
sī fǎ jiàn yì
  • judicial suggestion;suggestion from court
  1. 就前者而言,应当完备环境审判规则,提高审判人员专业化水平;就后者而言,环保法庭要做好与环境司法执行的衔接,通过司法建议、司法教育做好与司法服务工作的衔接。

    As the former , completing environment adjudication rule and building professional judicial personnel is necessary . as to the latter , environmental courts should do well the transition work in the field such as environmental judicial enforcement and judicial service through judicial suggestion and judicial education .

  2. 审理上诉案件和提供司法建议是加拿大司法审查活动的主要手段,司法审查活动本身也受到加拿大议会的约束。

    Judicial review is also restricted by Canadian parliament .

  3. 我国医疗侵权赔偿纠纷的法律适用问题及司法建议

    The law application problems on medical tort compensation disputes and judicial suggestions in China

  4. 立法建议侧重于在理论方面进行完善,而司法建议侧重于在实践方面进行完善。

    Legislative proposals focused on the theory , but the judicial emphasis on the practice .

  5. 第五章是笔者对合适成年人参与制度在我国的完善提出的司法建议。

    The last chapter is the advice of the consummation of the appropriate adult participation system in China .

  6. 第四章提出了我国处理诽谤公务员案件的司法建议。

    The fourth chapter gives some judicial recommendations about dealing with the definition of defaming civil servants in China .

  7. 目的对医疗损害赔偿诉讼中相关法律问题进行研究,并提出相关的司法建议。

    Objective To study some legal problems in lawsuit cases of medical impairment compensation , and raise correlative judicatory opinions .

  8. 在第四部分,笔者对典型商标侵权行为构成要件予以总结,并提出了相关立法和司法建议。

    In part 4 , the author summarizes the typical trademark infringement constitution elements and proposes relevant legislation and judicial advice .

  9. 本文对代位权诉讼的若干问题作简要的探讨,在指出存在的问题的同时,提出了一些立法和司法建议。

    This article gives a brief probe into several issues of Subrogation Suit , points out the problems and raises some suggestions .

  10. 行政审判中的司法建议制度的定义、特征及其功能研究关系到该制度的基础建设。

    The concept , the features and the function of judicial opinions in Administrative trial relate to the infrastructure of this system .

  11. 向被告和有关行政机关提出给予主要行政责任人员行政处分的司法建议;

    Judicial advice will be rendered to the defendant and the relevant administrative organs to make administrative sanctions to the major liable people ;

  12. 最后,提出了健全和完善我国继续盘问、留置制度的立法和司法建议。

    Ultimately , the legis and judicial submittals that adduced the sound and perfect our country continuance to pump , detain the system .

  13. 向该行政机关的上一级行政机关或者监察、人事机关提出司法建议。

    Putting forward a judicial proposal to the administrative organ superior to the administrative organ in question or to a supervisory or personnel department ;

  14. 文章的最后,在对被害人过错的内涵外延论证的基础上,提出了立法和司法建议。

    The final article , in the extension of the connotation of fault to victims based on the argument put forward the legislative and judicial advice .

  15. 提出司法建议的同时,笔者在文章最后提出了在《保险法》中增订事前弃权对保险代位求偿权影响的条款,以期促进立法中保险代位求偿制度的完善。

    Besides judicial suggestions , the writer proposes the idea that adding clause of subrogation in Insurance Law , to promote the perfection of insurance subrogation system .

  16. 而且检察院或法院可以针对社会调查报告中反映出来的问题向有关部门发出检察建议或司法建议,从根本上预防和减少未成年人犯罪。

    The procuratorate and court may put forward judicial proposals according to the problems shown in the social investigation report , to prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency consequently .

  17. 其次是司法建议,笔者建议应明确商标引诱侵权人责任承担的划分原则,点明商标权利穷竭原则对责任认定的影响。

    Secondly , the author makes suggestions on the jurisdiction that the rule of accountability of trademark inducement infringer and points out the effect of trademark rights exhaustion doctrine on the confirmation of responsibility .

