
  • 网络Branding;Strategy;brand strategy;branding strategy
  1. 加入WTO后我国连锁超市发展中的品牌战略

    Brand Strategy in the Development of Chain Supermarkets After China 's Entry Into WTO

  2. TRIPS环境下的品牌战略研究

    Study on the Brand Strategy under the Environment of TRIPS

  3. CIS与品牌战略

    CIS and Brand Strategy

  4. 首先研究体验营销的STP战略和体验品牌战略。

    Firstly the share explores the STP strategy and the brand strategy of experience marketing .

  5. KL公司多品牌战略研究

    Research on Multi-brand Strategy for KL Corporation

  6. 随着我国加入WTO,国际人参市场的竞争更加激烈,为增加吉林人参市场竞争力,参与国际竞争,实施吉林人参品牌战略具有非常重要的意义。

    As China joins the WTO , there will be increasingly intense international ginseng market competition . To improve the competitive power of ginseng industry in Jilin in the international market , it is important to implement brand strategy .

  7. 运用现代的设计理念,导入整套企业CI策化,将其产品的包装融于整个品牌战略系统工程中。

    Through using modern design idea , a whole set of enterprise CI plans was introduced , and the packaging of products was blended together with the whole system engineering of brand strategy .

  8. 适时导入CIS战略,实施品牌战略,加强与公众的沟通等,是保证成功导入CIS的重要措施。

    We should introduce CIS at appropriate time , carry out the strategy of famous brand , and strengthen the links with publics to guarantee the successful introduction of CIS .

  9. 同时,对营销渠道的控制、管理与维护进行了理论结合实际的分析和研究,并就营销渠道战略与企业品牌战略、CI战略及广告与促销之间的关系进行了探讨。

    At the same time , theoretically and practically analyzed the control , management and maintenance of the channels of distribution , and the relationship between the strategy of channel of distribution , brand , and CI , as well as advertisement and promotion .

  10. BF集团是国内摩托车行业的大型企业,和国内大多数同行一样面临困境,正确的品牌战略能保证BF集团立足当前,面向未来,为企业和品牌的持续发展提供支持和动力。

    BF Group is an large enterprise in national motorcycle industry , faces difficulty as most other enterprises . Correct brand strategy can guarantee BF Group positioning present , facing future , provide support and force for enterprise and brand continued developing .

  11. 同时根据公司的战略目标,对ZL公司的发展战略进行了较为全面、详细的研究,明确提出ZL管理咨询公司的发展战略应是差异化战略、品牌战略和战略联盟战略。

    According to the ZL strategy object and layout , analyses ZL in detail , and Put forward the ZL strategy must be a different strategy and brand strategy , strategy alliance .

  12. 实施商业品牌战略扩大企业规模经营

    BRANDS Boosting Management Scale of Business by Practicing Strategy of Trademark

  13. 跨国公司在华品牌战略及其启示

    The Brand Strategies of Transnational Corporations in China and Their Inspirations

  14. 公司愿景是企业发展的指路明灯,对品牌战略产生深远的影响。

    Corporate vision will have a great effect on brand strategy .

  15. 2商业银行实施雇主品牌战略的可行性分析;

    Feasibility analysis of implementing employer brand strategy at commercial banks ;

  16. 品牌战略与企业文化力开发

    Strategy of the brand and developing the power of corporate culture

  17. 图书馆实施品牌战略的设想

    The Presumption of Practicing the Brand Strategy of the Library

  18. 其次,提出我国饭店品牌战略的实施需要强有力的支持系统,否则不能成功。

    Secondary , discussing the supporting system of the hotels brand strategy .

  19. 我国农产品品牌战略中的障碍性因素及对策

    Obstacle Factors and Countermove in the Implementation of Farm-Product-Branding Strategy

  20. 中国农业产业化经营的品牌战略研究

    Research on Brand Strategy of Agricultural Industrialization Management in China

  21. 株硬集团公司品牌战略研究

    The Research on Brand Strategy of ZhuZhou Cemented Carbide Group

  22. 最后,介绍了品牌战略模式。

    In the end , it introduces brand strategy model .

  23. 实施产业集群品牌战略增强区域经济竞争力

    Carry Out Industrial Cluster Brand Strategy Strengthen Regional Economy Competitiveness

  24. 中小企业实施品牌战略的客观选择

    The Objective Selection of Middle-Small Enterprise for the Brand Strategy

  25. 我国饭店业实施品牌战略初探

    Strategic analysis of brands in hotel industry of our country

  26. 基于核心能力的房地产品牌战略研究

    Study of Real Estate Brand Strategy Based on Core Competence

  27. 高等职业院校品牌战略研究

    Study on Brand Strategy Management of Higher Vocational Education Colleges

  28. 江苏白酒企业品牌战略研究

    A Study on Brand Strategy of Jiangsu White Wine Enterprises

  29. 中国服装企业品牌战略探析

    The inquiry about strategy of brand of Chinese clothing enterprise

  30. 新财经报纸的品牌战略现状。

    The current brand strategy situation of the leading fresh financial newspapers .