
jūn quán
  • monarchical power;sovereignty;majesty
君权 [jūn quán]
  • (1) [sovereignty]∶王室的地位权威

  • (2) [majesty]∶君主的力量、权力或尊严

君权[jūn quán]
  1. 他以天立君为民论证君权的合法性,从而为其治民思想提供本体依据。

    He demonstrated legitimacy of monarchical power by god establishing a monarchy for the people .

  2. 中国古代的君权交替过程与故君的丧礼有直接关系。

    In ancient China , monarchical power transfer was directly related to the late monarch 's obsequies .

  3. n.帝国;帝王统治,君权美国曾一度是大英帝国的一部分。

    empire The United States was once a part of the British Empire .

  4. 法国的政治文化是绝对君权、天主教、雅各宾派(jacobins)还有一点点马克思主义所留下的遗产,它很难承认,一种没有事先被构想成有益的事物也能够是有益的。

    French political culture , the legacy of absolute monarchy , Catholicism and the Jacobins with a hint of Marxism finds it hard to admit that something can be good if it has not been conceived to be so .

  5. 然后他提到,新君王与新君权。

    Then he says there are new princes and new principalities .

  6. 紫色、紫红色-王室尊严、君权、公正。

    Purpure , purple - Royal majesty , sovereignty and justice .

  7. 例句过去人们相信君权神授。

    People used to believe in the divine right of kings .

  8. 路易十四及其君权的显赫

    of the monarchy and the splendour of Louis XIV .

  9. 给我自由,君权就属於你。

    Give me my freedom and I 'll give you the sceptre .

  10. 一是国家的本质,然后才是君权。

    One is the state of nature and the other is sovereignty .

  11. 过去人们相信君权神授

    People used to believe in the divine right of king

  12. 论汉代国家宗教中的君权与神权

    On the Regality and Divine Right in the State Religion of Han Dynasty

  13. 资产阶级以民族理论对抗君权神授思想。

    The bourgeoisies used national theory to oppose the thoughts of divine rights .

  14. 共和党人要求废除君权。

    Republicans seek the abolition of the throne .

  15. 有关合法性概念及中国古代君权合法性的几点思考

    Reflections on the concept of legitimacy and monarchy legitimacy in ancient Ch in a

  16. 已不允许再有任何对君权的限制或反抗。

    There was no longer any possibility of suggesting limitations or of countenancing rebellion .

  17. 论商周君权思想的变化

    The Change of King 's Power Thought During the Shang and the Zhou Dynasties

  18. 荀子的君权思想和礼法观可谓中国封建正统法律思想的雏形。

    The monarchic power thoughts of Xunzi is the embryo of Chinese feudalist law theory .

  19. 黄色成为君权符号的文化动因

    The Cultural Dynamics for the Color of Yellow to Become as Symbol of Royal Power

  20. 我想,这一点也是霍布斯,关于君权理论中很关键的一点。

    And I think , again , that too is central to Hobbes'theory of the sovereign .

  21. 他们被指责要为所有的罪行负责,而这些罪行则证明了天赋之君权易手的合理性。

    They were blamed for all the evils that justified the transfer of the mandate of heaven .

  22. 禁卫军权是中国古代专制君权的有机构成。

    The power of emperor 's guard troops was the organic constitute of Chinese ancient autarchical regality .

  23. 也谈权力制约问题&从中国古代君权制约理论谈起

    On the issue of restraining power & From the theory of restraining the monarchical power in ancient China

  24. 士大夫政治条件下,作为君权的唯一合作者,士大夫群体在北宋时期的政治和社会地位达到了一个空前的高度。

    As the only cooperators of the emperor , scholar-bureaucrats have extremely high social and political status then .

  25. 这位新君王的特质为何,他又如何不同于,较传统模式的君权政治威信?

    Of this new prince and how does he differ from ? more conventional modes of political authority ?

  26. 齐桓公死后,齐国出现争夺君权的内乱,力量削弱。

    When Duke Huan died , the intense contention for succession occurred and the power of Qi was weakened .

  27. 今天,我会着重讲讲,霍布斯关于君权的产物,即主权国家的理论。

    Today , I want to talk about Hobbes'theory of the sovereign state , the creation of the sovereign .

  28. 春秋晋国军权变化与君权衰落

    The Changes of Military Power and the Decline of Regality in the State of Jin in Sping and Autumn

  29. 紫禁城与凡尔赛&东西方绝对君权体制下的宫殿建筑比较

    FORBIDDEN CITY & CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES ── Comparative Research of Palaces under Absolute Authority in Eastern and Western Systems

  30. 董仲舒等人企图借天的权威来制约君权,作结构性的补救;

    Dong Zhongshu attempted to restrict the monarchical power borrowing the authority of " Heaven " to remedy its structure ;