
sī yào
  • pharmacist;druggist;chemist
司药 [sī yào]
  • [pharmacist] 医院中专门负责付给患者药品的医务人员

司药[sī yào]
  1. 东西两垛殿塑二药王坐像,旁侍司药、司书男女童,均保存较好。

    Hall of the two plastic things pile Manual jwasang two , next to the Secretary paternity medicine , Division book , boys and girls are better preserved .

  2. 主要包括:提高预算执行可行性、落实司药管理、妥善处理医疗欠费、开展全面核算、规划医疗设备、加强内外部监督、建立财务总监制等。

    Including : increase the feasibility of budget implementing , properly handle the medical arrears , to carry out a comprehensive accounting , medical equipment planning , to strengthen internal and external oversight , the establishment of the system , such as Chief Financial Officer .