
zhōu lǐ
  • rites of the Zhou Dynasty
周礼 [zhōu lǐ]
  • [Zhou Li--a classical book in ancient China] 亦称《周官》或《周官经》,儒家经典之一。搜集周王室官制和战国时代各国制度,添附儒家政治理想,增减排比而成的汇编

  • 《周礼》外朝以询万民。(引语见《周礼.秋官.小官寇》,原文是小司寇之职,掌外朝之政,以致万民而询焉。)--清. 刘开《问说》

  1. 作为文化意识形态和政治体制的周礼,丧失了其合法性与权威性,遭遇到了形式化的危机。

    As the cultural ideology and political structure , ZHOU " Li " had lost its legality and authority , encountering a formal crisis .

  2. 西周时期逐步完善起来的周礼,标志着我国性别制度的逐步形成及基本定型,以后各代的性别制度大致在此基础上渐渐完善起来的。

    Rites of the Zhou , which was improved during the West Zhou Dynasty , symbolized that the gender institution had been gradually established in China and had basic form .