
  1. 山西省人民医院呼吸道疾病科的主任窦海云说:这是一个好的开端。

    " It 's a good beginning ," said Dou Hal Yun , head of the respiratory illness department at the Shanxi Provincial People 's Hospital .

  2. 方法2004年10月至2005年3月,将山西省人民医院,山西医科大学第一附属医院,山西省儿童医院内科和儿科门诊中的流感样病例做为研究对象,收集其基本人口学特征资料。

    Methods The influenza like individuals from medical department and paediatrics out patients of 3 hospitals in shanxi taiyuan were involved in this study during Oct.2004 through Mar 2005 and investigated basic information .