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  1. 在双对数坐标下,商三区和胜二区岩石孔喉半径与渗透率存在线性关系;

    There is a liner relation between radius of the pore throat and permeability of the rock in log log coordinate .

  2. 沙四上亚段沉积时期,胜坨地区存在两个不同的物源体系,即坨94断层上升盘物源和胜北断层上升盘物源。

    The results indicate that there were two different provenance systems during the deposition of the upper Es4 : one on the upthrow of the Tuo94fault and the other on the upthrow of the Shengbei fault .

  3. 我和海胜经过调整,第二天晚上就适应了。

    Nie Haisheng and I adapted ourselves to the special condition on the second night .

  4. 我和海胜尽力熟悉对方的工作生活习惯。

    Nie Haisheng and I did our best to understand each other about our work and our own living habits .

  5. 过去三个赛季67胜、73胜和67胜的出色战绩印证了这一点。

    And the results are clear the past 3 seasons . 67 / 73 / 67 wins the past 3 seasons .

  6. 后两种算法充分运用正交设计的均匀性和优良胜,提高了算法的性能。

    Because of uniformity and choiceness of orthogonal experimental design , the performance of the last two algorithms is improved much . 4 .

  7. 要是想更环保,鼓励她们自己弄头发和化妆胜过去美容院。

    To go even greener , encourage them to do each other 's hair and makeup , rather than traveling to a salon .

  8. 随着全国水利事业的蓬勃发展,全国各地兴建了数以千计的大中型水工构筑物和难以胜数的小型水利设施。

    Along with the national water conservancy undertakings flourish , throughout the country to build thousands of large and medium-sized hydraulic structures and numerous small water conservancy facilities .

  9. 嗜好饮茶的人可去的地方很多,但最典型的还是北园酒家(以虾饺为特色)和炳胜品味。

    Yum cha addicts are spoiled for choice but the extensive selections at both North Garden Restaurant ( where shrimp dumplings are the specialty ) and Bing Sheng are exemplary .

  10. 一年前,就是这支勇士队创造了24-0的常规赛开局记录和73胜的记录,打破1995-96赛季的芝加哥公牛的胜场记录,但最终没能拿下总冠军。

    A year ago , these Warriors fell short after a record-setting season that included a 24-0 start and 73 victories at the end to break the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls ' wins mark .

  11. 这并不是在批评他没有得到充分利用,在勇士赢得冠军和创造了胜场最多NBA历史记录的那两个赛季,汤普森在队内都扮演了比现在更重要的角色。

    It is not a criticism to say that he is underutilized ; the Warriors themselves won a title and mounted the winningest season in NBA history with Thompson playing a larger role .

  12. 这些媒体网站上的新闻,都有明确说到他“巴萨历史最强”和“远胜皇马”。

    " Barcelona are the best team in history ," Gago said , according to ESPN Argentina .

  13. 尽责的教练会寻觅办法让孩子们在团队精神、自我牺牲、竞争、平和地对待胜与败诸方面受到教育。

    Conscientious coaches seek to impart lessons in teamwork , self-sacrifice , competition , gracious winning and losing .

  14. 与此同时,海洋深处是世界上最佳浮潜和水肺潜水胜点之一。

    Meanwhile , beneath the ocean , is some of the best snorkelling and SCUBA diving in the world .

  15. 这种以气势和道德情感胜的散文风格,对后世散文有着深远影响。

    The prose style that is based on the tremendous momentum and morality feeling , affects deeply the prose in laster ages .

  16. 从去年到现在我们感觉自己成长了许多,目前我们只差三场胜利就将和上赛季胜场持平。

    We feel like we 've grown a lot from last year and we 're three wins from our season total from last year .

  17. 并运用小麦根尖细胞微核实验和赤子爱胜蚓体细胞核的彗星实验,检测了五氯苯酚的遗传毒性效应。

    The genotoxicity effects of PCP on crops and animals were also studied using the micronucleus test with root tip cells of wheat and the comet assay with Eisenia fetida .

  18. 该纪录片是迷人嘀和引人如胜嘀,尤其是那些对中国嘀。

    The documentaries are fascinating and enthralling , especially those about China .

  19. 知识不可穷尽,但获取知识的策略和方法却可以胜数。

    Knowledge is endless , but there are so many strategies and methods to obtain knowledge .

  20. 在当地能够找到被制成漂亮的珠宝和工艺品的十胜石。

    Obsidian , which is found locally , is crafted into an amazing assortment of jewelry and ornamental objects .

  21. 据遗留的文献和图像记载,胜这一型模是西王母的典型配饰。

    According to documents and images recorded legacy ," Sheng " is the typical accessories of the " west queen " .

  22. 在这一方面,社会主义和资本主义之间谁胜谁负的问题还没有真正解决。

    In this respect , the question of which will win out , socialism or capitalism , is not really settled yet .

  23. 未来高技术条件下的局部战争,仍然要坚持和发扬以劣胜优的优良传统,但关注的重点、角度有所不同。

    With the changes of the environment and methods in the future ," defeating the superior with the inferior " should be emphasized and viewed differently .

  24. 6月和7月是胜红蓟的生长高峰期,自8月份开始,胜红蓟进入生殖生长阶段,分枝时期十分不一致,最终导致种子成熟不一致。

    June and July are two growth peaks of Ageratum conyzoides . From August Ageratum conyzoides enters procreation growth period , its branches are not uniform and it may lead seed maturation untidy .

  25. 同时,湖人也需要甩开在他们身后的其他竞争者,比如掘金(7胜11负)、国王(7胜11负)和鹈鹕(7胜12负)。

    Meanwhile , the Lakers will need to hold off other challengers behind them in the standings , like the Denver Nuggets ( 7-11 ) , Sacramento Kings ( 7-11 ) and New Orleans Pelicans ( 7-12 ) .

  26. 印刷业采用最新设备,特别是采用数码科技的设备,使印刷品在质素和产量方面更胜从前。先涛公司在科技上的设备绝对不亚于美国的工业光魔公司。

    The use of state-of-the-art equipment , especially that employing digital technology , has enabled the industry to raise quality and productivity to new levels . The technology Centro has at its disposal is no less impressive than ILM itself .

  27. 至于湖人打进季后赛的希望:湖人不可能赶上西部的精英球队,比如勇士(16胜2负)、马刺(15胜4负)和快船(14胜5负)。

    When it comes to Los Angeles ' playoff hopes , the team won 't catch the elite in the West like the Golden State Warriors ( 16-2 ) , San Antonio Spurs ( 15-4 ) and Los Angeles Clippers ( 14-5 ) .

  28. 1000和1500μg·g~(-1)的胜红蓟挥发油对小菜蛾田间种群的干扰作用控制指数(IIPC)分别为0.4826和0.5084,胜红蓟素的为0.4556和0.3205。

    The interference index of population control ( IIPC ) were 0.4826 and 0.5084 in treatments of 1000 , 1500 μ g · g-1 oil ; and 0.4556 and 0.3205 in treatments of ageratochromene , respectively .

  29. 我国的风景区具有得天独厚的自然条件、特殊的历史文化背景和丰富的名胜古迹,荟萃了自然之美和人文之胜,是人类的无价之宝和精神寄托。

    Scenic areas in China have advantaged natural conditions , special historical cultural background and abundant historical sites , which combine natural beauty with cultural beauty . They are human priceless treasure and spiritual sustenance .