
  1. 仅就治理天下和国家而言,关键在于制定法令,确定名份。

    As far as the administration of a country is concerned , the key is to make laws and regulations , establish clear ownership .

  2. 中国有着悠久的饮食文化,是一个以吃闻名天下的国家。

    China has a long food culture , is famous of eating in the world .

  3. 正是在天下与民族国家的断裂中,知识分子才得以诞生。

    Intellectual were naissance from the rupture of Tianxia and nation-state .

  4. 我想天下豪门《国家地理》若是以美元许诺,那么饥饿的阿富汗人不应该放过机会。

    I assume that if the rich and influential National Geographic promised a payment in US dollars , then a hungry Afghani would be hard-put to pass up such a chance .