
  1. 从饭店技能大赛看饭店业员工综合素质培养

    On Comprehensive Professional Training of Hotel Staff in the Light of Hotel Skills Competition

  2. 而要实现员工综合素质的提高,培训无疑是针对性强、递进关系明确、可控性好、成效快的一个途径。

    In order to achieve the improvement of the overall quality of staff , training is the most effective way which is fairly targeted and of good controllability .

  3. 拓展运动也称外展训练,这种新兴的体验式培训运动,是文明、科学、健康、有效的现代培训方式,是企业团队建设和提升员工综合素质的有效方法。

    Expansion , also known as the Outward Bound movement , this new " experiential " training exercise , is civilized , scientific , health , effective modern training methods , corporate team building to enhance the overall quality of staff and effective way .

  4. 针对人员技能评价的问题,国内外学者作了大量的研究工作,但所提出的评价方法普遍应用于管理类的企业员工综合素质评价,而针对轨道交通维修工职业技能的评价涉及很少。

    A large amount of research work has been made in domestic and foreign . The most work is generally applied to the comprehensive quality of staff , on the contrary , rarely to the vocational skills of maintenance personnel in urban mass transit .

  5. 三是中介机构缺乏经营管理型人才、高技术人才,员工综合素质处于低水平,整个保险中介行业目前仍处于低层次展业水平。

    Three was the facilitating agency lacks the management talented person , the high-tech talented person , the staff synthesizes the quality to be in the low level , the entire insurance intermediary profession at present still was in the low level unfolding industry level .

  6. 改善制度环境,引进先进的竞争机制,拟建KPI指标考评体系,改善薪酬分配机制、加强薪酬的激励约束作用,建立人才流动储备库,并且加大对培训的投入,盘活存量、提升员工整体综合素质。

    KPI indicators Assessment System should be designed and built to improve the pay distribution mechanism , strengthen the incentive pay restraint role . To establish reserves for personnel flows , and increase input in training to activated personnel stock and improve the overall quality of the overall staff .

  7. 为了提高员工的综合素质,在人才的培养过程中,公司建立了一套完备、系统的培训体系。

    In order to improve the overall quality of the staff in the cultivation process , the company has established a comprehensive and systematic training system .

  8. 随着通信技术更新、市场竞争日益激烈,企业对员工的综合素质以及专业知识的要求也越来越高,现有的培训方式逐渐显现出与当前形势不适应的特点。

    As communication technology update , increasingly fierce market competition , the requirements of enterprise staff with comprehensive quality and expertise is becoming more and more significant .

  9. 面对知识经济的挑战,管理应重视企业文化,营造团队精神,努力提高员工的综合素质。

    To meet the challenge of knowledge economy , managers should value enterprise culture , esprit de corps , and the upgrading of the faculty 's comprehensive quality .

  10. 最后报告就如何改进人力资源管理,切实提高公司员工的综合素质,提升工作能力,最终提升企业的核心竞争力,提出了改进意见。

    Experimental results by means of the algorithm are shown . Finally , it gives some suggestions on improving HRM , enhancing employee 's capability , heightening company 's core competency .

  11. 日益激烈的酒店业竞争实质上是人才的竞争,因此,酒店有必要使从业人员尽快掌握英语口语技能,进而全面提升酒店员工的综合素质。

    Therefore , it is necessary for the hotel to make the employees to master English speaking skills as soon as possible , thereby enhance the overall quality of the hotel staff .

  12. 品绩考评管理方法,是通过目标的层层分解,实现单位的战略目标。该办法能够全面评价员工,客观公正地反映员工的综合素质,是事业单位实施年度考核的有效方法。

    Performance evaluation method of management is an effective method in the annual assessment in public institutions which can comprehensively assess and objectively and fairly reflect the overall quality of staff by formulating the targets to realize the organization strategy .

  13. 要加强员工培训开发,全面提高新老员工的综合素质。

    A Plant should strengthen the training exploitation to staff in order to improve the comprehensive quality of both the old staff and the new ones .

  14. 企业的发展离不开员工,而员工的发展离不开培训,培训是提高员工综合素质和工作业绩的有效手段之一。

    The enterprises can not develop without employees , employees can not develop without training . Training is one of the effective means to improve the overall quality and job performance of staff .

  15. 企业员工通过培训可以发展提升自身价值,企业通过培训可以提高员工的综合能力及素质,以推进企业发展,使企业效益最大化。

    Enterprise staff can be developed to raise their value through training , enterprises can improve the comprehensive ability and quality of staff through training , to promote enterprise development , make the enterprise benefit maximization .