
  • 网络Goth;Gothic;the Goths
  1. 罗马在410年遭到哥特人的洗劫。

    Rome was sacked by the Goths in 410 .

  2. 而且这难道不是和哥特人的人民的名称相一致吗?

    And is it not identical with the popular name of the Goths ?

  3. 不是。Raj和我正打算去好莱坞一家哥特人俱乐部,跟夜猫子社交去。

    Howard : No. Raj and I are going to a Goth club in Hollywood to hang with the night people .

  4. 伊比利亚人,Tartessian,凯尔特人,腓基尼人,迦太基人,希腊人,罗马人,日尔曼人(Suevi和西哥特人)和摩尔人的文化都影响了这个国家。

    Iberian , Tartessian , Celtic , Phoenician and Carthaginian , Greek , Roman , Germanic ( Suevi and Visigoth ) and Moorish cultures have all made an imprint on the country .

  5. 493年,哥特人狄奥多里克成为罗马国王。

    In 493 Theodoric the Goth became King of Rome .

  6. 西哥特人在语言上的追求最多只是陈词滥调。

    Visigoth 's language aspires to nothing higher than the clich é s.

  7. 西哥特人将他们自己视作宇宙的中心。

    The Visigoths think of themselves as the center of the universe .

  8. 西哥特人不尊重甚至不承认其他标准。

    No other standard is respected or even acknowledged by the Visigoth .

  9. 你必定是一个雅典人或西哥特人。

    You must be an Athenian or a Visigoth .

  10. 欧洲用了几乎一千年的时间才从西哥特人所造成的破坏中恢复过来。

    It took Europe almost a thousand years to recover from the Visigoths .

  11. 在汪达尔人与哥特人中不存在这样的错误。

    There are no wrongs among the Vandals and none among the Goths .

  12. 我们不是哥特人,我们是情绪派。

    We 're not Goths , we 're Emos .

  13. 对西哥特人而言,除了流行以外,根本就没有衡量优秀艺术作品的尺度。

    To a Visigoth , there is no measure of artistic excellence except popularity .

  14. 至于哥特人,他们所拥有的特性也不是无可救药。

    As for the goths , they were not without their redeeming features , either .

  15. 西哥特人是一种观念。

    And a Visigoth is an idea .

  16. 哥特人于公元410年入侵罗马。

    The Goths invaded Rome in A.D.410 .

  17. 他们不是像匈奴人、哥特人或汪达尔人一样的粗鲁野蛮人。

    They were not rough barbariana like the huns , the goths , or the vandals .

  18. 我们称他们为西哥特人,你们也许还记得你们的六年级或七年级老师提到过他们。

    We call them the Visigoths , and you may remember that your sixth or seventh-grade teacher mentioned them .

  19. 罗马被西哥特人洗劫了。这次如此糟糕以至人们认为世界末日到了。

    Rome is sacked by the visigoths , an event so terrible that many thought the world was ending !

  20. 术语“哥特式”,当应用到建筑,完全不符合历史的哥特人。

    The term " Gothic ", when applied to architecture , has nothing to do with the historical Goths .

  21. 与此同时,人们的君士坦丁堡已变得兴奋,并在一晚几千哥特人被杀害。

    Meanwhile the people of Constantinople had become excited , and in one night several thousand Goths were slain .

  22. 现代的西哥特人只关心自己的事,根本不知道团体的含义。

    A modern Visigoth is interested only in his own affairs and has no sense of the meaning of community .

  23. 哥特人在公元初几个世纪侵犯罗马帝国的日耳曼人。

    A member of a Germanic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the early centuries of the Christian era .

  24. 东哥特人属于哥特人的一支,在西欧历史中留下了他们深深的足迹。

    Ostrogoths is a branch of the Goths , and they have profoundly affected the history of the Western Europe .

  25. 同雅典人一样,西哥特人也消亡了,不过是在他们带来一个被称作黑暗时代的时期之后。

    Like the Athenians , the Visigoths also disappeared , but not before they had ushered in the period known as the Dark Ages .

  26. 西哥特人最喜欢做的莫过于焚烧书籍、亵渎建筑、或者毁坏艺术品。

    There was nothing a Visigoth liked better than to burn a book , desecrate a building , or smash a work of art .

  27. 第二部分,结合所掌握的文献资料,论述了罗马帝国解体、进入中世纪后,西哥特人在西班牙的统治状况。

    Part two , regarding to the known materials , describes the Visigothic governance in Spain after the Rome disintegration that was in the Middle Ages .

  28. 对一个西哥特人而言,探求知识毫无用途,除非它能帮助你赚钱或者获得统治他人的权力。

    To a Visigoth , the quest for knowledge is useless unless it can help you to earn money or to gain power over other people .

  29. 日耳曼人是北欧的古代民族,哥特人是日耳曼人的一支,也是日耳曼人中人数最多,繁衍最快,势力最强的一支。

    Germans belongs to the ancient Northern Europe nations , Goths belongs to the Germans as the strongest one who has multitudinous numerous population and multiply fast .

  30. 相继被希腊人、罗马人、哥特人、伦巴第人、拜占庭人、诺曼人和威尼斯人统治,1557年成为那不勒斯王国的一部分。

    Controlled successively by the Greeks , Romans , Goths , Lombards , Byzantines , Normans , and Venetians , it became part of the kingdom of Naples in1557 .