
shì jiè dà zhàn
  • the World War;war of global proportions
世界大战[shì jiè dà zhàn]
  1. 亨顿飞机博物馆已成为那架第二次世界大战时的轰炸机永久性的收藏地。

    The world war ⅱ bomber found a last home in the Hendon aircraft museum .

  2. 经济全球化是第二次世界大战特别是20世纪90年代以来,世界经济发展的重要趋势。

    Economic globalization is an important trend in world economic development , since the World War II , especially since the 90s of the 20th century .

  3. 这部电影恰如其分地捕捉到了两次世界大战中间这些年的氛围。

    The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly .

  4. 两次世界大战之间发生了很多变化。

    Many changes took place between the two world wars .

  5. 这个国家的男子都在第一次世界大战的战场上牺牲了。

    The nation 's manhood died on the battlefields of World War I.

  6. 我这一代人在成长过程中没有经历过世界大战。

    My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war .

  7. 今天,我们向所有在两次世界大战中死难的人表示哀悼。

    Today we mourn for all those who died in two world wars .

  8. 他经历了两次世界大战。

    He has lived through two world wars .

  9. 第二次世界大战期间,他们忍受了5年的贫困生活。

    They endured five years of privation during the second world war

  10. 两次世界大战都是重要性无可置疑的经济事件。

    Both world wars were of unquestionable importance as economic events .

  11. 1939至1945年间的世界大战使大多数民众卷入其中。

    The 1939-45 world war involved the mass of the population

  12. 在第二次世界大战之前,女性不能当情报人员。

    Before World War II , women were not recruited as intelligence officers

  13. 很多年长的公民都经历了两次世界大战。

    Many senior citizens have been through two world wars

  14. 很多条目与两次世界大战有关。

    Many entries relate to the two world wars .

  15. 第二次世界大战激起了他的政治热情。

    The second world war kindled his enthusiasm for politics

  16. 第二次世界大战期间,英国的劳工工资级差进一步拉大了。

    During the Second World War , industrial wage differentials in Britain widened .

  17. 第一次世界大战于那年8月爆发。

    The Great War started in August of that year

  18. 他在第一次世界大战中的经历奠定了他的艺术风格。

    His artistic character was sealed by his experiences of the First World War .

  19. 杰克·曼在第二次世界大战时期是英国皇家空军的战斗机飞行员。

    Jack Mann was a Royal Air Force fighter pilot during World War II .

  20. 第二次世界大战结束时,他是一名码头工人。

    At the end of the second world war he was working as a docker

  21. 有爆发世界大战的危险。

    There is a risk of world war .

  22. 这个舞厅的屋顶甚至在第二次世界大战中被炸飞过。

    The dance hall once even had its roof blown off in World War II .

  23. 在两次世界大战之间,柏林生活的优裕是众所周知的。

    Berlin was well known for its good living in between the two world wars .

  24. 第二次世界大战爆发时他被作为敌国侨民扣押了。

    He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War .

  25. 像德国很多城市一样,它不得不在第二次世界大战后进行重建。

    Like many cities in Germany , it had to recreate itself after the second world war .

  26. 双方都表示想重新统一自第二次世界大战结束以来分裂的国家。

    Both sides say they want to re-unify their country , which has been divided since the end of the Second World War .

  27. 这难免会令人想起1914年,那年巴尔干半岛上这一地区的动荡最终引发了世界大战。

    Thoughts inevitably flash back to 1914 , when trouble in this part of the Balkans led all the way to world war .

  28. 那里的当地居民经历过两次世界大战。

    The local people there have lived through two world wars .

  29. 这是他在第二次世界大战期间的生活记事。

    This is the chronicle of his life during World War II .

  30. 1939年爆发了第二次世界大战。

    The Second World War broke out in 1939 .