
  • 网络Employee Referral;Staff Picks;Current employee referrals
  1. 在美国,员工推荐的做法似乎比在欧洲更普遍。

    The practice of employee referrals appears to be more common in the US than in Europe .

  2. 但是,“员工推荐”的真正问题在于,如果负责招聘的人事经理懂一点经济学,决定为每一个有效的推荐提供奖金,麻烦就来了。

    But the real problem with employee referrals is what happens when recruiting managers with a rudimentary understanding of economics decide to offer cash bonuses for these referrals .

  3. 刊登招聘广告以及日益流行的员工推荐,都起到了一定的作用。

    Advertising and , increasingly , staff referrals play a part .

  4. 他警告称,丰厚的奖金可能引诱员工推荐不合适的人。

    He warns that extravagant bonuses may tempt staff to recommend names inappropriately .

  5. 对于企业而言,员工推荐计划是一个非常受欢迎的招聘方式。

    Employee referral schemes are a popular way for organisations to recruit new blood .

  6. 斯科特呼吁,企业应将审计流程纳入员工推荐计划中,以打击欺诈行为。

    Mr Scott urges companies to incorporate an audit trail into the referral schemes to combat fraud .

  7. 她表示,因此,最好将员工推荐计划作为平衡招聘做法的一部分。

    Referral schemes are therefore best used as part of a balanced approach to recruitment , she says .

  8. 当一位受到尊敬的员工推荐了一个朋友时,雇主可能倾向假设,这位候选人会成为一个很好的同事。

    When a respected employee recommends a friend , employers may be tempted to assume that the candidate will make a good colleague .

  9. 如果员工推荐计划是你的主要招聘来源,那么你需要记住,人们往往是物以类聚。

    If referral schemes are your major source of recruits , you need to remember that people tend to socialise with people like themselves .

  10. 以渠道招聘支持部为主,以团队经理在公司的支持下参与招聘为辅,为员工推荐为补充。

    Mainly supported by the DHR or HR , the recruitment system involves the team managers in the process as the supplemented and the staffs'referrals .

  11. 另一个问题是,如果你有任何招募甄选的程序,那当你要求你的员工推荐人选时,他们不会真的推荐他们的好朋友。

    Another problem is that if you have any kind of selective hiring process at all , when you ask your employees to find referrals , they 're not going to even consider telling you about their real friends .

  12. 雅克布逊是一位独立制片人,她说,一个员工推荐她读读小说的第一部,她就“迷上了”这个系列,她向科林斯女士保证,她一定会寻找一家忠实原著价值观的制片公司。

    Ms. Jacobson , an independent producer , said that she became " fixated " on the series after an employee persuaded her to read the first novel and that she convinced Ms. Collins that she would find a studio that would be faithful to the stories " values .

  13. 基于教职员工的推荐

    on recommendation of the faculty

  14. 很多公司认为员工内部推荐常常是一种很好的招聘途径,通过员工可以招聘到合格可靠的新职员。

    Many employers find that employee referrals are often the best recruitment source for qualified , reliable applicants .

  15. 外国雇主对该员工的推荐信,信中包含详细的雇佣日期、职位、资历和薪资;以及。

    A letter from the alien 's foreign qualifying employer detailing his or her dates of employment , job duties , qualifications , and salary ; and .

  16. 一种担心是,由于现有员工可能推荐和自己相像的人,因此引荐计划会限制新的想法进入公司,并导致职场偏见更为严重。

    One worry is that referral programmes restrict the flow of new ideas into organisations and exacerbate workplace biases , because existing staff are likely to recommend people in their own image .

  17. 有些公司主要是通过现有员工的私人推荐招募人才。

    Some recruit mostly through private referrals from existing employees .

  18. 我想,他们可能还让前员工给他们推荐了新员工。

    I think they have alumni referring new employees .

  19. 以亚特兰大的一家医院为例,当发现员工利用其推荐计划诈骗了3.5万美元之后,该医院解雇了4名员工。

    In one case , a hospital in Atlanta sacked four people when it discovered that its scheme had been scammed to the tune of $ 35,000 .

  20. 最后,当出现人手不足的情况时,你的员工会主动推荐好的候选人,公司的员工流失率低。这意昧着他们乐意追随你,乐意与你一起工作。

    At last , when happens personnel deficit , your subordinates will positive recommend candidates . If the company has the low rate of staff turnover , that means they are happy to go along with you , and work together with you .

  21. 一些住上了家庭宿舍的员工将美驰图推荐给了其他找工者。

    The family dormitories have prompted workers to recommend the factory to jobseekers .

  22. 换句话说,就是四分之三的员工是由他人推荐来的。

    In other words , three out of four people are found based on recommendations from others .

  23. 以会计师事务所安永(ernst&young)的英国分公司为例,18%的新员工都是通过推荐招募的;而在美国,这一比例是50%。

    At Ernst & Young in the UK , 18 per cent of new employees are referrals ; in the US , the figure is 50 per cent .

  24. 调查发现,一些公司甚至欢迎员工的配偶通过推荐计划加入公司。根据此类计划,员工可向人力资源部推荐自己的朋友。

    Some companies have gone as far as welcoming spouses under referral programmes in which staff can recommend friends to their human resources departments for recruitment , the study finds .

  25. 聪明的老板懂得运用员工介绍&即员工推荐能补缺的人选,这可能是招募优秀应征者的最佳方法。

    Smart bosses know that employee referrals , whereby an employee recommends somebody for an available position , can be the best source of good applicants .