
  1. 这主要表现在1、险市场微观需求主体:对商业保险的需求不足。

    Micro subject of the insurance market : Inadequate demand for commercial insurance .

  2. 本章首先介绍国内学者及机构对商业健康保险需求的研究,得出我国商业健康保险需求旺盛的结论。

    At first , we introduce the study on demand by domestic scholars and institutions and make conclusions : the demand for commercial health insurance is very strong .

  3. 在卫生费用不断增长的今天,我国商业保险公司面对需求旺盛的医疗保险市场却出现了停滞不前的情况。

    With ever-increasing health expenditure in China , health insurance market is in great demand . However , commercial health insurance in China stands still .

  4. 目前开发农村地区对于商业健康保险的潜在需求在经济上是可行的。

    It is feasible to open up the commercial health insurance market in rural areas .

  5. 商业补充医疗保险市场需求强烈,但保险公司在风险管控水平、人员素质、产品研发等方面力量薄弱,面临发展瓶颈。

    In spite of great desire in the field of business supplement medical insurance market , insurance company cannot develop quickly because of its risk control level , personal quality , product exploitation .