
  • 网络brand value chain
  1. 基于品牌价值链的服务品牌资产实证研究

    A Empirical Study of Service Brand Equity Based on Brand Value Chain

  2. 本文将品牌关系置于品牌价值链中考虑,分析了品牌关系形成的前置因素和后向结果。

    It analyzes the antecedents and consequences of brand relationship through putting the brand relationship into brand value chain .

  3. 浅析品牌价值供应链的形成及其运行

    A Study on the Forming and Operating of Brand Value Supply Chain

  4. 论文进一步对租赁公司的品牌、价值链、成本核算和服务质量管理等方面进行了研究,提出了确定投资方案,推动企业转型战略的具体对策。

    After detailed analysis of brand build-up , value chain , cost accounting and quality control after service for the TBM leasing company , the author also raises possible investment plan as an important step for the strategic reform of SMEC .

  5. 山东如意集团(ShandongRuyi)的这笔投资突显出,中国制造商正通过收购知名品牌来向价值链上游攀升。如意集团是中国领先的高品质棉纺和毛纺生产商之一。

    The investment by Shandong Ruyi , one of China 's leading makers of high-quality cotton and wool , highlights Chinese manufacturers ' move up the value chain to acquire well-known brands .

  6. 然后,文章以品牌导向的价值链模型为分析工具,深入探讨了品牌战略导向和品牌核心价值导向两种导向作用的内在机理。

    Then , this paper makes a thorough study of action mechanism of brand strategy orientation and brand core value orientation applying the brand-oriented value chain model .

  7. 品牌是产品价值链上的一个重要环节,但品牌作为一个企业或产品区别于其他同类产品和企业的标志,又有其特殊性。

    Though a key link in the value chain of products , the famous brand of products has its specific characteristics because it is a symbol to distinguish an enterprise or product from other products or enterprises of the same category .

  8. 文章认为,构建有效的品牌导向的价值链整合模式,必须从品牌导向型公司的价值战略出发,以品牌为关系纽带,在战略层面、文化层面和运营层面实施集成管理,追求协同效应。

    It is maintained that efficient brand-oriented value chain integration modes must keep to the value strategy and take brand as the tie of customer relationship , and companies should carry out integration management in strategy lay , culture lay and operation lay to obtain synergistic effect .

  9. 企业在对顾客价值、外包战略、战略联盟和品牌战略等外部价值链系统的拓展上有着巨大潜力。

    An enterprise will develop external value chain system through some elements , such as customer value , outsourcing strategy , strategic alliance and brand strategy .

  10. 品牌资产本身缺乏确切的可测量性价值标准,从战略角管理度来看,品牌只是整个营销价值链中的一个价值环节。

    Brand assets is lack of accurate and measurable value criteria . In the view of strategic management , brand is only a tache in the whole chain of marketing values .