爽的德国雷司令(germanriesling)。

    We keep a small cellar there , and this year I dipped with delight into the stocks of refreshing German Riesling that I ship in regularly from the Mosel .

  29. 如果你没有一个阿尔萨斯祖母为你烹制加了山葵的炖牛肉或雷司令炖煮的鸡肉,温暖而装满木梁的Fink’Stuebel饭店是个不错的替代品。

    If you don 't have an Alsatian grandmother to cook you boiled beef with horseradish or riesling-braised chicken , Fink'Stuebel is a warm , wood-beamed substitute .

  30. 太平洋司令部发言人锡姆斯(ChrisSims)说,作战司令部的计划涵盖方方面面,从演习和人道救助到救灾行动,一直到全面的作战行动。

    ' Combatant Commands plan * for everything from exercises and humanitarian assistance , disaster relief operations all the way up to full-scale combat operations , ' said Capt. Chris Sims , the spokesman for Pacific Command .