
  • 网络GOTHENBURG;Goteborg;Goldberg;GOT
  1. 在哥德堡大学(UniversityofGothenburg)的学生说,他们几乎只用卡和电子支付。

    At the University of Gothenburg , students said they almost exclusively used cards and electronic payments .

  2. 哥德堡大学的研究人员称,许多用户一把个人电脑打开就很快登录Facebook,这会让人渐渐成瘾。

    University of Gothenburg researchers say that many users log in as soon as they turn their PCs on - and that the behaviour can develop into an " addiction . "

  3. 哥德堡市的MCI研究:轻度认知功能障碍是一种异质状态

    The Goteborg MCI study : Mild cognitive impairment is a heterogeneous condition

  4. 瑞典哥德堡大学(UniversityofGothenburg)儿童与青少年精神病学教授克里斯托弗•吉尔伯格(ChristopherGillberg)说,了解性别差异对作出正确的诊断和治疗至关重要。

    Understanding sex differences is important to getting the right diagnosis and treatment , said Christopher Gillberg , a child and adolescent psychiatry professor at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden .

  5. 学院主席谢丽尔·布恩·艾萨克斯(CherylBooneIsaacs)紧接哥德堡之后,做了一番关于多样化的言说。

    Cheryl Boone Isaacs , the academy 's president , immediately followed Ms. Goldberg with a diversity lecture .

  6. 但是这项研究的主要作者、哥德堡大学的助理教授比尔·海瑟玛(BillHesselmar)说,情况可能是,这些行为能让孩子接触无害细菌,从而提高免疫力。

    But it may be the case that these behaviors expose children to innocuous bacteria , which can help strengthen their immune systems , said Bill Hesselmar , an assistant professor at the University of Gothenburg and lead author of the study .

  7. 他推出一个讽刺小品,让乌比·哥德堡(WhoopiGoldberg)和其他人拼命挤进那些只为白人预留的角色中去。

    He introduced a skit that had Whoopi Goldberg and others trying to edge their way into acting roles reserved for whites .

  8. 在平常的工作日里,在斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡以及其他瑞典大城市总能看到众多的爸爸们一手推着婴儿车、一手端着EspressoHouse或是Wayne'sCoffee的咖啡杯在街头漫步。

    Scores of dads can be seen during typical business hours strolling the streets of Stockholm , Gothenburg and other big cities pushing a stroller with one hand and nursing a cup from Espresso House or Wayne 's Coffee in the other .

  9. 在进一步与哥德堡大学的研究中科学家发现减少饮食热量可以降低SPARC的水平和对疤痕组织的刺激。

    In a further study with the University of Gothenburg , scientists found that a reduced calorie diet can decrease SPARC levels and the stimulus for tissue scarring .

  10. 一年后,沃尔沃将向瑞典哥德堡(Gothenburg)的道路投放100辆自动驾驶汽车,目标是在2020年向市场推出完全自动驾驶的汽车。

    A year later , Volvo will put 100 self-driving cars on the streets of Gothenburg , Sweden , with the aim of getting a fully autonomous vehicle on the market by 2020 .

  11. 他在哥德堡教书很多年了。

    He worked as a teacher in Goteborg for many years .

  12. 吉利与福特汽车在瑞典哥德堡正式签约。

    The agreement was signed between the two automakers in Goteborg , Sweden .

  13. PelleAhlerup是哥德堡瑞典大学经济学研究人员。

    Pelle Ahlerup is an economics researcher at Sweden 's University of Gothenburg .

  14. 从而帮助音乐工作者更加深入完整的了解《哥德堡变奏曲》这部经典作品。

    In order to help music educators more completely understanding this classic work .

  15. 全新的食物和红酒理念立即使百域成为哥德堡10家最好的红酒西餐厅之一。

    The new wine and food concept Barrique immediately established as a top10 restaurant .

  16. 吉利表示,沃尔沃将在它的家乡瑞典哥德堡保留“独立”的管理团队。

    It said Volvo would retain " independent " management in its hometown of Gothenburg .

  17. 毕业于哥德堡宾大法学院

    Goldberg Penn Law School alumni fellow .

  18. 此项研究由瑞典哥德堡大学和隆德大学研究人员进行。

    The study was conducted by Gothenburg University and Lund University in Sweden carried out by researchers .

  19. 研究者调查了瑞典哥德堡地区约1000名幼儿及其父母的生活。

    The researchers followed roughly 1,000 young children and their parents living in the Gothenburg area of Sweden .

  20. 该公司强调,不论是在哥德堡还是在成都,工厂设备、人员培训以及员工素质都是完全一样的。

    It stresses the factory equipment , training and employee qualifications are the same whether in Gothenburg or Chengdu .

  21. 他还说哥德堡一家汽车生产商已经测试了六小时工作制,效果喜人。

    He added that a Gothenburg car factory had recently tested the six-hour method and the results were encouraging .

  22. 瑞典哥德堡大学的一名研究人员指出,对游戏的这种关注却并非新鲜事物。

    But this focus on play is nothing new , says a researcher at Sweden 's University of Gothenburg .

  23. 该项目使瑞典的哥德堡港在2004年赢得了”欧盟首届洁净航运大奖“。

    The installation led to the Swedish port of Gothenburg winning the European Union 's inaugural Clean Marine Award in2004 .

  24. 位于哥德堡、上海、孟买和芝加哥的200名处理全球物流工作的员工,则为这些业务提供了支持。

    Backing these operations are 200 people based in Gothenburg , Shanghai , Mumbai , and Chicago who handle global logistics .

  25. 瑞典哥德堡查默斯科技大学的研究人员们已开发出这种头盔样品并对45位中风患者进行了相关测试。

    Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg , Sweden developed the prototype helmet and tested it on 45 stroke patients .

  26. 哥德堡大学的研究人员发现一种酶把握衰老进程的钥匙。

    Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now identified one of the enzymes that hold the key to the ageing process .

  27. 在哥德堡一带以及供货商中间,仍然流传着CEVT的中方和瑞方人员存在摩擦的说法。

    There is still some talk around Gothenburg and among suppliers of conflict between the Chinese and Swedish participants in and around CEVT .

  28. 哥德堡的大学得到允许能够做10起移植手术,每名女性最多能够有两次的足月妊娠。

    The University of Gothen burg has permission to do 10 womb transplants with up to two full - term pregnancies for each woman .

  29. 例如.一艘名为哥德堡的瑞典商船大约在两人百多年前沉没,它上面有很多瓷器。

    For example , there was lots of porcelain in a Sweden commercial ship named Gtheborg , which sank more than two hundred years ago .

  30. 沃尔沃还没有宣布时间框架,但在瑞典哥德堡进行的一个平行测试定于2017年启动。

    Volvo has not announced a timeframe , but a parallel trial to be run in Gothenburg , Sweden , is scheduled to begin in 2017 .