
  1. 吴祖光的话剧是中国话剧民族化过程中的成功探索。

    It is the successful probe of the nationalization of China drama .

  2. 本文认为,吴祖光的话剧创作与中国传统戏曲艺术对他的影响密不可分。

    The paper believes that Wu 's modern drama creation is related to traditional Chinese opera art closely .

  3. 文章从编剧技巧、人物塑造及抒情性三个方面分析了吴祖光话剧的独特风格形成的深层原因。

    The article analyzes the deep reasons which formed Wu 's special style of modern drama from playwriting skill , characterization depiction and lyricism .

  4. 最后,吴祖光又大胆地拓展了自己的审美视野和戏剧思维方式,借用西方荒诞剧的艺术手法,创作了荒诞喜剧《嫦娥奔月》。

    Lastly , WU Zu-guang broadens his aesthetic vision and drama 's mode of thinking by making use of the artistry of the absurd theatre , and produces his famous absurd comedies .