
  1. 《同源字典》对《释名》的引用

    The Citation in Dictionary of Cognate Words from Dictionary of Explanation

  2. 王力《同源字典》几组同源字的再探讨

    Further Discussion about Several Groups of Paronyms in the Dictionary of Paronyms

  3. 今人王力的《同源字典》,是第一部具有现代意义的同源词研究的著作。

    The Dictionary of Homology Words , written by Wang Li is considered to be the first work on homology words with modern significance .

  4. 文章按照王力先生《同源字典》所定的上古音声韵标准,通过广泛地系联同源词来推求每个词的词源义。

    This paper decides the meanings of these ten phonograms related to paronyms according to the phonetic standards defined by Chinese Cognate Characters Dictionary written by Wang Li .

  5. 在《同源字典》相关同源字分组的基础上,根据王力先生关于同源字的鉴别标准和系联方法,并结合王宁先生关于同源词分析的理论,对四组同源字进行了考察。

    Based on the methods used by Wang Li 's Dictionary of Paronyms and the " etymologic meaning " theory by Wang Ning , four groups of paronyms will be analyzed in this paper .