
  • 网络brand trust
  1. 本研究著重在B2C关系,包括满意度、品牌信任等构念。

    The study focuses specifically on B2C relationships , and includes customer satisfaction , brand trust , as model constructs .

  2. 关于信任转移的学术探讨则不过是近几年才零星出现的,且绝大多数研究的是线下信任到预在线信任(initialonlinetrust)的转移,直接验证品牌信任转移的研究则十分少见。

    Academic research on trust transfer only appears sporadically in recent years , and the vast majority of which was about the transfer from offline trust to initial online trust . Study of the direct transfer from offline to online of brand trust is very rare .

  3. 基于计算机制建立品牌信任的实证研究

    Empirical study of consumers ' brand trust building based on calculative mechanism

  4. 所有的制造商都想鼓励顾客对自己的产品产生品牌信任。

    All manufacturers want to encourage brand loyalty to their own product .

  5. 品牌信任结构维度的探索性研究

    An Exploring Study on the Structural Dimensions of Brand Trust

  6. 品牌信任对于任何企业的产品都非常重要。

    For any enterprise products brand trust are very important .

  7. 品牌信任是企业实施品牌战略,建立忠诚客户关系的基础。

    Brand trust is a corporate brand strategy , build loyal customer relations .

  8. 数据分析表明,该阶段开发的测量品牌信任的量表具有可靠性和有效性。

    The results show that the measurement for brand trust is reliability and validity .

  9. 品牌信任是导致品牌绩效的直接因素。

    Brand trust can directly affect brand performance .

  10. 确定了品牌信任的维度后,文章对微博营销因子进行提取。

    After the determination of brand trust dimension , the paper extracted microblog marketing factors .

  11. 资费服务,客户服务只对品牌信任有影响,而对品牌忠诚,没有直接影响。

    Tariff services , customer service only affect brand trust and have no direct relationship with brand loyalty .

  12. 然后,笔者构建并实证了品牌信任的建立机制模型(第三章)。

    Secondly , this paper constructs brand-trust-building model based on the qualitative research and literature review ( chapter 3 ) .

  13. 最后,根据研究结果,为国产奶粉企业品牌信任建设提出建议。

    Based on the findings , Paper put forward brands confidence-building proposals for the domestic milk powder in the end .

  14. 但是,计算机制是如何影响消费者对品牌信任的建立,这在营销领域的研究中,尤其是品牌层面的研究还很匮乏。

    But the content of the study that how calculative mechanism works in consumer 's trust in a brand is scant .

  15. 我们秉承关怀与经验的良好传统以及卓越的客户导向,在整个行业中营造起了强大的品牌信任度。

    Our heritage of care and experience and our unrivalled customer focus has created an impressive reservoir of trust throughout the industry .

  16. 对于开展各种形式在线经营的企业而言,如何有效的构建品牌信任成为经营的核心任务之一。

    For the enterprises with various forms of online business , how to effectively build brand trust is one of the core tasks .

  17. 其蝇品牌信任在感知利得、感知利失与品牌忠诚关系之间起部分中介作用,在技术服务与品牌忠诚关系之间起完全中介作用。

    Brand trust acts as mediating role in the relationship between perceived profits , perceived loss , technical services and the brand loyalty .

  18. 有关品牌信任的前因后果有待进行整合研究,从而探讨品牌信任对品牌绩效的作用机制。

    An integrated research into the cause and effect of brand trust is required to understand brand trust 's mechanism in brand performance .

  19. 品牌信任、顾客满意、品牌声誉、服务质量对品牌忠诚都有显著的正向影响,其中品牌信任对品牌忠诚的影响最大,其次是服务质量,再次是顾客满意,最后是品牌声誉。

    Brand trust is the biggest influence on brand loyalty , followed by the service equality , customer satisfaction , and finally is brand equality .

  20. 品牌信任是营销理论在品牌层面的运用,是品牌理论研究的新阶段。

    Brand trust is the application of marketing theory in the aspect of brand , and it is the new phase of brand theory study .

  21. 本研究通过大样本问卷调查,采用结构方程建模的方法探讨品牌信任的前因后果驱动机制。

    This research explores the driving mechanism of the causes and effects of brand trust , based on data collected from a large questionnaire sample .

  22. 借鉴前人的研究,并结合研究主旨,文章把品牌信任维度划分为品牌形象、品牌认同度和企业价值观三个方面。

    Reference to previous research and combined with the research theme , brand trust dimension was divided into three parts-brand image , brand perception and enterprise values .

  23. 本文从品牌信任的视角对网络消费者行为展开研究,深入探讨了品牌信任对网络消费者行为的影响。

    This paper studies the online consumer behavior in the point of brand trust , and it deeply discusses the impact of brand trust on online consumer behavior .

  24. 从国际品牌信任危机、资本运营风行日化行业、产业融合加速、许多企业正在洗牌、通过技术创新寻找突破以及竞争已经升级为系统竞争等多个角度深入分析了中国的日化行业。

    Some trends of China 's detergent and cosmetic industry are analyzed , including credit crisis of few international brand integrations of industry , capital operation and technique innovation .

  25. 通过在化妆品行业收集的数据,使用结构方程模型分析,结果表明,经验机制和计算机制对建立品牌信任起作用,其中经验机制的作用最大。

    Data from cosmetic industry shows that experiential mechanism and calculative mechanism affect customer in building trust in a certain brand . Therein , experiential mechanism is most powerful .

  26. 本研究希望通过路径分析,探索体育赛事赞助对品牌信任三个维度的影响程度,达到体育赛事赞助效果评估的目的。

    Path analysis of the study was to explore the sports sponsorship three dimensions of brand trust in the degree of influence , to assess the effect of sports sponsorship purposes .

  27. 对于品牌信任的研究非常丰富,对品牌信任维度的划分就有从一维至四维四个层次的划分,每个层次,不同学者也有不同的划分方法。

    The research on brand trust was very rich , and classified four levels of brand trust dimension from one to four . For each level , different scholars had different classified method .

  28. 具体内容:首先,介绍研究的背景、目的、意义、思路以及消费者行为理论、品牌信任理论。

    The contents are as follows : Firstly , this paper introduces the background , purpose , significance , and thoughts of the study , as well as consumer behavior theory and brand trust theory .

  29. 结合这两项工作,界定消费者品牌信任为在众多品牌中,消费者对某一品牌持有的有信心的态度。包括对品牌的能力表现、诚实善良的信任和总体性的信任。

    This paper defines brand trust as consumer 's confident attitude to a certain brand among brands , including trust in capability and performance ( CPT ), benevolence and integrity ( BIT ), and overall trust ( OT ) .

  30. 其中,除文化契合外,主要的影响因素包括母品牌信任、产品契合、消费者创新、购买风险、竞争者品牌的存在以及延伸产品需求这六个。

    Among these factors , except cultural fits , the most important six ones are parent brand trust , product fit , consumer innovation , purchase risk , the existence of competitor brands , and the need of extension product .