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diào wèi kǒu
  • tantalize
吊胃口[diào wèi kǒu]
  1. 这味道真吊胃口

    The smell is really whetting my appetite .

  2. 预告是为了吊胃口。

    The preview was intended to whet your appetite .

  3. 小行星:凹陷处轮廓分明:吊胃口,激起兴趣欧洲太空署外太空探测器罗塞塔从距离地球数百万英里的小行星发回高分辨率的图像。

    The European Space Agency 's deep space probe Rosetta transmitted high-resolution images of an asteroid millions of miles from Earth .

  4. 工程承包价款谈判策略包括降价策略、调和折衷策略、对等让步策略、吊胃口策略、削弱对方信心策略和最后一分钟策略等。

    The strategies of negotiations on cost in contracting of project include the cost reduction strategy , reconciliation and compromise strategy , equal concession strategy , tantalization strategy , weakening the partner s confidence strategy , the last minute ' strategy , etc .

  5. 丹尼斯说:“接着说,别吊我们胃口了。”

    ' Go on , don 't leave us in suspense , ' Dennis said .

  6. 今年最吊人胃口的就是最佳影片奖将花落谁家。

    This year 's biggest question : the battle for best picture .

  7. 贝内特先生,你真会吊人胃口

    Oh , Mr Bennet , how can you tease me so ?

  8. 象《达拉斯》这样的电视连续剧经常以吊人胃口的方式结束一个时节。

    TV series like Dallas usually end the season with a cliffhanger .

  9. 除此之外,第一笔交易就是为了吊足胃口。

    Besides , the first sell just whets the appetite .

  10. 别再吊我胃口了!我受不了啦!

    Stop keeping me in suspense ! I can 't bear it !

  11. 简而言之,这就是吊听众胃口的地方。

    In short , this will be part that HOOKS the listener in .

  12. 我得认为你只是吊我胃口来增加我对你的爱

    I must conclude that you simply seek to increase my love by suspense ,

  13. 如此充满悬念,吊人胃口的剧情似乎是特意为了制造新闻和话题。

    This kind of cliffhanger almost seems tailor-made to capitalize on some of those headlines and generate buzz .

  14. 餐桌上的闲聊是吊人胃口的推测,在法庭后的动力是北京。

    The gossip at the table is tantalising : speculation that the motive force behind the court case is Beijing .

  15. 这个游戏最后是什么结局?别吊我胃口好吗?

    Tell me what happened at the end of the game , don 't keep me in suspense , all right ?

  16. 他们这么做并不是要吊人胃口,只是希望能消除小孩性别引起的固有期望。

    It wasnt because they wanted a surprise , they just wanted to avoid the inevitable expectations of what having a boy or girl meant .

  17. 我们知道大结局将会新加入一些吊人胃口的元素。因此这个新的威胁,不管它是什么,也不可能在下周被解决。

    We know the finale will involve some cliffhanger - y elements , so this new threat , whatever it is , might not be resolved next week .

  18. 别再吊我们的胃口了。

    Stop holding us in suspense .

  19. 杰克开始吊亨利的胃口。

    Jack begins to whet the latter 's appetite .

  20. 别吊我的胃口了,告诉我考试及格没有。

    Don 't keep me dangling ; tell me if I passed the test .

  21. 我觉得电视连续剧并不怎么样,因为它们总是吊你的胃口。

    I do not think much about TV serial because they always keep you in suspense .

  22. 吊学生的胃口,让学生想知道,引发好奇心;

    Suspended students appetite , so that students would like to know , lead to curiosity ;

  23. 这部影片又一次通过暗示战争和电影会结束来吊我们的胃口。

    Time and again this film teases us by suggesting that war and the movie will end .

  24. 如果你看了分数,请告诉我过了还是没过,不要吊我的胃口!

    If you have seen the marks , please tell me whether I passed or failed ; don 't me in suspense !

  25. 我的朋友们极尽所能,通过种种暗示和故意拼写了一半的句子来吊我的胃口。

    My friends did all they could to excite my curiosity by hints and half-spelled sentences which they pretended to break off in the nick of time .

  26. 读者吉姆•尼尔表示,这位首席执行官或许已经认定,在产品发布前吊一吊科技媒体的胃口是项不错的营销策略&即便这给了竞争对手一个瞄准的靶子。

    Reader Jim Neal suggests that the new CEO may have decided that allowing the tech press to build up expectations in advance of a product announcement is a good marketing strategy & even if it gives competitors a target to aim for .