
  • 网络The Other Side of the Mountain;Overberg;Beside the Mountain
  1. 我需要到山那边去。

    I need to go over the other side of the mountain .

  2. 他大胆地走了进去,以为这条小路会通向山那边有阳光的山谷。

    He went boldly in , thinking that the passage would open out into a sunny glen on the other side of the mountain .

  3. 人们看见那架飞机燃烧着掉到山那边,撞毁了。

    The plane was seen blazing down behind the hill , where it crashed .

  4. 男孩子们爬上那座小山岗从山那边下去了。

    The boys climbed that hill and went down the other side .

  5. 山那边的草更绿。(山外有山,天外有天。)

    The grass is greener on the other side of the hill .

  6. 从山那边传来了枪声的回响。

    The hill echoed back the noise of the shot .

  7. 山那边地面呈陡坡向河边倾斜。

    Beyond the hill , the land falls sharply towards the river .

  8. 直到那时我们还不知道山那边有什么。

    Till then we never knew , what was over the mountain .

  9. 山那边传来猫头鹰的叫声&不祥的声音!

    The hooting of an owl came over the hill & ominous sound !

  10. 她住在山那边约有二公里路的一幢房子里。

    She lives in a samll house about two kilometres beyond the hill .

  11. 例如我们是否认为山那边的草更绿?

    Do we believe the grass is always greener ?

  12. 山那边的草原终年少雨。

    The grassland beyond this mountain has little rain all the year round .

  13. 对山那边的邻居我道起此事;

    I let my neighbor know beyond the hill ;

  14. 山那边地势陡降,伸向河边。

    Beyond the hill , the land falls away sharply towards the river .

  15. 我想山那边应该热闹点吧。

    I suppose it 's more cheerful on the other side of the mountains .

  16. 山那边有一座村庄。

    There be a village beyond the hill .

  17. 前几年出嫁到山那边了。

    She was married at the side over the mountain a few years ago !

  18. 不知道山那边是什么&是海吗?

    I wonder what lies on the other side & is it the sea ?

  19. 可以看到山那边的云彩。

    There were clouds visible beyond the mountains .

  20. 山那边开旷的山坡上,还时常有麻鹬的啼声。

    On the open side of the mountain beyond , whaups would be always whistling .

  21. 山那边的河流都流向西海岸。

    All the rivers on that side of the mountains run down to the west coast .

  22. 这个国家的疆界改变了,将山那边的一块土地兼并进来了。

    The country 's boundaries were changed to take in a piece of land beyond the mountain .

  23. 走吧那边穿过灌木朝着山那边去了

    To there ? Come on . Over there , through the brush and off towards the hill .

  24. 他向四处张望着以确保没人跟踪他,后来就在山那边不见了。

    He looked around to make sure that noboay was following him , and then he disappeared over the hill .

  25. 我们在这里找来找去也找不到一个山洞,也许山那边有,谁知道呢?

    Who knows if we might not find on the opposite side one of the caverns which we have searched for in vain here ?

  26. 你想把山那边或树后面的东西带到这个知道的领域中。

    Into this field of knowing you want to bring that which is on the other side of the hill , or behind that tree .

  27. 扫罗在山这边走,大卫和跟随他的人在山那边走。大卫急忙躲避扫罗。

    Saul was going along one side of the mountain , and David and his men were on the other side , hurrying to get away from Saul .

  28. 他的成长道路十分艰难,在他身上,并没有什么特殊的气质,有的只是生活在山那边的人们所共有的那种坚忍不拔的毅力和强劲有力的肌肉。

    He had come up the hard way and embodied nothing in particular except the eternal toughness and sinewy fiber of the men who grew up beyond the mountains .

  29. 夕阳西下,我们有点着急了,今夜要是赶不到山那边的太阳寨,只有在这深山中露宿了。

    By sunset , we were a somewhat anxious that if we could not reach the village over the mountain , we had to camp in this mountain overnight .

  30. 伴随着震耳欲聋的扑扑-扑扑声,一辆巨大的、长长的、锃亮的汽车从他们身边呼啸而过,消失在山那边。

    The ' poop-poop ' rang with a shout in their ears , and an enormous , long , shining motorcar roared past them and disappeared over the hill .