
xián fēnɡ
  • Xianfeng
  1. 本研究选取的调研地点为湖北省恩施州咸丰县G苗寨小学,通过实地走访调查,对G苗寨小学所在地及学校自身情况进行了概述。

    Investigation was carried out by means of field visits . Situations about G Miao Village Primary School and Xianfeng County were introduced .

  2. 咸丰朝户部钞票舞弊案研究

    A Study of the Ministry of Revenue Paper Money Case during the XianFeng Reign

  3. 在咸丰皇帝年间,它开始被称为京剧。

    It came to be called Beijing opera during the reign of emperor xianfeng .

  4. 咸丰时期老人居住方式的考察&以《安祺佐领咸丰七年清查户口人丁清册》为据

    Investigation of the Living Ways of the Aged in the Period of Emperor Xian Feng

  5. 鄂西山区旅游产业发展的取向及其措施&对咸丰旅游业发展的思考试论山区旅游的社区参与

    How to Develop Tourism of Xianfeng County Study on Community Participation in Mountain Area Tourism

  6. 我国的电镀实践开始于清朝咸丰八年(1858),主要是印刷业中的应用。

    The earliest practice of electroplating in China was in 1858 , mainly applied to printing industry .

  7. 咸丰六年江南大旱与社会应对

    Serious Drought in Jiangnan and Social Countermeasures in the 6 ~ ( th ) Year of Xianfeng

  8. 19世纪50-60年代,也就是咸丰和同治两朝统治时期,是中国近代化发展的初始阶段。

    It is in 19th century fifty and sixty that is the incipient stage of Modernization in China .

  9. 采用层次分析法对咸丰县生态农业发展的可持续性水平进行分析,并找出咸丰县生态农业发展的制约因素。

    It analyzes the sustainable level of eco-agriculture in the Xianfeng county in term of The Analytic Hierarchy Process .

  10. 鸦片战争后,清咸丰十一年(1861年)后沦为英、法租界。

    After the Opium War , the Qing Xianfeng eleven years ( 1861 ) later became the British , the French Concession .

  11. 近代狭邪小说特指从清咸丰年间逐渐兴盛起来的一种小说类型。

    The modern Xia Xie novel refers in particular to one kind of novel type which was prosperous gradually from late Qing Dynasty .

  12. 《紫微銮驾和高挂的圣旨》这“紫微銮驾”四字是咸丰皇帝写的。

    The " Ziweiruanjia " and the imperial edicts The four characters " ziweiruanjia " were written by the Xianfeng , emperor of Qing Dynasty .

  13. 道光咸丰时期,清王朝边疆危机四伏,原来行之有效的边疆政策开始走向破产。

    During Daoguang and Xianfeng , Qin dynastys frontier danger was vulnerable to attack on all sides , the effective frontier policy began to fail .

  14. 周口的商业主要以杂货、绸布和农副产品为主,至咸丰时期由于战乱开始衰落。

    Its trades majored in grocery , silk and agricultural products . It declined because of war in the period of Xianfeng , Qing Dynasty .

  15. 咸丰十年(1860)英法联军攻入北京并火烧圆明园,致皇帝北狩,天下震动。

    Yuanmingyuan ( Garden of Perfect Splendor ) was razed to the ground by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in1860 and Xian Feng the emperor was imprisoned .

  16. 咸丰三年(1853)清廷允许各省捐输广额,各省乡试定额和中额因此有大幅的变动。

    XianFeng three years ( 1853 ) allow wide frontal share marked provinces , obtained quota in all provinces and therefore have a significant amount of change .

  17. 在信息方面,则从清军信息技术的现状着手,阐述了信息对兵力调动的影响、对咸丰帝、文臣武将之间互通信息的影响及其后果。

    In regard to information I expounded the effect after narrating its situation which information had on troops'mobilizing , Emperor Xian Feng'getting in touch with his officials and officers .

  18. 根据目标市场,进行相对应的健康旅游产品设计,主要是神农架、咸丰坪坝营、长阳和五峰这三个健康旅游产品。

    According to the target market , the corresponding health tourism product design , mainly Shennongjia , Changyang camp , Xianfeng Pingba and five peaks of the three health tourism products .

  19. 咸丰以前,漠南蒙古及东北地区的林木基本得到保护,但咸丰后开始遭到大肆砍伐。

    Before Xianfeng Emperor of the Qing dynasty , the forest was protected basically in Monan Mongolia and Northeast China . But after Xianfeng Emperor , the trees was felled wantonly .

  20. 咸丰十年(1860年)五月,美国人华尔到达上海,经美商介绍华尔结识杨坊。

    In May of year 10 , Xian Feng , Qing dynasty ( year 1860 ), Hua Er came to Shanghai and made the acquaintance of Yang Fang by being introduced by American merchants .

  21. 咸丰元年(1851年)八月,上海小刀会起义爆发,刘丽川、潘起亮等领导的小刀会起义军攻占上海县城。

    In August , 1st year of Xian Feng , Qing dynasty , Shanghai Small-Sword Society Uprising went up , the insurrectionary army led by Liu Li Chuan ; Pan Qi Liang took the county town of Shanghai .

  22. 遗产清算程序包括遗产管理人的选任、公告权利人、制定遗产清册及遗产分配四个阶段。咸丰时期老人居住方式的考察&以《安祺佐领咸丰七年清查户口人丁清册》为据

    The procedure of liquidation in inheritance includes the empanelling of the supervisors , proclaiming the creditors , formulating the accounting bill of heritage and the assignment of heritage . Investigation of the Living Ways of the Aged in the Period of Emperor Xian Feng

  23. 清朝咸丰年间,广帮茶商开始在湖南试制红茶,转输欧美国家,由于其清香醇厚,欧美商人竞相选购。

    In XianFeng time of Qing dynasty , the tea merchant of Canton began to product black tea in Hunan and marketing to the United States and Europe , because of its rich fragrance , Europe and the United States competing to buy business .

  24. 本文在对国内外生态农业可持续发展评价的基础上,结合咸丰县实际情况,构建了生态农业可持续性评估指标体系,包括三个子系统和十七个具体指标。

    These hindered the development of eco-agriculture . 2 . Based on the consultation from relevant experts and some new achievements in the county and foreign researches , this article has construct a target system of accessing sustainable eco-agriculture development in which contains sub-systems and seventeen concrete targets .

  25. 指出李西月是清朝中晚期著名的道教内丹实际修炼家和理论研究的大师,于清咸丰年间创立了道教内丹西派,开启了精细内丹学的理论与实践。

    It points out that Li Xiyue is a remarkable master of inner alchemy in mid and late Qing Dynasty , as a practitioner and theorist . He founded west sect inner alchemy in Xian Feng reign of Qing Dynasty , opened the fine inner alchemy theory and practice .