
pǐn mínɡ
  • sip tea ;sample tea;taste and judge tea
品茗 [pǐn míng]
  • [sip and taste tea] 品茶;喝茶

  1. 在每个阳光明媚的午后,和我的家人、朋友一起品茗聊天,分享彼此的快乐。

    I will share the joy by chatting with my family and friends while enjoying the tea in every sunny afternoon .

  2. 在品茗的同时,可品尝各式糕饼、水果等清淡茶食用以佐茶。

    While tasting the tea water , people can taste all kinds of bland tea diets , such as girdlecakes , fruits , etc.

  3. 在这里眺望大理洱海风光,品茗赋诗,倍添情趣,是人们寻幽探胜的好地方。

    In view of Dali lake scenery here , tea Fushi , Beitian fun , people Xunyou exploration is a good place to win .

  4. 他第一次注意到他们翻阅书本,举怀品茗,或者轻轻打鼾时,全都有多么俨然不可一世的悠闲劲。

    For the first time it struck him with what majestic leisureliness they turned the pages of their books , trifled with their teacups , or lightly snored .

  5. 临空而坐,来点前卫的塔帕斯小吃,尝尝顶级的龙虾,饕餮美妙的各式奶酪、鲜纯鱼子酱,别忘了还有各种年份的红酒任由品茗。

    Accompanied by the skyline of Seoul city , guests imbibe modern tapas , top quality oysters , gourmet cheese platters , farmed caviar and vintage wine selection .

  6. 盛夏的一个黄昏,笔者应邀来到上海扬子江万丽大酒店的福满楼餐厅,参加由其举办的“缤纷健康特色美食”媒体品茗会。

    On one midsummer evening , I went to the Dynasty Restaurant at Renaissance Yangtze Hotel Shanghai to attend the Press Appreciation Conference of the theme campaign " Various Special Healthy Food " .

  7. 因此,我们应理性对待普洱茶,把其当做品茗的对象,而不是投资品和灵丹妙药。因为后者是其衍生的功能,前者才是其主要的功能。

    So we should treat rationally and regard it as the object of drinking rather than a panacea and investment goods , because the former is its main function , the latter is the function of its derivation .