
xián yánɡ ɡōnɡ
  • xianyang palace
咸阳宫 [xián yáng gōng]
  • [xianyang palace] 秦国的宫廷

  • 见燕使者 咸阳宫。--《战国策.燕策》

  1. 日本谣曲《咸阳宫》:历史的叙述与文学的想像

    The Palace of Xianyang : Narration of History and Literary Imagination

  2. 公元前213年,秦始皇在咸阳宫举行宴会,博士齐人淳于越倡议,主张学古法,分封皇子功臣为诸侯。

    In 213 B. C. , at a court banquet , Chun Yuyue proposed to follow the conventions of fief system and granted titles and ands to the heroes and nobles . Li Si , the Prime Minister held that these scholars were dangerous ,