
  1. 最新的标准普尔/Case-Shiller房价指数(S&P/Case-ShillerHomePriceIndices)显示,2013年9月份旧金山房价同比涨幅达到了25.7%。

    In September , prices soared 25.7 % from a year earlier , according to the latest S & P / Case-Shiller home price indices .

  2. CPI同比涨幅在7月份创下3年来的最高值&6.5%,但自那之后就不断回落。

    The CPI hit a three-year high of 6.5 per cent in July but has been gradually softening since then .

  3. 不过,随着基数降低和经济增长复苏,8月后cpi和ppi同比涨幅都可能会回升。

    However , both year on year CPI and PPI inflation could rebound after August on lower bases and growth recovery .

  4. CPI同比涨幅和PPI涨幅之间的差距不断扩大,说明部分制造业下游企业的利润率可能会有所改善。

    The widening gap between year-on-year CPI and PPI inflation implies that profit margins could be improved for some downstream manufacturing sectors .

  5. 菲尼克斯(Phoenix)、拉斯维加斯(LasVegas)和迈阿密戴德县(MiamiDadeCounty)等地的房价每月同比涨幅超过20%,但把这些花哨的数字抛在脑后吧。

    Forget the gaudy year-over-year monthly price jumps of over 20 % reported by the likes of Phoenix , Las Vegas , and Miami Dade County .

  6. 11月份的物价实际上较10月份有所下降,因为CPI环比下跌了0.2%。11月份,政治上具有敏感性的食品价格同比涨幅为8.8%,较10月份的11.9%有所回落。

    Prices actually fell slightly from October , with the CPI posting a monthly decline of 0.2 per cent , while the yearly rise in politically sensitive food prices dropped to 8.8 per cent in November , compared with 11.9 per cent in October .

  7. 但迄今为止,年度同比涨幅一直较为温和。

    But to date , the year-on-year increases have been modest .

  8. 11月同比涨幅为0.9%。

    They had risen 0.9 per cent year-on-year in November .

  9. 与此形成反差的是,非食品价格同比涨幅仅为1.9%。

    Non-food prices , in contrast , were a mere 1.9 per cent higher than a year before .

  10. 在中国强劲需求的支撑下,铁矿石价格的同比涨幅仍接近85%。

    Iron-ore prices are still up nearly 85 per cent year on year on the back of strong demand from China .

  11. 7月上海房价下降1.2%,推动同比涨幅由7%下降至4.1%。

    In Shanghai prices fell 1.2 per cent in the month , pushing the annual pace down from 7 to 4.1 per cent .

  12. 在过去五个月中的每一个月,具有政治敏感性的食品价格同比涨幅均超过10%。

    In each of the past five months , politically sensitive food prices have risen more than 10 per cent from a year before .

  13. 中国房价的同比涨幅连续第二个月缩小,从5月份的12.4%缩小至6月份的11.4%。

    The annual rate of price increases fell for the second month , from 12.4 per cent in May to 11.4 per cent in June .

  14. 莱坊第一次发布这一系列报告是在去年。当时上海租房价格同比涨幅最快,达到了8.2%。

    Last year , the first year Knight Frank released this report , Shanghai saw the biggest year-to-year increase in rental prices , at 8.2 % .

  15. 目前中国消费者价格指数的同比涨幅为5%,低于埃及的11%,但与去年相比增长了一倍。

    Consumer prices are now rising at least 5 per cent year-on-year ; less than the 11 per cent seen in Egypt but double last year .

  16. 10月底,家得宝股价超过了60美元,同比涨幅近70%。

    As of this October , a share of Home Depot costs more than $ 60 , an increase of nearly 70 % from the same time last year .

  17. 根据中国央行最近的货币政策报告,跟第一季度19.3%的同比涨幅相比,上半年同比涨幅非常显著。

    That is a marked increase over the 19.3 per cent year-on-year pace of growth in the first quarter , according to the central bank 's latest monetary policy report .

  18. 7月北京房价下降1%,为两年多来首次出现如此降幅,同比涨幅由6.4%下降至4%。

    Home prices in Beijing decelerated 1 per cent in the month - the first such decline in more than two years - cooling the annual change from 6.4 to 4 per cent .

  19. 中国6月份工业产出同比涨幅出现骤降,从5月份的16.5%降至13.7%,进一步加深了经济增长显著减速的印象。

    The impression of a significant slowdown was reinforced by a sharp drop in the year-on-year growth of industrial production in June , falling to 13.7 per cent from 16.5 per cent in May .

  20. 去年政府推出抑制房产投机的措施,曾经让房价月度同比涨幅从11.3%下降到零,它们应能提醒购房者、开发商和地方政府:房价不会永远上涨。

    Last year 's measures to curb speculation when monthly year-on-year property rises shrank from 11.3 per cent to zero were supposed to remind homebuyers , developers and local governments that prices do not rise forever .

  21. 伍德表示:“在过去20年里,月度同比涨幅只有4次超过了20%,最后一次是在1998年底。”

    " There have been only four periods in the last 20 years when the month-on-month returns have been greater than 20 per cent , " Mr Wood said . " The last was at the end of 1998 . "

  22. 今年头9个月,对房地产的投资仍在扩大,不过涨幅却在放慢。具体来说,今年头9个月房地产投资比去年同期增长12.5%,而头8个月投资的同比涨幅则是13.2%。

    Investment in real estate in the first nine months continued to expand but at a slower pace , rising by 12.5 per cent over the same period last year , compared with an increase of 13.2 per cent in the first eight months .

  23. 1-3月,居民消费价格同比上涨5.0%,涨幅比上年同期扩大2.8个百分点。

    From January to March , the consumer price index ( CPI ) rose by5.0 % year on year , 2.8 percentage points higher than that in the same period of last year .

  24. 中国国家统计局周五发布的数据显示,深圳新建住宅价格同比上涨57%,高于1月份52%的同比涨幅。

    Prices of new residential buildings in Shenzhen rose 57 per cent from a year earlier , up from January 's increase of 52 per cent , data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Friday .