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  • 网络tea ceremony
  1. 在加利福尼亚州的雷丁,汤姆和莉娅的婚礼上,迎宾和敬茶仪式。

    Guest arrival and tea ceremony from Tom and Leah 's Wedding in Redding , California .

  2. 本文以文化变迁的必然性和文化发展的可持续性角度辩证地看待茶文化以及祭茶仪式的发展与复兴,试图揭示传统文化复兴的原因及其传承发展的意义。

    In this paper , the inevitability of cultural change and cultural development of the sustainability of the tea ceremony , trying to offer perspective on the development and rehabilitation to reveal the cause of revival of traditional culture and heritage development approach .

  3. 官方准备了茶和饼干,仪式开始前等待的时间比我预期的长些。

    There was tea , biscuits and a longer wait than I was expecting before we even began .

  4. 具体来说,本文重点分析了作为当地茶文化典型代表的祭茶仪式。

    Specifically , the paper focuses on culture as a typical representative of the local tea ceremony tea ceremony .