
  • 网络Brand Index;National Brands Index
  1. 撇开争议不谈,这届世界杯肯定不是已经注定了要失败的命运,以编撰国家品牌指数(CountryBrandIndex)著称的未来品牌战略咨询公司(FutureBrand)执行董事古斯塔沃o康尼斯奇泽尔这样说道。

    Controversy aside , the event is certainly not doomed to fail , says Gustavo Koniszczer , managing director at branding firm FutureBrand , which compiles a Country Brand Index .

  2. 本文在确定指标权重时采用了专家判断法(德尔菲法)与层次分析法(AHP)相结合的方法。6.会计师事务所品牌指数应用研究。

    Determine the index weight to the expert judgment method ( Delphi method ) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) method of combining . 6 , the accounting firm brand index applied research .

  3. 2005年,我展开了一项称为“国家品牌指数”的研究。

    In 2005 , I launched a study called the Nation Brands Index .

  4. 多年来国家品牌指数变成了一个非常非常庞大的数据库。

    And the Nation Brands Index over the years has grown to be a very , very large database .

  5. 在2013年拉美版国家品牌指数中,巴西位列首位,阿根廷和哥斯达黎加紧随其后。

    In the 2013 Latin American version of the Country Brand Index , Brazil ranks first , after Argentina and Costa Rica .

  6. 本章首先对中注协会计师事务所综合实力评价方法进行评价,为本文会计师事务所品牌指数建立做了理论铺垫。

    This chapter begins in the AICPA accounting firm strength evaluation method to evaluate brand index for this article accounting firm to establish a theory pave the way .

  7. 本章主要阐述选题背景及研究意义和目的,并进行国内外相关文献回顾,在此基础上给出本文的主要内容以及本文的创新之处。2.会计师事务所品牌指数基本理论。

    This chapter describes the background , meaning and purpose , related literature review , the main content of this paper , innovation of this paper . 2 , The basic theory of accounting firm .

  8. 本文研究的核心问题是会计师事务所品牌指数的构建,影响会计师事务所品牌实力的因素是来自不同维度,包含多个方面的。

    In this paper , the core issue is the brand index of Certified Public Accountants , the factors that affect the brand strength of Certified Public Accountants from different dimensions , contains a number of aspects .

  9. 然后,界定了品牌指数以及会计师事务所品牌指数的内涵定义,并分析了会计师事务所品牌指数的构建意义,要素、构建步骤和构建的方法。3.会计师事务所品牌影响因素分析。

    Then defines the definition of the brand index and the accounting firm brand index , and analyzed the significance of Certified Public Accountants , brand index elements , build steps and build method . 3 , Analyze the factor of accounting firm brand .

  10. 基于此,本研究提出了一个品牌关系指数模型(BRI模型),具体分解为指标体系、指标权重和合成方法等三部分研究。

    In this research , the author deduces the Brand Relationships Index model ( BRI model ), which consists of three studies : indicator system , indicator weight and indicator compounding .

  11. 品牌关系指数模型研究:一个量表开发的视角

    Study of Brand Relationships Index Model : A perspective of Scale Development

  12. 据报道,凯莉化妆品品牌的指数式增长令人印象深刻。

    The exponential growth of Kylie Cosmetics , as it is reported , is impressive .

  13. 消费者视角的农资品牌知名度指数评价模型

    Agricultural inputs brand popularity index assessment model from consumers'view

  14. 最新研究发现,中国品牌在评测指数上首次与国际品牌比肩,这意味着如今在诸多方面两者都被视为具有等同的竞争力。

    For the first time , local Chinese brands are equal to international brands in a measurement index -- meaning they are now in many ways perceived as equally competitive , new research found .

  15. 因此本文对影响会计师事务所品牌的有关因素进行了分析,会计师事务所品牌影响因素可将其归纳为内部影响因素和外部影响因素。4.建立会计师事务所品牌指数评价体系。

    Relevant factors affecting the accounting firm brand analysis , brand impact factor of the accounting firm can be summarized as internal factors and external factors . 4 , Establish the brand index evaluation system for accounting firms .