
tóng bù
  • synchronous;synchronization;synchronism;sync;synchro;cogradient
同步 [tóng bù]
  • [synchronous;sync;synchronism;synchronization] 指两个或两个以上随时间变化的量在变化过程中保持一定的相对关系

  • 同步电动机

  • 同步增长

  • 各项改革要同步进行

同步[tóng bù]
  1. 通话录音:支持通话过程的同步录音

    Communication record : the function supports synchronization record during the communication process .

  2. 使用基本身份验证进行web同步。

    Use basic authentication for web synchronization .

  3. 声迹与动作不同步。

    The sound track did not synchronize with the action .

  4. 到目前为止,工资的增长与通货膨胀始终保持同步。

    Until now , wage increases have always kept pace with inflation .

  5. 将有导游陪同步行观光该遗址。

    There will be guided walks around the site .

  6. 将配乐和电影情节进行同步合成。

    Synchronise the score with the film action .

  7. 他们来回摇摆,基本上与音乐同步。

    They swayed back and forth , more or less in sync with the music .

  8. 这场演出会在美国国家广播电台、福克斯广播电台和一些有线电视网上同步播出。

    The show will be simulcast on NBC , Fox and a number of cable networks .

  9. 这个问题上的进展应该和经济领域的进展同步。

    Progress on this issue must be made in parallel to any moves on the economic front .

  10. 我们现在需要大力改革中学,以便与我们在小学里所取得的成果同步。

    We now need a step change in our secondary schools to match that achieved in our primaries .

  11. 那名侦探必须查明动机、手段和时机,而且对这三项的调查必须同步展开。

    The detective has to discover the motive , the means and the opportunity and has to keep these three balls in the air .

  12. 该影片画面与声音不同步。

    The film does not synchronize with sound .

  13. 机器的速度可调节到与包装速度同步。

    The speed of the machine may be regulated to pace the packing operation .

  14. 该片将于3月5日在影院和Disney+平台同步发行。Chaos9Walking《混沌行走》

    On general release from 5 March in cinemas , and on Disney +

  15. 苹果公司官员在8月9日的发布会上表示,该系统将在今年秋天与iOS15操作系统一起发布,如果用户将手机里的照片同步到苹果公司的存储服务器,系统将检查对这些文件进行检查。

    In the briefing on Monday , Apple officials said the company 's system , which will roll out this fall with the release of its iOS 15 operating system , will check existing files on a user 's device if users have those photos synched to the company 's storage servers .

  16. 该片将于5月28日在全球上映,并在Disney+平台同步上线。

    Released internationally in cinemas and on Disney + on 28 May

  17. 是一个高功率双窗口的文件同步和备份工具

    FileTiger is a high-power dual-window file synchronizer and backup tool . filetiger

  18. 飞行时,它们翅膀的拍打是同步的。

    As they fly , they synchronise their wing beats .

  19. 同步器可让您同步文件夹,磁盘或计算机上

    The Synchronizer allows you to synchronize folders , disks or computers .

  20. 消息只能与同步操作一起使用。

    The message can be used only with synchronous operations .

  21. 在选择其他文件夹前,您必须同步您的收件箱。

    You must synchronize your Inbox before selecting additional folders .

  22. 以及同步电动机失步检测及以80196KC进行控制的方法

    How to monitoring synchronizing error , and using 80196KC to control exciter .

  23. 居民收入增长和经济增长要基本同步。

    Per capita disposable income will generally grow in step with GDP growth .

  24. 在正常情况下,同步电机不易失去同步。

    Synchronous machines do not easily fall out of step under normal conditions .

  25. 3.我们应该与时代保持同步。

    We should keep up with the changing world .

  26. 此服务对桌面计算机和移动设备中的联系人进行同步处理

    This service synchronizes contacts between your desktop computer and your mobile device .

  27. 同步迷宫必须建立在一个特殊的,预先确定的地方

    A synchronizing labyrinth must be created at a special , predetermined place .

  28. 此服务对桌面计算机和移动设备中的任务进行同步处理

    This service synchronizes tasks between your desktop computer and your mobile device .

  29. 否则,手机和软件同步会耗费更长的时间。

    Otherwise , your phone and its software would take longer to sync .

  30. 风门的调速与飞机螺旋桨的转动精确同步

    The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane 's propeller .