  18. 最后,文章探讨了教师公职身份的实现问题,从程序保障和法律救济方面提出了一些立法和司法建议。

    In the final part , the article dealt with the realization of the public employment legal status of teachers , providing some legislative and judicatory suggestions about the procedural protection and legal remedies of teachers ' rights .

  19. 最主要的是根据民事诉讼法的理论与实践提出各纠纷解决方式与诉讼相协调的司法建议,运用司法的权威性保障其他纠纷解决方式的更好运作。

    The main civil law is based on theory and practice of dispute resolution and litigation of the coordination of judicial recommendations , the use of judicial authority to resolve disputes in other ways protect the work better .

  20. 同其他制度一样,行政诉讼司法建议的制度化离不开理论研究的支撑,相关主体的思想理念也影响着司法建议的发展趋势。

    With other systems , the support of the administrative proceedings institutionalization can not be separated from theoretical studies of the judicial proposal , related to the main ideas also affect the development trend of the recommendations of Justice .

  21. 从四个方面分析案件中的争议的焦点,通过比较研究得出相关的结论,最后提出相关的司法建议,以更好的规范网络服务商的行为,从而促进市场的规范发展。

    Reach appropriate conclusions from the focus of controversy in the four aspects of cases , through a comparative study . Finally , the judicial recommendations to better specification of network service providers , thus promoting the development of market norms .

  22. 行政诉讼司法建议是法院在行政诉讼活动中发现行政主体的行政行为中存在的且又不宜由法院直接处理的问题向行政主体提出解决问题和改进工作的书面建议。

    Administrative proceedings of Justice is the court found in the administrative litigation activities and because the administrative act of the administrative body is not appropriate for the Court to deal directly with a written proposal to solve problems and improve their work to the administrative body .

  23. 论文首先研究惩罚性赔偿制度的含义、发展,在此基础上,进一步论述惩罚性赔偿的正当性和必要性问题,惩罚性赔偿的适用范围以及如何适用,最后,提出立法司法建议。

    The paper first studies the punitive compensation system the meaning , the development , in this foundation , further elaborates the punitive compensation right and the necessary question , how is the punitive compensation applicable scope as well as suitable , finally , puts forward the legislation judicature proposal .

  24. 最后提出了我国立法和司法实践的建议。

    Finally , the legislative and judicial practice of China 's proposal .

  25. 结束语部分主要阐述了作者对医疗事故及其处理的某些观点,以及立法司法完善的建议。

    The author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect legislation and jurisdiction about medical accidents .

  26. 有些学者极端的认为法院调解制度有损司法威严,建议放弃。

    Some scholars think that the court mediation system of extreme detrimental to the judicial authority , they proposal to give up it .

  27. 四是要完善旅游资源保护的司法执法,建议设立专门的旅游资源保护审判庭。

    The fourth is to improve the judicial protection of tourism resources of law enforcement , the proposed protection of tourism resources in the creation of specialized courts .

  28. 最后,根据研究结论对本案进行重新认识并得出相关结论,同时对我国有关方面的立法和司法提出一些建议。

    At last , we reexamine the case in accordance with the research conclusion and get our own viewpoint , and meanwhile we give some related suggestion on legislature and judiciary .

  29. 在刑事审判程序中,为保证审判结果的真实公正,许多学者们做过许多研究为司法者提供建议补充司法制度中的不足。

    In the process of criminal trial , to ensure that the true and justice of the case , many scholars have done many studies to provide recommendations for the administration of justice in the lack of judicial system .

  30. 本部分,笔者针对实践需要以及我国现行《公司法》的立法状况,提出了引入检查人选任制度和增加相关司法解释的建议。

    In this session , according to the need of reality and the Legislative situation of our new Company Law , the author propose that our new Company Law should add the inspector choosing system and the relevant judicial interpretations .