
  1. 我国知识产权司法鉴定程序探析

    Research on the Judicial Expertise Procedure of Intellectual Property

  2. 刑事司法鉴定程序完善构想

    Thought of Improving the System of Judicial Authentication

  3. 司法鉴定程序合法,才能保证鉴定结论本身的正当性,对鉴定结论的质证、认证也才具有现实的意义。

    The legal judicial identifying procedure can ensure the conclusion 's legalization has never been mentioned .

  4. 在这一章,笔者重点论述了诉讼模式对司法鉴定程序的影响,因为二者是局部和整体的关系,局部必须要适应整体,才能发挥应有的效果。

    In this chapter , I have described the impact on judicial identification procedure of the lawsuit mode especially .

  5. 第一部分阐述民事司法鉴定程序启动权的概念、内涵及重要性。

    The first part will identify the concept , the connotation and the importance of the civil action judicial expertise starting rights .

  6. 大陆法系的司法鉴定程序制度对我国的司法鉴定程序的建构一直起着指引作用。我国现行的刑事司法鉴定程序很大程度上受到以德国刑事诉讼法为核心的大陆法系的影响。

    The civil law system of forensic procedures on the construction of our judicial identification procedures has played a role in the guidelines .

  7. 刑事司法鉴定程序的程序正当原则与价值平衡原则能在发现案件事实真相与提高诉讼效率之间找到平衡,从而实现程序正义与实体正义的契合。

    The identification procedures of the criminal justice program legitimate principles and values of the principle of balance in the facts of the case to find a balance between truth and efficiency of the proceedings , in order to achieve procedural justice and substantive justice fit .

  8. 在理论研究基础上,对司法会计鉴定程序及方法做出陈述,并通过具体案例的分析详解了六类鉴定技术方法。

    On the basis of theoretical research , this thesis describes the judicial appraises procedures and methods , the one to be analyzed by specific cases .

  9. 用法定的或规范化的形式完善我国的司法鉴定启动程序应是我国司法鉴定制度改革的重要内容。

    To improve the start process of China 's judicial appraisal with legal and standard forms should be the important content of the reform of our China 's judicial appraisal system .

  10. 从我国目前情况来看,我国有关司法鉴定启动程序方面的立法较为简单,立法层次较低,立法中仍旧存在着不少空白。

    Considering the current situation of our nation , the legislation of the starting of judicial expertise is rather primitive , and the level of legislation is low , and there are still many blank spaces in legislation .

  11. 司法鉴定质证程序问题研究

    Research on the Problems in Judicial Expertise Cross-examination Procedure

  12. 因此,建立一套统一的、科学合理的司法鉴定质证程序规则势在必行。

    Therefore , it is necessary to establish a set of united , scientific and reasonable judicial expertise cross-examination procedure .

  13. 第一章,对司法鉴定和司法鉴定程序的定义进行了界定,因为概念不清,将导致定位不准,甚至使以后的论述丧失意义。

    The fist part defines the judicial identification and judicial identifying procedure .

  14. 在问卷调查以及实地调研结果分析的基础上,本文归纳出司法会计鉴定主体方面、司法会计鉴定程序方法、标准方面以及司法会计鉴定结论方面存在的问题,并分析了问题形成的原因。

    And this paper summarized the existing problems in the subjects , program method , standards and conclusions of the forensic accounting , and analyzed the reasons for the formation of the problems .

  15. 司法鉴定启动是司法鉴定的开始,是司法鉴定程序中最重要的环节,司法鉴定启动权的设置直接反映了整个诉讼结构的价值取向。

    The startup of judicial expertise is the beginning of judicial expertise and the most important part of judicial expertise procedure . The setting of the right to startup judicial expertise reflects directly the value orientation of the entire action structure .

  16. 刑事司法鉴定制度中包括鉴定人制度、司法鉴定管理制度以及司法鉴定程序制度等等。

    The identification system of criminal justice , including expert systems , forensic management system , as well as forensic procedures system .

  17. 其中,暴露出我国司法鉴定体制存在很多问题,主要的焦点集中在鉴定人中立性规则和精神病司法鉴定程序的启动上。

    Among them , exposing our forensic system has many problems , the main focus on the appraiser neutrality rules and psychiatric forensic procedure starts .