
jī yīn fù zhì
  • gene duplication;gene replication
  1. 电子转移现象广泛存在于许多生命过程之中,例如在呼吸作用、新陈代谢、光合作用、生物固氮、基因复制与突变、生物体内的信号传递等过程中都涉及到电子传递的问题。

    The charge transfer between cofactors in proteins are widespread , such as respiration , metabolism , photosynthesis , nitrogen fixation , gene replication and signal transduction of biology and so on .

  2. 在BIT的诱导过程中,细胞在信号启动与转导,基因复制与转录,蛋白合成与修饰等环节发生相应的变化。

    During the induction of BIT , some changes happen in the processes of signal triggering and transduction , gene duplication and transcription and protein synthesis and modification in cells .

  3. 滤过性病毒能够引起疾病的机制是,病毒能够通过使用病人身体中的DNA基因复制系统来复制自己。

    The basic mechanism of viral attack is that the viruses replicate themselves using the host 's ( in this case is " our ") DNA genetic replication system .

  4. 大鼠BDNF基因复制缺陷型重组腺病毒的构建与鉴定

    Construction and Identification of Replication-deficient Recombinant Adenovirus Cloned with a SD Rat BDNF Gene

  5. 目的探讨人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)潜伏和活动性感染状态下病毒基因复制特点。

    Objective To explore the viral replication in HCMV latent and active infection in vitro .

  6. 目的本研究对原卟啉钠的制备方法进行了改进,以期简化其生产流程。并且体外观察原卟啉钠的细胞毒性作用及其对HCV亚基因复制子细胞模型RNA的抑制效果。

    [ Objective ] To explore the improved preparation of protoporphyrin disodium , observe the cytotoxicity of Napp in vitro and its inhibitory effect on HCV subgenomic replicon cell model .

  7. AHR的是一种转录因子,也就是说,它控制的信使分子的基因复制过程。

    AHR is a transcription factor , meaning that it controls the process by which messenger molecules are copied from genes .

  8. 在基因复制水平构建了8个工程菌,使PQQ产量提高了0.84~5.6倍。

    So that the copies of some pqq genes were improved and the production of PQQ were 0.84 ~ 5.6 times higher than before .

  9. 这种内复制提供了产生额外的基因复制的机理。

    Such endoreduplication provides a mechanism for producing extra gene copies .

  10. 丙型肝炎病毒非结构基因复制子模型的建立和应用

    Subgenomic replicon model of hepatitis C virus and it 's application

  11. 抗HBc-ScFv基因复制缺陷型腺病毒载体的构建及其体外表达

    Construction and expression of replication-deficient recombinant adenoviral vector carrying anti-HBc ScFv gene

  12. 他想了解哪个基因复制能预测前列腺癌复发。

    He asked where genome copy number profiles can predict CaP recurrences .

  13. 脊椎动物基因组与基因复制研究进展

    Advance on Genome and Gene Duplication of Vertebrates

  14. 携带乙肝核心抗原基因复制缺陷型重组腺病毒的高效制备和表达

    Construction of replication-deficient recombinant adenoviral vector carrying HBcAg gene and its expression in vitro

  15. 科学家们已经制造出羊和其他一些动物的完全基因复制品。

    Scientists have produced exact genetic copies of sheep and a few other animals .

  16. 因此我们推断,AS和基因复制可能不是独立进化的。

    We therefore conclude that alternative splicing and gene duplication may not evolve independently .

  17. 提出了一个综合考虑基因复制和边重连机制的蛋白质作用网络模型。

    A comprehensive model considering both gene duplication and link dynamics is proposed for protein-protein interaction networks .

  18. 这些数据结果支持了蛋白质结构的对称性是来自于古老基因复制进化的假设。

    All these results support the symmetry of the protein tertiary structure is from hypothesis of ancestral gene duplication .

  19. 研究人员还发现,在苹果进化过程中,数量庞大的基因组形成于一些意外的基因复制。

    The researchers also discovered that the huge size of the apple genome originated when it got accidentally duplicated far back in its evolutionary history .

  20. 在蛋白质作用网络的建模研究中,基因复制与边的重连过程被认为是塑造网络结构的主要机制。

    In the study of network modeling of protein-protein interaction networks , gene duplication and link dynamics are regarded as the major mechanisms shaping network structure .

  21. 生物科技已日渐广泛被应用于各科学及工业领域包括农业、环境保护、燃料及化学品、饮食、基因复制和医药。

    It has vast scientific and industrial applications in the areas of agriculture , environmental protection , fuels and chemicals , food and drink , gene cloning , and medicine .

  22. 首先运用演化博弈基因复制动态模型分别从定性和定量两个角度对近年来我国中小企业融资问题进行梳理与研究。

    The first to use the game theory of evolution , the genes from the qualitative and quantitative two with china on financing for SMES in recent years with my study .

  23. 不过近些年来,越来越多的微生物和模式生物的全基因组测序工作已经完成,产生了大量该家族的分子序列数据,这为我们从进化角度分析基因复制后的功能分化提供了一条有效途径。

    Recently , the whole-genome sequences of many micro-organisms and model species have been completed , resulting in a large amount of data , which makes it feasible to study functional divergence after gene duplication from evolutionary point .

  24. 本文从企业群体增加实物担保和地方政府适度对地方企业提供贷款担保两个方面建立演化博弈基因复制动态方程,然后对基因复制动态方程的所涉及的变量进行动态分析。

    From the business community to increase the physical security and local government to impose local enterprises to provide loan two ways to establish a dynamic evolutionary game genetic stencils of the equation , then genetic stencils of the dynamic of the equation the variable dynamic analyses .

  25. 先前的研究认为,拓扑异构酶TypeⅡB是由TypeⅡA通过基因的复制、重组和缺失所造成。

    Previous studies suggest that Type ⅱ B topoisomerase evolved from Type ⅱ A by gene duplication , recombination and absence .

  26. 人IL-10基因重组复制缺陷型腺病毒DNA的构建

    Construction of replication - deficient human IL-10 recombinant adenovirus

  27. 表达流行性感冒病毒HA基因非复制型重组腺病毒的构建及免疫效果的研究

    Construction of Replication-defective Recombinant Adenoviruses Expressing Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin and Study on its Immune Responses

  28. 细菌内同源重组法构建HBVs区和C区基因非复制型腺病毒载体及其体外表达

    Construction of replication-deficient recombinant adenoviral vector carrying HBV S and C region gene by homologous recombination in bacteria and its expression in vitro

  29. 人bcl-xl转基因小鼠外源基因的复制及传代的稳定性观察

    Observation on Reproduction and Stable Transmissibility of Foreign Gene in Human Bcl-xl Transgenic Mice

  30. 结论成功构建了表达人IL-18基因的复制缺陷性腺病毒载体。

    Conclusion Recombinant adenoviruses vector expressing human IL-18 gene has been successfully constructed as a potentially useful tool for investigating the anti-tumor role of IL-18 .