
  • love bite
  1. 你脖子上也有吻痕。

    Got a love bite on your neck .

  2. 亲吻中的吻痕是皮肤上一个小小的红印,通常是由于过度吮吸颈脖或者肩膀上的皮肤而造成的。

    A love bite is a red mark left on the skin , usually the neck or shoulder , caused by excessive lip suction on the skin .

  3. 如果有人在你身上留下吻痕,你想要遮盖,遵循VideoJug这段视频,学习怎样消除吻痕。

    If someone has given you a hickey and you want to hide it , follow this VideoJug guide on how to get rid of a hickey . Potential embarrassment can be avoided when we reveal to you the simple secret to getting rid of a hickey .

  4. 现在,用电池的末端摩擦有吻痕的部位。

    Now , rub the end of the battery against the hickey .

  5. 当别人盯着她脖子上的吻痕看时,她脸都泛红了。

    The girl blushed when people stared at all the hickeys on her neck .

  6. 你脖子上那个是吻痕吗?

    Is that a hickey on your neck ?

  7. 你那吻痕哪儿来的?

    Where 'd you get the hickey ?

  8. 更可能的诊断结果是吻痕。

    The more likely diagnosis is hickey .

  9. 兽医说,狗狗留给你的“吻痕”里充满了沙门氏菌、弯曲杆菌、隐孢子虫。

    Veterinarians say dogs'chops are teeming with germs like salmonella , campylobacter , and cryptosporidium .

  10. 我试图在自由女神的身上留下爱之吻痕,磕断了我的两颗牙齿。

    I broke two teeth trying to give a hickie to the Statue of Liberty .

  11. 那吻痕是谁给的?

    Who gave you that hickey ?

  12. 但是罗密欧和朱丽叶间的联系应该不止于一个吻痕吧。

    But there has to be more of a connection between Romeo and Juliet than just a hickey .

  13. 我们必须真的真的不让钱这种事情介入…那是个吻痕吗?

    Phoebe : We just have to really , really , really , not let stuff like money getis that a hickey ?

  14. 奥运健儿肩膀上和背上那些暗红色的印记可不是被烟头烫的,当然也不是圆形的吻痕。

    Those dark red spots dotting Olympians ' shoulders and backs are not cigar burns . They 're not perfectly circular hickeys either .

  15. 她会发现有男孩子的,因为我有筹码这么大这么红的吻痕!

    She 's going to know that there were boys , because I have a hickey the size and color of a poker chip !

  16. 要消除吻痕,首先要确定的是你脖子上类似吻痕的印记真的是吻痕,还是皮疹,瘀伤或其他疾病。

    To remove a hickey , the first thing you need to is to determine whether or not a hickey-like mark on your neck really is a hickey , as opposed to a rash , bruise , or other ailment .