
xián shuǐ hú
  • lagoon;saltwater lake
咸水湖 [xián shuǐ hú]
  • [saltwater lake] 水中含盐分多的湖

  1. 那个咸水湖聚满了热带鱼。

    The lagoon was pullulated with tropical fish .

  2. 新的咸水湖被放置比较靠近的到城镇和在盛行很广风的路径中。

    The new lagoon is placed closer to the town and in the path of the prevailing winds .

  3. 青海湖是我国内陆最大的咸水湖,湖中主要鱼类为青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocyprisprzewalskii),D-loop分析初步结果显示青海湖及其周围河流中的裸鲤似乎没有新的种内遗传分化现象。

    Lake Qinghai is the biggest inland saline lake in China . The main fish in the lake is scaleless carp ( Gymnocypris przewalskii ) . Initial analysis of its D-loop showed no intraspecific genetic differentiation among the populations in the lake and the rivers around .

  4. 位于犹他州西北的一个较浅的咸水湖。

    A shallow body of salt water in northwestern Utah .

  5. 青海湖是一个较特殊的巨大微咸水湖。

    It is a special big light saltwater lake .

  6. 大坝将制造出一个巨大的内陆咸水湖。

    The dam will create an enormous inland sea .

  7. 水为流动相;变咸水湖为淡水湖

    Change Salt Water Lake to Fresh Water Lake

  8. 世界咸水湖的物理与化学特性

    Physics and chemistry of saline lakes

  9. 聚满了热带鱼的咸水湖与虾虎鱼相象的热带鱼,在浅水底静卧。

    Tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water .

  10. 谁能告诉我,咸水湖的水到底是不是咸的?

    Who can tell me whether the water in the saltwater lake is salty or not ?

  11. 宽阔的咸水湖上;

    In yonder broad lagoon ;

  12. 长江、黄河之源头在青海,中国最大的内陆高原咸水湖也在青海。

    The province is also the source of the Yangtze River , Yellow river and Lancang River .

  13. 大型湖泊三角洲主要形成于淡水或微咸水湖的滨岸地带。

    Large lacustrine deltas are mainly formed in the shore area of fresh or low salinity lakes .

  14. 湖泊沉积主要由静水深湖沉积模式和半咸水湖的(膏盐)碳酸盐沉积模式构成。

    Lacustrine sediment models make up of logged-depth and brackish water ( gypsiferous ) types . Half Empty ?

  15. 中国新生界咸水湖相烃源岩和原油生物标志物组合特征

    Biomarker Assemblage Characteristics of Source Rocks and Associated Crude Oils in Saline Lake Facies of Cenozoic in China

  16. 你知道中国最大的咸水湖青海湖正濒临干枯吗?

    Do you know Qinghai lake , the largest salt water lake of china , is going dry ?

  17. 运城盐池是我国内陆重要的咸水湖,她有着悠久的历史,优美的环境,丰富而独特的旅游资源。

    Yuncheng salt lake is an important salt lake in China , with good abundant human tourist resources .

  18. 最大的咸水湖是西部的青海湖,面积4583平方公里。

    China 's largest salt lake is Lake Qinghai in the west with an area of 4,583 square kilometers .

  19. 二百万年前的地质运动造就了我国最大的内陆湖泊和最大的咸水湖&青海湖。

    Geological movement before two million years produced Chinese biggest inland lake and the biggest saltwater lake - Qinghai Lake .

  20. 图中的红柳生长在恶劣的自然环境中,它们生长在新疆维吾尔自治区最大的咸水湖艾比湖边。

    Rose willows struggle to survive along the edge of Aibi Lake , the largest saltwater lake in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region .

  21. 他坐在海边上眺望咸水湖。每逢日落的时候,就到海边上去看莫里阿岛。

    And he sat about the front looking at the lagoon , and at sunset he would go down and look at Murea .

  22. 钟明善,一九三九年生,陕西咸阳人。位于犹他州西北的一个较浅的咸水湖。

    Zhong Mingshan was born in Xianyang city , Shaanxi Province in 1939 . a shallow body of salt water in northwestern Utah .

  23. 介绍了我国咸水湖相中烃源岩及原油的生物标志物组合特性、形成条件及其地球化学意义。

    Is is all introduce that biomarker assemblage characterisitics , generating condition and geochemical significance of source rocks and crude oils in saline lakes .

  24. 世界上最大的咸水湖,位于伊朗和俄罗斯之间,有伏尔加河供水;世界上最大的内陆水体。

    A large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by the Volga River ; the largest inland body of water in the world .

  25. 本文根据近年来有关咸水湖的研究文献,介绍了咸水湖的概念、地理分布和湖盆的成因。

    According to the recent research literatures on saline lakes , the conception of saline lake , geographical distribution and lake basin origin is introduced .

  26. 新疆由于是内陆干旱地区,淡水湖的面积很小,主要是咸水湖和盐湖。

    As Xinjiang being an inland arid area , it is mainly distributed with salt water lakes and salt lakes except for a few fresh water lakes .

  27. 这是中国最大的内陆咸水湖,这片大好风光是每年六七月中国大西北的青海省最迷人的景点之一。

    China 's largest inland saltwater lake . This view is one of the great draws of Qinghai Province in China 's far northwest every June and July .

  28. 研究结果表明,程海是一个由淡水湖向咸水湖过渡的苏打湖,并且不再届贫营养湖。

    The research shows that the Chenghai Lake is a tsoda lake which is in transition from freshwater lake to saltwater lake and no longer an oligotrophic lake .

  29. 然而,死海并不是世界上最咸的咸水湖。美国大盐湖的水更咸一些,每千份水中含有270份盐。

    However , it is not the saltiest lake in the world . The Great Salt Lake in the USA , with 270 ports of salt per thousand , is even saltier .

  30. 例如,我们发现,之前还在火山口里的蓝色咸水湖消失了,绿色咸水湖略显干涸了,并且我们还探测到了火山口。

    We saw that , for example , the blue lagoon that was in the crater before is no longer there , the green lagoon is somewhat dry , and we also detected a volcanic vent .