
  • 网络Kiruna
  1. 周三宣布上述决定之前,在瑞典北部的基律纳(Kiruna),北极理事会成员国的八名部长级官员从周二开始讨论,直至深夜,其中包括美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)。

    The decision Wednesday came after late-night discussions that began Tuesday in Kiruna , northern Sweden , between eight ministers of the Arctic Council 's member states , including Secretary of State John Kerry .

  2. 会议将于瑞典北部城市基律纳(Kiruna)召开,共14个国家和组织寻求获得所谓的观察员身份,这其中就有中国。中国对北极兴趣的增加凸显出该地区再次成为潜在地缘政治谜团的话题。

    Among the 14 countries and organizations seeking so-called observer status at the meeting in Kiruna , northern Sweden , will be China , whose increased interest in the Arctic underscores the region 's re-emergence as an area of potential geopolitical intrigue .

  3. 静态留矿充填水泥锚杆支护采矿法研究基律纳铁矿的分段留矿崩落法

    Research of Mining Method by Static Shrinkage - Fill with Cement Grouted Rock-bolt Support

  4. 煤矿综采整体难冒顶板控制基律纳铁矿的分段留矿崩落法

    Control of the massive and difficult - caving roof at fully mechanized coal face

  5. 今日瑞典基律纳铁矿

    Kiruna iron ore mine of Sweden today

  6. 基律纳市政委员会的250名员工曾在16年里遵从6小时工作制,但后来有报告称这对健康没有任何影响,于是在2005年这一制度废止了。

    For 16 years around 250 staff at Kiruna council worked a six-hour shift , but the policy was abandoned in 2005 after a report found that it had no impact on health .