
  • 网络tang dynasties;Sui And Tang;the Sui and Tang Dynasties;sui
  1. 试论隋唐以前歧视羌人之现象

    An Analysis of the Discrimination against Qiang Nationality before Sui and Tang Dynasties

  2. 试论梅园景观设计方法&以洛阳隋唐遗址植物园梅园为例

    Discussion On the Landscape Design of Plum Garden & Take plum garden of Sui and Tang dynasties relic botanic garden sites as an example

  3. V到的初步形成时期,即两汉至隋唐时期;20世纪两汉用字研究综述

    The period of primary formation , namely , Han dynasty to Sui , Tang dynasty ; Summarizing the Research to the Diction of Former and Later Han Dynasty in 20th Century

  4. 中国古代创造了辉煌灿烂的物质文明与精神文明,隋唐时期的我国更是处于科学技术与国力发展的巅峰。

    Ancient China has created a brilliant material and spiritual civilization .

  5. 隋唐五代时期的武术

    The Martial Arts in Sui Tang & 5-Dynasty Periods Time

  6. 朝阳隋唐墓葬研究

    A Research on Tombs of Sui-Tang Dynasties in Chaoyang Region

  7. 洛阳是隋唐时期仅次于首都长安的大都市。

    Luoyang was the East Capital of the Sui and Tang Dynasties .

  8. 隋唐园林研究&园林场所和园林活动

    Research on Traditional Garden History of Sui and Tang Dynasty-Places and Activities

  9. 隋唐五代医学文献发展概述

    Medical Literature Development Overview on Sui and Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties

  10. 他是隋唐时期的一位神医。

    He was a magic doctor of the Sui and Tang dynasties .

  11. 北魏至隋唐历代均田制度的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Equal-Dividing-Fields System in Dynasties from North Wei

  12. 隋唐科举制考论

    Discuss the Civil Service Exam System in the Sui and Tang Dynasties

  13. 隋唐五代诗歌在体制上的发展衍变

    Development Evolution of Poem Forms in the Sui Tang Dynasties

  14. 隋唐时代日本与中国文化

    Japan and Ch in ese Culture in the Age of Sui and Tang

  15. 隋唐五代诗话向我们展示了当时人们对于隋唐五代诗歌的三种接受方式。

    Sui , Tang and Five dynasties poetry talks shows three reception ways .

  16. 隋唐童蒙教育文献研究

    The Research of the Children Educational Documents in the Sui and Tand Dynasty

  17. 隋唐时期中日佛教交流述论

    Review on Buddhism exchange between China and Japan in Sui and Tang Dynasties

  18. 隋唐时期建筑采用琉璃瓦,更是富丽堂皇。

    Glass tiles used in Sui and Tang made the building more glorious .

  19. 从战国到隋唐、五代至两宋,这一时期工笔画从幼稚走向成熟。

    But after the Song Dynasty it became mature .

  20. 隋唐农业区发展原因探析

    On the Cause of the Development of the Agricultural Area in Sui-Tang Dynasties

  21. 隋唐时期医学思想特点的分析研究

    Analytical study on characteristics of medical thinking in the Sui and Tang dynasties

  22. 隋唐运河柳孜唐船及其拖舵的研究

    Study of ancient ships and rudders in Tang Dynasty

  23. 隋唐汉族风俗演进的趋向

    The Evolutionary Orientation of the Han Customs in the Sui and Tang Dynasties

  24. 隋唐时期南风北渐述论

    On the Spread of South-China Customs into the North during the Sui-Tang Period

  25. 试论西部经济在隋唐时期的地位与作用

    The Position and Function of Western Region Economy during Tang and Sui Period

  26. 二是分析了隋唐五代时期海洋灾害的成因。

    Chapter two is the cause of marine disaster .

  27. 论隋唐洛阳城的设计思想与影响

    The Designing Idea of the Luoyang City in the Sui and Tang Dynasty

  28. 从水运发展看隋唐时期的旅游业

    The affect of the development of channel to Sui and Tang 's tourism

  29. 隋唐五代时期,医学文献较前有了新的发展。

    Medical literature had new development on Sui and Tang dynasty and five dynasties .

  30. 其次,关于隋唐时期的僧尼的实际角色。

    The second , about actual part of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty .