
  1. 其中包括观念的创新策略、产品创新策略、营销创新策略、品牌创新策略、价格策略创新、服务创新。

    Produce innovation tactics . Marketing innovation tactics . Brand innovation tactics .

  2. 并介绍了奢侈品品牌创新营销策略。

    Besides it introduce the innovative strategy of luxury goods marketing .

  3. 品牌创新及策略

    Brand Creativity and Strategy

  4. 接着分期刊集团的品牌维护和创新策略以及期刊集团的品牌延伸策略两个部分论述了期刊集团的品牌策略。

    Second , dissertates the brand-mark strategy including the brand-mark protection and innovation strategies as well as brand-mark extending strategies .

  5. 本文探讨了品牌创新的动因及策略。

    This article is to discuss the reasons and strategies for brand creativity .

  6. 在本文的结尾部分,提出了建立真正围绕市场与客户需求的自有品牌和各种促销创新策略等营销手段相结合,提升自有品牌自身潜在价值,才有可能扩大产品的市场占有率。

    A genuine combination of its own brand , and a variety of promotional marketing tools , innovative strategies around The market and customer needs , enhance The potential value of own brand , be possible to expand The market share of The product at The end of This article .

  7. 文章重点研究了浙江省木制玩具企业自主品牌塑造与创新发展的策略,具体体现为自主品牌个性塑造、品牌定位,品牌推广、品牌创新等策略。

    The article has studied Zhejiang Province wooden toy enterprise independent brand mold and the innovation development strategy with emphasis , manifests specifically for the independent brand individuality mold , the brand localization , strategies and so on , brand innovation .

  8. 本论文结合品牌营销理论,探讨了品牌延伸和多品牌的创新发展策略,对品牌形象整体设计,建立了一个完整的品牌设计策划程序。

    Associated with the theory of integrated brand marketing , the essay discusses the creative development strategies of the brands extension and multi-brand , and establishes a complete procedure of the brand design planning for the overall design of the brand identity .

  9. 主要阐述名称的选择和标识的设计、公司品牌与所属蒙餐店品牌的关系、公司的多品牌策略、蒙餐店品牌的广告和公关策略、蒙餐店的品牌创新等品牌策略问题。

    This part mainly expounds the name selection and trade-mark designing , the relationship of brand between the company and the subordinate restaurant , the multi-brand strategy , the strategies of advertisement and public relations , the innovation of restaurant .