
  • 网络Gottingen;Goettingen;g ttingen;Gttingen
  1. 他就读于哥廷根大学,苏黎世和波恩,并写了一篇博士论文的哲学谢林。

    He studied at the universities of Gottingen , Zurich and Bonn , and wrote a doctoral thesis on the philosophy of Schelling .

  2. 5年后,他以交换生身份前往德国哥廷根大学深造,主修梵文和极为生僻的巴利语等古代语言。

    Five years later he went to Gottingen University in Germany as an exchange student , majoring in Sanskrit and lesser-known ancient languages like Pali .

  3. 同样来自哥廷根的瑞士逻辑学家P.博内斯,是希尔伯特的亲密伙伴,也已经回到了苏黎世。

    The Swiss logician P. Bernays , a close associate of Hilbert , and another exile from Gttingen , had returned to Z ü rich .

  4. 纳耶尼亚教授原籍伊朗,最早是在德国哥廷根大学(georg-augustuniversity),利用老鼠和成人干细胞进行人造精子的研究。

    Prof Nayernia , originally from Iran , started his synthetic sperm research at georg-august University in G ttingen using mouse stem cells and adult human stem cells .

  5. 但是随着1933年的到来,希尔伯特所在的哥廷根毁掉了,核心变成了一个下水井盖。

    But as 1933 closed , that centre was a gaping , jagged hole , with Hilbert 's Gttingen ruined .

  6. 他接受了哥廷根大学的邀请发言,从本质上讲,这是一次为普鲁士学院的彩排。

    He accepts an invitation to speak at Gttingen University , essentially , a dress rehearsal for the Prussian Academy .

  7. 不管怎么说,普林斯顿越来越明显地成为了新的哥廷根。

    In any case , it was becoming more and more clear that Princeton was the new G ? ttingen ;

  8. 1943年2月14日,希尔伯特在哥廷根逝世,但是一种新的逻辑应用,已经开始慢慢成形了。

    As Hilbert died at G ? ttingen on 14 February 1943 , a new kind of applied logic was taking shape .

  9. 这次旅行的一个目的地,是参观哥廷根,在那里艾伦请教了一些权威,大概是关于中心极限定理。

    One purpose of the trip was to visit Gttingen , where Alan consulted some authority , presumably in connection with the Central Limit Theorem .

  10. 然后他又前往哥廷根,师从希尔伯特,接着1933年去了普林斯顿,将英文作为他的第四语言。

    Budapest Janos became Gttingen Johann , one of Hilbert 's disciples , and then in 1933 became Princeton Johnny , adopting English as his fourth language .

  11. 泡利是个奥地利人,他在慕尼黑读博的时候导师是索末菲,他后来从医的时候,在哥廷根和曼克斯·波恩共事,在哥本哈根的时候和尼根斯·波尔共事。

    Pauli was an Austrian who did his PhD under Sommerfeld in Munich and then post-doced with Max Born in Gottingen and also with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen .

  12. 他的父亲希望他会去哥廷根和研究与高斯,但亚诺什在皇家工程院院士在维也纳的军事教育。

    His father had hopes that he would go to Gottingen and study with Gauss , but Janos received a military education at the imperial engineering academy in Vienna .

  13. 蒂施马奇使用的估算方法,是从黎曼70年前在哥廷根的论文中挖掘出来的。

    Titchmarsh had employed a certain approximation which , rather romantically , had been exhumed from Riemann 's own papers at Gttingen where it had lain for seventy years .

  14. 柯朗,怀尔和冯·诺伊曼,覆盖了纯数学和应用数学的主流,使希尔伯特在哥廷根的研究在西海岸重现生机。

    Courant and Weyl , with von Neumann , covered the whole mainstream of pure and applied mathematics , bringing something of Hilbert 's Gttingen to life again on the western shore .

  15. 作者在第二年接受了维德哥伍兹的资助到了哥廷根大学。这事儿可并不怎么好,他埋首于康德哲学中,在诗歌的创作上再无更高的提升。

    In the following year , having unfortunately been supplied with funds by the Wedgwoods , he went to Gottingen and became engulfed in Kant , which did not improve his verse .

  16. 近日,德国哥廷根市警方接到投诉说,一辆货车严重扰乱了当地早间的交通秩序。警方惊讶地发现,汽车里的司机竟是一名5岁的男孩。

    BERLIN ( Reuters ) - Police investigating a complaint about a van disrupting morning traffic on Monday in the German city of Goettingen were surprised to discover a5-year-old boy behind the wheel .

  17. 男人和女人都变成工作,以填补这个空白时,他们的性伴侣少于每周一次,根据对32000名在德国的哥廷根大学调查。

    Men and women both turn to work to fill the void when they have sex less than once a week , according to a survey of32,000 people by the University of Gottingen in Germany .

  18. 1987年5月至12月,在联邦德国哥廷根森林中,位于树冠不同高度上完成了气态硝酸浓度分布的测定。

    The concentration distribution of gaseous nitric acid on different heights of canopy had been measured at Gottingen forest from May to December , 1987 . The atmospheric diffusion efficiency in the forest was measured simultaneously .

  19. 尼古拉斯·佩夫斯纳爵士1902年出生在德国莱比锡城一个有教养的中产阶级犹太人家庭,在1933年在哥廷根,他被迫放弃艺术史学家这一颇有前途的学术工作。

    Nikolaus Pevsner , who was born in1902 into a cultured , bourgeois Jewish family in Leipzig , was forced to abandon a promising academic career as an art historian in G ö tt ingen in1933 .

  20. 在这方面,由于爱丁顿等人(比如还有P.A.M.狄拉克)的贡献,剑桥的地位不逊于量子论的起源地——哥廷根。

    In this area the work of Eddington , and of others such as P.A.M. Dirac , placed Cambridge second only to G ? ttingen , where much of the new theory of quantum mechanics had been forged .