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hé gǔ
  • ply;joint stock;form a partnership;pool capital
合股 [hé gǔ]
  • (1) [joint stock]∶合伙持有的股票或资本;作为普通股票或基金持有的资本

  • (2) [form a partnership;pool capital] ∶几个人把资金凑集在一起

  • 合股经营

  • [ply] 将两股或更多的毛线搓拢,拧在一起

合股[hé gǔ]
  1. 英国公司法的起源可以追溯到1844年的合股公司法和1855年的有限责任法。

    British company law can be traced back to Joint Stock Company Law ( 1844 ) and Limited Liability Act ( 1855 ) .

  2. 公司目前拥有十个全资子公司、一个合股公司和两家参股公司。独资、合资或股份有限公司。

    It has 10 subsidiary companies , 1 joint stock company and 2 participating stock companies . proprietorships , partnerships , or corporations .

  3. 棉Tencel混纺竹节倍捻合股线的开发

    Development of Cotton Tencel Blended Slub Yarn Double Twist Ply

  4. 依照您对本公司J.先生的要求,我们已另邮寄去10支的三合股纱样品。

    In compliance with your request to our Mr. J. , we have pleasure in sending by separate post a sample of our 10s . 3-ply yarn .

  5. 依照您对本公司J.先生的要求,我们已另邮寄去世0支的三合股纱样品。

    In compliance with your request to our mr. j. , we have pleasure In send by separate post a sample of our 10s . 3 - ply yarn .

  6. 3种纱均在DREFⅢ型摩擦纺纱机上按芯皮50/50比例纺成,经纱统一采用2合股纯棉纱线。

    These three yarn core layer skin layer 50 / 50 is spinning in DREF ⅲ friction spinning machine .

  7. CT70/36+1合股机轴承的改进设计

    Design Improving of Bearing of CT70 / 36 + 1 Closer

  8. 不久我可能要你当我内普丘恩的合股人。

    Soon I may make you my partner in the Neptune .

  9. 精梳棉异特合股低捻纱线的研制与开发

    Research and development of low-twist differential tex plied combed cotton yarn

  10. 银行改革开始了进入国有控股合股商业银行阶段。

    The banking reform began the stage of state-controlling join-stock commercial banks .

  11. 这两家公司为了他们的共同利益而合股。

    The two companys have enter into partnership for their mutual protection .

  12. 合股经营联合治理小流域

    Joint management of small watersheds through taking part in exploitation as shareholders

  13. 她和妹妹合股经营[他们合伙经营].

    She worked in partnership with her sister / They worked in partnership

  14. GHX-2×04型纤维合股机的研制

    Research and Manufacturing of Model GHX-204 Fiber Stranding Machine

  15. 粗纱机纺制合股线的探讨

    A discussion on spinning plied yarn by roving frame

  16. 她和妹妹合股经营[他们合伙经营]。

    She worked in partnership with her sister / They worked in partnership .

  17. 他发现这位合股人很难相处。

    He found his partner to be very disagreeable .

  18. 这些简单的分析只适合于由两根单纱合股成的纱线。

    This simple analysis holds only for two-ply yarns .

  19. 这个合股机构在1968年获得由美国建筑研究院颁发的建筑公司奖。

    The partnership received the1968 architectural firm award of the American Institute of architects .

  20. 完成这些任务可以帮助你在与人合股中放下自负。

    Accomplishing these tasks may help you to put aside personal ego in partnerships .

  21. 她和妹妹合股经营。

    She worked in partnership with her sister .

  22. 我刚和我的银行合股,他们拥有我的车的一半产权。

    I just went partners with my bank . They own half my car .

  23. 弹力机织织物,由与橡筋线合股的纸纱织成

    Fabric , woven , elastic , consisting of paper yarn combined with rubber threads

  24. 电讯盈科计划合股,股份五合一。

    PCCW has proposed a five-for-one share consolidation .

  25. 当我与别人建立了良好的合股关系时,我的生意最兴旺发达。

    My business was most successful when I formed a good partnership with someone else .

  26. 格雷把钱存起来,现在已是一艘装备优良的船的合股船主兼船长。

    Gray saved his money and is now half-owner and captain of a fine ship .

  27. 端对端缝合股动脉搭桥术的流动分析

    Flow Analysis of End-to-End Femoral Bypass Graft

  28. 她和一个过去的同事合股开始生产杯子。

    She 's gone into partnership with an excolleague of hers to start manufacturing mugs .

  29. 1958年他组织成了贝聿铭联合社团的合股机构,1966年贝聿铭股份机构。

    In1958 , he formed the partnership of I.M.Pei Associates , which became I.M.Pei Parteners in1966 .

  30. 生产合股纱时采用双摩擦假捻装置可充分利用机器,提高生产效率。

    When plied yarn are produced it is better to use " double-aggregate " device to increase efficiency .